Well in one fell swoop "his Honor," the City Attorney, and the City Administrator exhibited their collective lack of knowledge and their willingness to flaunt it !
Well I do believe we have "fleshed out" this debacle enough to give you the "rest of the story."
It seems as though Crestwood Citizen Mr. Steve Nieder asked to address the Dias (Mr. Golterman especially) reference the memorandum of understanding as it relates to the Crestwood Fire fighters being allowed to campaign in any elections as it relates to any official in Crestwood.
Mr. Golterman advised Mr. Nieder that he didn't know and would have to get back to Mr. Nieder on it. Wonderful, we have a man whose firm gets better than $145,000.00 from us a year and who wrote the M.O.U. saying he didn't know ! I ask you, if he didn't know, who does ?
Next Mr. Nieder had the audacity to ask Mr. Eckrich if he had read and, if so, understood the Crestwood Code as it pertains to animal control ? Un-fortunately, he said he didn't know it, so I guess he couldn't possibly be expected to understand it ! Now as a person who was elevated from Public Works director (animal control would have reported to him,) you would think he would know, wouldn't you ? In his defense I will say that he was voice of reason in that he wanted to drop the animal control position last year. None the less Mr. Eckrich, your drawing down over $100,000.00 per year with all things added in, so may I suggest you really should take the time to read it ?
Now on the "His Honor" who at first told Mr. Nieder he couldn't speak to the Board. Did I miss something or is this still America ? I re-read the Constitution, the City Charter, and a comic book and none of those documents say that a Citizen can't speak at a meeting "Your Honor !" If a Crestwood Citizen has something to say, listen to them, that's why you get the 'big bucks!'
Less we forget while all this was taking place it seems that Alderman Pickle was waiting in the wings for his Que, and guess what, he finally got it. Mr. Nieder and a Lady raised their hands again to speak during the new business section only to have Mr. Pickle make a motion to adjourn (seconded by either Beasley or Duncan, I am not sure.) The Board immediately voted to adjourn thus denying these residents their Constitutional right to be heard !
It's a very sad day indeed when that taxpayer is denied his / her right to be heard. I reflect on that outstanding editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony of the Call when he referred to "Buffoonery." I guess it's comforting to know that the "Buffooneries" don't stop with "His Honor," there seems to be plenty to go around !
Tom Ford
NO. 854