Thursday, February 24, 2011

Aldermen table the "memorandum of understanding" with the Fire fighters union (click here for the Call story>)

I have read this forward and back wards and so far all I can come up with is that the Crestwood Fire fighters do not want to be restricted from "political activity" in Crestwood.

Now at the last meeting "His Honor" made the remark that they are restricted from campaigning (in town if they work here) and the City Attorney has given his opinion (audio on City web site close to the end) that they cannot do it, so what's the problem completing the M.O.U. ?

I hope we can get this put to bed and soon as the April elections are fast approaching and there must be a firm understanding in place before the start of the "silly season."

Tom Ford

NO. 861

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We are loosing a great Employee (again.) Why this time, and why Her ? (AUDIO IS UP, CLICK HERE.)

Thats right gentle readers once again we loose an employee who has done an exemplary job as Director of Public Works. Why is that ? Is the job of Director of anything that stressful, or is someone in City Hall driving them out ?

Douglass Brewer Finance officer, the Parks and recreation Director both left a while ago, and why was never discussed (understandable.) This time we are seeing the Director of Public Works "moving on to better things," why is that ?

I have talked to a few Crestwood people who opine that part of it may be due to the "micro-managing" style of Mr. James Eckrich, City Administrator. Now if that's at all true I think we have a problem, in that were out too many good Department heads for no good reason ! I remember that when the job of City Administrator in Glendale became available, Mr. Eckrich was right there to apply, WHY ? Heck he still had wet ink on his promotion papers here !

By the way at last nights BOA meeting "His Honor" told Ms. Martha Duchild that he wasn't at all concerned about ANY of our employees leaving! Imagine that ? I never would have guessed it, why I am flabbergasted ! It wouldn't be your style of "management" that's causing this, would it "Your Honor ?"

Whatever is causing this hemorrhage in our valued employee pool needs to stop, and right now! Employees do not leave a job in this economy for just a salary increase, no there are other things that enter into the mix, and one of them is lack of appreciation! It's not bad enough that they work long hours minus salary increases or extra perks, are they expected to have to put up with ego's as well?

The audio of "His Honor" and Martha Duchild is up, click on the header to listen. By the way I had no idea that animals from Grants Farm came over the fence to attack and eat "Fluffy !" Wow, are we sure this is grounded in reality ?

Tom Ford

NO. 860

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How convent that this should post today of all days ! (please click here for the story.)

On the very day when the leading thing on the BOA meeting agenda is "animal control" we see a "puff piece" in the newspaper ! Now what's the chances of that "human interest" story would appear today of all days ?

ZERO unless someone has called the paper to "report" on this duplicate service, and how wonderful it is (so they say.) Just as timely we see quotes from "His Honor," such as,"Mayor Roy Robinson said he is a firm backer of local animal control."

"This city has almost become a haven for animal enthusiasts," he said. "Some people think St. Louis County can provide the same service but they don't — they are undermanned." (Not so.)

As you read the piece you will also note the quote from "friends of animal control" that says they have raised "thousands of dollars" to keep it. Interesting as the 2011 budget still has $53,000.00 to cover the expense of animal control. If they have raised all that money, what is it going for since we seem to be paying about the same amount year after year?

Were facing shortfalls in almost every department in Crestwood, the animal control officer is retiring "very soon" and yet "His Honor" still refuses to see the need to discontinue this duplication of expenses !

Oh wait, I almost forgot, it's election time in April and "His Honor" will d and say whatever is needed to be re-elected, right ? Well folks, don't be taken in by this sham, call your Alderman and tell them to drop this position when Ms. Sutton retires as we can no longer afford the luxury of duplicate services !

And please take a close look at Mr. Jeff Schlink for mayor, you won't be sorry that you did.

Tom Ford

N). 859

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Crestwood aquatic center reports a $78,000.00 loss in fiscal year 2010 (click here for the Call story.)

Yes we did loose money on White Cliff for the last two years, and since Sunset Hills has opened a Brand new 'center' we will no doubt loose more this year.

At this point your expecting me to call for the closing of the center, right ? Well I for one think it needs to stay open if for no other reason than to give the Crestwood kids a safe place to go.

But, how do we make up the short fall here ? We all know that commodity prices will be going up this year so we will be paying higher dollars for supplies, heat, light and all the other things needed to maintain a descent and clean pool and center.

Well, I have part of the answer here folks, we must eliminate the position of animal control (duplicate service) and use that $50,000.00 plus to reduce the losses ! If we do that and maintain a better watch on expenses we have the opportunity to at least break Even there.

Yes, it no doubt will mean raising the yearly pass charge, ans well as the non-resident pass charge, but it will be successful. Remember that this will be paid off in 2012, and we are supposed to have the 2012 final payment in escrow, so if we work it right, this may not be an issue in 2012.

The time to right the ship is now and the answer to part of it is right before our very eyes, so what do we do ? Do we continue with our heads in the sand, or do we do the NECESSARY things to plug the holes ? You tell me !

Tom Ford

NO. 858

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The quote of the day, think about it.

“Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government

that requires every citizen to prove

they are insured……but not everyone

must prove they are a citizen”


Tom Ford

NO. 857

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wildwood pony's up $25,000.00 for BBQ Bash (click here for the story !)

So what you say ? it's not our money you say ? Guess what, IT IS PART OF OUR MONEY ! You see a while ago a Mayor of Crestwood (and other mayors) got together with a County supervisor (and a Democratic State legislature) and the end result was a completely (political and) stupid idea to share the wealth from a "point of sale" City to those poor impoverished places like Wildwood (of all places.)

So the Crestwood Mayor (and the BOA) in typical "suck up to the County form" agreed to let Wildwood have $985,000.00 of our tax monies per year to "survive" as we had a plaza and poor little Wildwood did not ! Now this is still in full effect because the Mayor we have now is clearly afraid to stand up for us has done nothing to change this in the last few years, nor will he !

Guess what we have a State House and Senate who would be very sympathetic to this change, and we Have Mr. Dennis Hancock, Mayor of Fenton who has decried this for some time now and would go up with us I am sure. Now if we were to vote in a Mayor with the common sense and nerve to go for it we may get it changed in this current legislative session !

In any case it seems Wildwood is doing OK now if they can drop $25,000.00 on BBQ, no ?

Oh, did I mention that their City Attorney is Rob Golterman of Lewis, Rice and Fingerish ?

Tom Ford

NO. 856

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We are fast approaching Election time (AKA "the silly season") in Crestwood, and if you have questions as to what's going on, here's your form.

It has been asked often on this Blog how to find out what our tax monies are really going for. Well this form above (click on the header) is all you need to fill out and return to Ms. Tina Flowers, City Clerk, Crestwood, MO.

Please copy the form and fill it out making sure that your very specific as to what information your after, state the reason for it, and turn it into Tina. It will be returned to you within 72 hours and you will find that Tina and her staff are there to assist you in any way they can.

The City Clerks office in my opinion is one of the best run entities in Crestwood as you will discover when you request your documents. Please remember that they do have other duties ,so give them time and they will make sure your wants and needs are met.

Folks were going to elect a new Mayor in April. Have you ever wondered just what the current one is doing with your hard earned money ? I have and I will tell you that there is a wealth of knowledge to be mined by just asking for it, or if they don't want to give it up, the above FOIA form.

You have seen the "budget" posted but do you really know how it's dived up ? Probably not.

Tom Ford

NO. 855

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Board Of Alderman meeting on Tuesday 2/8/11 (Audio up .)

Well in one fell swoop "his Honor," the City Attorney, and the City Administrator exhibited their collective lack of knowledge and their willingness to flaunt it !

Well I do believe we have "fleshed out" this debacle enough to give you the "rest of the story."

It seems as though Crestwood Citizen Mr. Steve Nieder asked to address the Dias (Mr. Golterman especially) reference the memorandum of understanding as it relates to the Crestwood Fire fighters being allowed to campaign in any elections as it relates to any official in Crestwood.

Mr. Golterman advised Mr. Nieder that he didn't know and would have to get back to Mr. Nieder on it. Wonderful, we have a man whose firm gets better than $145,000.00 from us a year and who wrote the M.O.U. saying he didn't know ! I ask you, if he didn't know, who does ?

Next Mr. Nieder had the audacity to ask Mr. Eckrich if he had read and, if so, understood the Crestwood Code as it pertains to animal control ? Un-fortunately, he said he didn't know it, so I guess he couldn't possibly be expected to understand it ! Now as a person who was elevated from Public Works director (animal control would have reported to him,) you would think he would know, wouldn't you ? In his defense I will say that he was voice of reason in that he wanted to drop the animal control position last year. None the less Mr. Eckrich, your drawing down over $100,000.00 per year with all things added in, so may I suggest you really should take the time to read it ?

Now on the "His Honor" who at first told Mr. Nieder he couldn't speak to the Board. Did I miss something or is this still America ? I re-read the Constitution, the City Charter, and a comic book and none of those documents say that a Citizen can't speak at a meeting "Your Honor !" If a Crestwood Citizen has something to say, listen to them, that's why you get the 'big bucks!'

Less we forget while all this was taking place it seems that Alderman Pickle was waiting in the wings for his Que, and guess what, he finally got it. Mr. Nieder and a Lady raised their hands again to speak during the new business section only to have Mr. Pickle make a motion to adjourn (seconded by either Beasley or Duncan, I am not sure.) The Board immediately voted to adjourn thus denying these residents their Constitutional right to be heard !

It's a very sad day indeed when that taxpayer is denied his / her right to be heard. I reflect on that outstanding editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony of the Call when he referred to "Buffoonery." I guess it's comforting to know that the "Buffooneries" don't stop with "His Honor," there seems to be plenty to go around !


Tom Ford

NO. 854

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Crestwood is advertising for a WHAT ? (click here to be shocked !)

To say that I am incredulous is to make the understatement of the century ! We have Alder-persons saying we must have more taxes from us to fund the City, and I see this advertisement for a new 'dog catcher ?'

Let's look at this rationally for a change minus the 'emotion' were so used to getting on this subject. First and foremost St. Louis County provides us with animal control that we already pay for, ergo DUPLICATE SERVICE !

Second, the dog catcher in Crestwood only works a 40 hour shift thus leaving the remainder of the animal abatement time (128 hours) to guess who ? That's right ST. LOUIS COUNTY and our Police Department !

Third, there is no doubt in my mind that this posting is motivated by the need for votes that may be be garnered in the up-coming mayoral election. (This was posted on Friday, 4 Feb. 2011 at 4:38 PM, and from what I am told none of the Alder-persons were advised of it prior to the posting !) It makes one wonder who is running this rail road ? The BOA who we elected or ?

Now all that said, I ask you to call, write, visit your Alder-persons and tell them just what you think of this ridiculous waste of our tax monies. We have seen some doozies reference wasted funds from some on this Board, but his takes the cake !

If ever there was a reason to vote for Jeff Schlink for Mayor in April this blatant attempt to 'capture the animal crowd' vote is it. If you like the idea of constant tax increases, foolish expenditures, refusal to make the needed cuts to save Crestwood, well vote for Robinson and his minions. However, if you, like I have had enough of taxes, wasted expenditures, and the refusal of our elected officials to listen to US for a change, VOTE FOR MR. SCHLINK FOR MAYOR IN APRIL!

Tom Ford

NO. 853

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Public Works did a 4.0 job on the recent storm ! (Click here to email them.)

I wish to thank our Public Works Department and the snow plow drivers especially for an outstanding job during the height of the recent snow storm. !

This "snow plowing" is a sometimes thankless job for which no-one gets the proper credit. At least not the credit due them for the hours spent in the cold and time away from their families to insure we are safe on the streets of Crestwood !

When you see one of the troops in their plow make sure to thank them for a job well done ! It will go a long way, believe me.

Tom Ford

NO. 852

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Ground Hog day is tomorrow, February 2, 2011, and that started me thinking..........

One way we can put Crestwood on the map this year is to have "His Honor" and our 'animal control' officer (Ms. Susie Sutton) preside over festivities right here in Crestwood ! Why bother with 'Punxatawney Phil' when we could have our own prognostication right here in town with two celebrities doing the honors ?

What's that you say, we have no Ground Hogs in Crestwood ? Are you really sure about that ? At one point there were 'feral cats' running un-bridled (until Susie came and saved us,) so I would opine that Mr. Ground Hog is here somewhere hiding and waiting for his chance at stardom !

Don't worry about he cost of the festivities as the volunteers can shift to 'Ground Hog' adoption mode in a heart beat thus assuaging said cost's and insuring our tax monies are safe for other hare- brained projects.

Tom Ford

NO. 851