Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Mr. Anthony of the Call may well have hit on why business is slow in Crestwood (click here for the article)
Take a look at the various tax rates in our neighboring Cities and I think you will see why all the TIF, TDD, CID programs that have been awarded in Crestwood were not the best way to go.
Slap another 1/2 cent tax for metro link on the rate we charge and before you know it, it's real money. I hope our BOA will take a close look a`t this and vote down the next big "give away" before no one comes to Crestwood to shop !
Tom Ford
NO. 761
Slap another 1/2 cent tax for metro link on the rate we charge and before you know it, it's real money. I hope our BOA will take a close look a`t this and vote down the next big "give away" before no one comes to Crestwood to shop !
Tom Ford
NO. 761
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Take home cars for employees during a hard recession ? Click here please !
The BOA has told us that "we have cut to the bare bone" and yet there are still Crestwood Employees who have "take home cars" on our nickel ! Now I, like everyone else likes a perk or two every now and then, but when I am driving a vehicle that just turned 212,000 miles I have a hard time understanding them !
Mr. Eckrich have you no vehicle of your own to drive, and who else is using our gas and insurance while we, the great un-washed scrimp and save to buy a new set of spark plugs ?
Give us all a break and DO NOT even think of asking for a tax increase until you get your house in order, and that means parking your "perk" and canceling the Dog Catchers new SUV !
Tom Ford
NO. 760
Mr. Eckrich have you no vehicle of your own to drive, and who else is using our gas and insurance while we, the great un-washed scrimp and save to buy a new set of spark plugs ?
Give us all a break and DO NOT even think of asking for a tax increase until you get your house in order, and that means parking your "perk" and canceling the Dog Catchers new SUV !
Tom Ford
NO. 760
Friday, May 21, 2010
Conspicuous by their absence, the FOIA forms and the meeting audio (click here.)
On May 13, 2010 I asked where the F.O.I.A. forms and the audio of the Board meetings were on the new web site. I was informed that they were not there but the designer was "working on it."
Well, here it is May 22, 2010 nine days later and still no link to those very important items ! Why is that when the City Clerk called them on 5/13/10 and told them to put them on and yet, nothing ?
Now I can change the format (template) of this blog in five minutes so why has nothing been done in nine days ? And while I am at it, who told the creators of the new site to leave them off ? (hint, it wasn't Ms. Flowers.)
I am beginning to believe we have an "issue" with "someone" not wanting the information to be given to the great un-washed, I hope not, but it sure looks that way !
"Your Honor," prove me wrong and get this done so we have a bit more "transparency" up at City Hall !
Tom Ford
NO. 759
Well, here it is May 22, 2010 nine days later and still no link to those very important items ! Why is that when the City Clerk called them on 5/13/10 and told them to put them on and yet, nothing ?
Now I can change the format (template) of this blog in five minutes so why has nothing been done in nine days ? And while I am at it, who told the creators of the new site to leave them off ? (hint, it wasn't Ms. Flowers.)
I am beginning to believe we have an "issue" with "someone" not wanting the information to be given to the great un-washed, I hope not, but it sure looks that way !
"Your Honor," prove me wrong and get this done so we have a bit more "transparency" up at City Hall !
Tom Ford
NO. 759
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This came from a friend who owns a Body Shop." Is CHARACTER GONE IN AMERICA TODAY ?"
"I chose to engage yesterday. "
"Customer comes in to have a mirror replaced and we start talking while I am flipping things around. A Saturday morning so I have time to goof around. I took her as a more 'wannabe' liberal than 'died in the wool', the conversation ranged from hybrid cars and clean diesel technology (that has all been shelved by the white house) to the new law in Arizona to the Cubs being such losers that they were able to lose an 'assumption of risk' case when a fan got beaned by a foul ball - losing a case in total defiance of hundreds of years of precedence and undermining a bedrock doctrine of law that now allows people to not be responsible for themselves (huge grin ... I love picking on Cubs fans - not the old ones, the new ones ...). On health care I told her 'News flash - you are going to die. Nobody knows when, but you might as well start getting ready now because you can spend all of your money and all of everyone's money on whatever anyone can dream up and that will NEVER change. Get used to the idea and make peace with your Maker'.
I cannot call her a confirmed liberal because she was willing to listen in between spewing the typical liberal mantras. She wants to buy a new hybrid. I told her it was fine unless she was doing it to be fashionably 'green' which hybrids are not - they are in fact equally if not more abusive of the environment than traditional gasoline powered cars and there are better 'green' options to consider. I told her to go on the INTERNET and check where nickle is mined in Canada and see what an environmental disaster it is and then to ponder how green hybrids might be if we do as the fashionable green crowd seems to want in their knee-jerk manner, to shift tens of millions of car drivers over to hybrid or electrics today and multiply that disaster ten or twenty or an hundred fold before she wanted to be so fashionable. Shift the disaster elsewhere when we need to generate power which is going to be predominantly coal fired since we can't build a new nuclear reactor because it is not fashionably green any more ... I told her to check out the clean (and VERY quiet) diesels or some of the other excellent high mileage cars. I asked if she was ready to consider a Carree closer to home that might not pay as well so she wouldn't have to be so reliant upon fossil fuels or do her shopping at the local store instead of driving to the mega outlets to save a few pennies (if that). Not a true tree hugger (or is this a true tree hugger), her convictions were only skin deep and she was not ready to go to any extra expense to be green, and she really did not want an 'econobox' and wanted something with much more 'luxury'.
Fine with me, just don't bust my chops for driving my cowboy Cadillac (suburban) because you are no greener (I drive less than 2 miles and often bike) and she needed to remember that her car is made from much of the byproducts of refining gasoline - her car is mostly plastic which not only uses the crude completely by finding additional uses for byproducts of refined oil, but also saves crude by making the car lighter and stronger and safer, and that hybrids were in many regards a step back from what we are making today ...
About half way thru it gets really interesting when I bring up the fact that I am a single issue voter, and it may surprise as to which it is - the Second Amendment. She asks which one that is (oddly, a question that gets over an 80% correct rate when asked of people on the street ... not only that, but the vast majority can quote one or both lines of it ... hmmm, is this a typical liberal?). I tell her 'keep and bear arms' and she grimaces to reflect an off the scale reaction but without giving her a chance to respond I explain that it doesn't really have anything to do with the guns but it has to do with character, and that I believe as did the Founding Fathers that the Citizens of the country are all Noble enough and have the character necessary that I don't have to give their gun ownership a second thought - it is quite a thought that they felt you were worthy of being considered of Noble birthright.
I tried to explain that the Constitution is a radical document because for the very first time in history it finds Nobility in EVERY Citizen and that she herself is assumed to be of Noble character on par with any aristocracy or emperor that exists or has ever existed, as is every other Citizen who manages to call this country their own.
Well she responds with "There is no character in this country any more."
Blink, blink, ...
Shocked, I managed to say that I felt sorry for her seeing her country that way because I feel that I am awash in a sea of extraordinary character and wouldn't have it any other way.
She asks why I am so paranoid that I need a gun strapped to my hip. I replied that I am not afraid. She says "Sure, because you have a gun."
I asked then why she didn't get one so she wasn't so afraid. She said they are only for killing people. I said, no, they are only a tool - it is up to your character as to whether it is used for good or evil. I set down my screw diver and said pretend this is a gun - if we watch it long enough will violence ever happen? Of course not - it is an inanimate object. It takes your character to animate it. It is the same for baseball bats, hockey sticks, hammers, knives, wrenches, axes, or any tool - they can do nothing without you. I for one, trust that you will not put any of these things to use in an evil manner, but should you choose to not behave so, I have a ready response if that becomes necessary. You see we are surrounded by evil and hiding from it or pretending it does not exist does not change that fact.
She asked what I felt when I saw someone with a gun on their hip. I said I feel 'simpatico ... my kinda people and that I would probably ask if that is a .45'.
I switched to the law in Arizona and she spouted off again, so I asked if she knew that it was nothing more than codification of a Federal law at a State level so that Arizona could do something about the costs it was incurring due to illegals and the violence that has been wrought upon them across that region. She slowed. I told her of some friends of mine that retired there - lifelong liberal anti-gunners here, they had their LEO son come and teach them how to use their new firearms ... I asked if she preferred to instead be a safe haven like some of the California cities that have chosen to act in total violation of that very same Federal law and aid and abet criminals just because they were illegals, and I asked why she thought it was that no one from the white house to the media would say any of this. She was quiet and asked for proof - I gave it to her.
I comment that the biggest problem I see is the extreme hatred and vitriol (am I even using that word correctly ...) that is conjured by the far left, and that it should be un allowable in our system and yet we have a media and a left that play with hatred as a political tool with abandon which I personally find despicable, irresponsible and intolerable.
Suddenly she brings up Rush Limbaugh and really gets herself going - apparently she hates him. I look up at her (still working on her car at this point) with what must have been a somewhat confused look on my face and ask; "If you hate him so much why don't you just change the station?" I add, that while I think much of my thinking falls to the right (far right), I don't think I have ever listened to him on the radio at all, and I really don't think that anyone needs his help me think thru these issues. Again, I think we all have the character to decide these things on our own, which she again 'poo-poo's'.
I tell her that I am most distressed to hear that she finds no character in this country and hope that sentiment is not widespread because I think it is the only thing standing between us and the abyss. She has no comment other than a look that says she may well feel we have been in the abyss for a long time already ... (I guess George did it ...)
Then I go on to say that the media and the democrats are chewing on the own leg when they are attacking the only grassroots movement that we have seen in 25 years - a very large portion of the tea party movement, something like 40%, is disgruntled democrats and by villainizing them they are casting them aside and painting them as liberal lunatics on the far right when they are in fact made up in substantial portion of people in their own base. Again, toying with hatred being used a s a political tool - it should be intolerable.
At the end of the hour long battle I was spent (the mirror was the wrong one so I had to do it all twice and will see here again Tuesday when the right one comes in ...), but I guess the thing that stuck with me most and that was the most shocking thing that I took away from it all, was that she sees no character. Is that widespread? Is that really the source of liberal views?
Might have been a total waste of time but I need to figure this whole mess out better. In the end I feel sorry for liberals. On a micro level this individual seemed afraid of but able to sweep her fears under the carpet for the moment and is ready to listen to anyone who says they can fix it for her. Are they really unable to find any character in anyone? Are they really afraid of the world around them, or is it some kind of transference - a fault or failing of their own that they can only see in the world outside of themselves? But if they are really afraid of the world around them and everyone in it, when they gain power then how can they possibly lead us to anything but the destruction of the world they fear and that we hold so dear?
God help us.
Whatever personality that can lead us out of this, they need to appear on the horizon today. I have been looking around and I just can't seem to see them, ...
I guess I just thought you guys here might find it all interesting. I find it disappointing."
I think "Bodyman" has this one nailed. Now if we could spread some of that "Character" in City Hall, wow !
Tom Ford
NO. 758
"Customer comes in to have a mirror replaced and we start talking while I am flipping things around. A Saturday morning so I have time to goof around. I took her as a more 'wannabe' liberal than 'died in the wool', the conversation ranged from hybrid cars and clean diesel technology (that has all been shelved by the white house) to the new law in Arizona to the Cubs being such losers that they were able to lose an 'assumption of risk' case when a fan got beaned by a foul ball - losing a case in total defiance of hundreds of years of precedence and undermining a bedrock doctrine of law that now allows people to not be responsible for themselves (huge grin ... I love picking on Cubs fans - not the old ones, the new ones ...). On health care I told her 'News flash - you are going to die. Nobody knows when, but you might as well start getting ready now because you can spend all of your money and all of everyone's money on whatever anyone can dream up and that will NEVER change. Get used to the idea and make peace with your Maker'.
I cannot call her a confirmed liberal because she was willing to listen in between spewing the typical liberal mantras. She wants to buy a new hybrid. I told her it was fine unless she was doing it to be fashionably 'green' which hybrids are not - they are in fact equally if not more abusive of the environment than traditional gasoline powered cars and there are better 'green' options to consider. I told her to go on the INTERNET and check where nickle is mined in Canada and see what an environmental disaster it is and then to ponder how green hybrids might be if we do as the fashionable green crowd seems to want in their knee-jerk manner, to shift tens of millions of car drivers over to hybrid or electrics today and multiply that disaster ten or twenty or an hundred fold before she wanted to be so fashionable. Shift the disaster elsewhere when we need to generate power which is going to be predominantly coal fired since we can't build a new nuclear reactor because it is not fashionably green any more ... I told her to check out the clean (and VERY quiet) diesels or some of the other excellent high mileage cars. I asked if she was ready to consider a Carree closer to home that might not pay as well so she wouldn't have to be so reliant upon fossil fuels or do her shopping at the local store instead of driving to the mega outlets to save a few pennies (if that). Not a true tree hugger (or is this a true tree hugger), her convictions were only skin deep and she was not ready to go to any extra expense to be green, and she really did not want an 'econobox' and wanted something with much more 'luxury'.
Fine with me, just don't bust my chops for driving my cowboy Cadillac (suburban) because you are no greener (I drive less than 2 miles and often bike) and she needed to remember that her car is made from much of the byproducts of refining gasoline - her car is mostly plastic which not only uses the crude completely by finding additional uses for byproducts of refined oil, but also saves crude by making the car lighter and stronger and safer, and that hybrids were in many regards a step back from what we are making today ...
About half way thru it gets really interesting when I bring up the fact that I am a single issue voter, and it may surprise as to which it is - the Second Amendment. She asks which one that is (oddly, a question that gets over an 80% correct rate when asked of people on the street ... not only that, but the vast majority can quote one or both lines of it ... hmmm, is this a typical liberal?). I tell her 'keep and bear arms' and she grimaces to reflect an off the scale reaction but without giving her a chance to respond I explain that it doesn't really have anything to do with the guns but it has to do with character, and that I believe as did the Founding Fathers that the Citizens of the country are all Noble enough and have the character necessary that I don't have to give their gun ownership a second thought - it is quite a thought that they felt you were worthy of being considered of Noble birthright.
I tried to explain that the Constitution is a radical document because for the very first time in history it finds Nobility in EVERY Citizen and that she herself is assumed to be of Noble character on par with any aristocracy or emperor that exists or has ever existed, as is every other Citizen who manages to call this country their own.
Well she responds with "There is no character in this country any more."
Blink, blink, ...
Shocked, I managed to say that I felt sorry for her seeing her country that way because I feel that I am awash in a sea of extraordinary character and wouldn't have it any other way.
She asks why I am so paranoid that I need a gun strapped to my hip. I replied that I am not afraid. She says "Sure, because you have a gun."
I asked then why she didn't get one so she wasn't so afraid. She said they are only for killing people. I said, no, they are only a tool - it is up to your character as to whether it is used for good or evil. I set down my screw diver and said pretend this is a gun - if we watch it long enough will violence ever happen? Of course not - it is an inanimate object. It takes your character to animate it. It is the same for baseball bats, hockey sticks, hammers, knives, wrenches, axes, or any tool - they can do nothing without you. I for one, trust that you will not put any of these things to use in an evil manner, but should you choose to not behave so, I have a ready response if that becomes necessary. You see we are surrounded by evil and hiding from it or pretending it does not exist does not change that fact.
She asked what I felt when I saw someone with a gun on their hip. I said I feel 'simpatico ... my kinda people and that I would probably ask if that is a .45'.
I switched to the law in Arizona and she spouted off again, so I asked if she knew that it was nothing more than codification of a Federal law at a State level so that Arizona could do something about the costs it was incurring due to illegals and the violence that has been wrought upon them across that region. She slowed. I told her of some friends of mine that retired there - lifelong liberal anti-gunners here, they had their LEO son come and teach them how to use their new firearms ... I asked if she preferred to instead be a safe haven like some of the California cities that have chosen to act in total violation of that very same Federal law and aid and abet criminals just because they were illegals, and I asked why she thought it was that no one from the white house to the media would say any of this. She was quiet and asked for proof - I gave it to her.
I comment that the biggest problem I see is the extreme hatred and vitriol (am I even using that word correctly ...) that is conjured by the far left, and that it should be un allowable in our system and yet we have a media and a left that play with hatred as a political tool with abandon which I personally find despicable, irresponsible and intolerable.
Suddenly she brings up Rush Limbaugh and really gets herself going - apparently she hates him. I look up at her (still working on her car at this point) with what must have been a somewhat confused look on my face and ask; "If you hate him so much why don't you just change the station?" I add, that while I think much of my thinking falls to the right (far right), I don't think I have ever listened to him on the radio at all, and I really don't think that anyone needs his help me think thru these issues. Again, I think we all have the character to decide these things on our own, which she again 'poo-poo's'.
I tell her that I am most distressed to hear that she finds no character in this country and hope that sentiment is not widespread because I think it is the only thing standing between us and the abyss. She has no comment other than a look that says she may well feel we have been in the abyss for a long time already ... (I guess George did it ...)
Then I go on to say that the media and the democrats are chewing on the own leg when they are attacking the only grassroots movement that we have seen in 25 years - a very large portion of the tea party movement, something like 40%, is disgruntled democrats and by villainizing them they are casting them aside and painting them as liberal lunatics on the far right when they are in fact made up in substantial portion of people in their own base. Again, toying with hatred being used a s a political tool - it should be intolerable.
At the end of the hour long battle I was spent (the mirror was the wrong one so I had to do it all twice and will see here again Tuesday when the right one comes in ...), but I guess the thing that stuck with me most and that was the most shocking thing that I took away from it all, was that she sees no character. Is that widespread? Is that really the source of liberal views?
Might have been a total waste of time but I need to figure this whole mess out better. In the end I feel sorry for liberals. On a micro level this individual seemed afraid of but able to sweep her fears under the carpet for the moment and is ready to listen to anyone who says they can fix it for her. Are they really unable to find any character in anyone? Are they really afraid of the world around them, or is it some kind of transference - a fault or failing of their own that they can only see in the world outside of themselves? But if they are really afraid of the world around them and everyone in it, when they gain power then how can they possibly lead us to anything but the destruction of the world they fear and that we hold so dear?
God help us.
Whatever personality that can lead us out of this, they need to appear on the horizon today. I have been looking around and I just can't seem to see them, ...
I guess I just thought you guys here might find it all interesting. I find it disappointing."
I think "Bodyman" has this one nailed. Now if we could spread some of that "Character" in City Hall, wow !
Tom Ford
NO. 758
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Crestwood's new web site ! (click here.)
Please join me in viewing the new web site commissioned by ? As you peruse this "change" ask yourself how in the world we ever came to put on the site (at taxpayer expense) the photos, and Bios of the cat's and dog's snatched by Ms. Susie Sutton and her merry band of "volunteers !"
In case you forgot, were broke and yet we can spend valued resources on "Animal Control," and an adoption club run for the sole purpose of "Touchy / Feelie" residents who "couldn't exist without it !"
Now that said, I am wondering where the MANDATORY FOIA form site is ? This is, for some reason "conspicuous by it's absence !" I guess allowing our citizens to find out what their money is being spent on takes a back seat to the burning need to run an "adoption agency !"
In a word, RIDICULOUS !
Tom Ford
No. 756
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
When will we have a board President ?

I am not at all sure that we are allowed to say anything, but you all know me by now, so here goes.
If ever in the life of the City we needed someone to LEAD the Board it is now ! Some say we should just give it to Mimi Duncan. But why would we give it to a person who apparently does not understand what our problems are ?
We have three tried and true Board members ( Duchild,Miguel and Schlnk ) who are financial wizards, and one of them MUST be chosen to lead the Board ! We do not have the luxury of being "politically correct" here, were failing by the day and we must have someone who will "tell the truth" when it comes to our financial condition !
I admonish the Board to choose wisely when it comes to a Board President ! This is not the time for "buddies, Cronies, or yes people !" It is the time for serious reflection and serious people !
Tom Ford
NO. 755
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Crestwood first quarter financial report (click here please.)
If you notice we seem to have a few things in "brackets" which is not a Good thing in the accounting world at all. Now it's only the first quarter and it is possible that things will improve, so I will reserve judgment until next quarter.
One thing is perfectly clear though and that is spending must be reduced to the lowest possible dollar to make this budget work. You will note that the "Prop-S" funds are in there along with the "Irrevocable trust" that the Board voted to have in the general fund.
A bit more scrutiny tells me that we are a nano second away from Mr. Foot, ET AL telling us that a "TAX INCREASE" is mandatory or they will have to borrow from Royal bank again. If, and when that happens please remember the vote to retain $135,000.00 in the budget for animal control, and $750,000.00 for a " bridge to no-where" to fight a "canopy fire" in the park (I have never seen on in 41 years, and the Fire Chief said he couldn't put one out anyway) but by God we have (or will have) the bridge to get to it, maybe !
Then there is the little matter of the "Sappington House foundation" funds to the tune of $500,000.00 placed in the budget (but UN-TOUCHABLE) by anyone in Crestwood ! You see these funds are shown on our books but really belong to the Sappington House foundation. Now could an auditor please explain to me how that works ?
If you haven't seen the paper yet reference Sun Set Hills new mayor, please read it. This Gentleman is going to run the City as a business (what a novel idea,) and as such will no doubt be very successful at it, I wish ours would at least try the same thing !
Tom Ford
NO. 753
One thing is perfectly clear though and that is spending must be reduced to the lowest possible dollar to make this budget work. You will note that the "Prop-S" funds are in there along with the "Irrevocable trust" that the Board voted to have in the general fund.
A bit more scrutiny tells me that we are a nano second away from Mr. Foot, ET AL telling us that a "TAX INCREASE" is mandatory or they will have to borrow from Royal bank again. If, and when that happens please remember the vote to retain $135,000.00 in the budget for animal control, and $750,000.00 for a " bridge to no-where" to fight a "canopy fire" in the park (I have never seen on in 41 years, and the Fire Chief said he couldn't put one out anyway) but by God we have (or will have) the bridge to get to it, maybe !
Then there is the little matter of the "Sappington House foundation" funds to the tune of $500,000.00 placed in the budget (but UN-TOUCHABLE) by anyone in Crestwood ! You see these funds are shown on our books but really belong to the Sappington House foundation. Now could an auditor please explain to me how that works ?
If you haven't seen the paper yet reference Sun Set Hills new mayor, please read it. This Gentleman is going to run the City as a business (what a novel idea,) and as such will no doubt be very successful at it, I wish ours would at least try the same thing !
Tom Ford
NO. 753