Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The "Crestwood independent leaves town, The Call elated"

Bet that got your attention! It's true, I will be in Omaha, NE. for a meeting from 2/1/06 to 2/4/06. Why do you care you say? Well if you want anything posted on the "Blog", you will have to wait until I return, or go with anonymous, or go to comments, click it, and follow the instructions to post using your name.

Please continue to post in my brief absence, and if you wish me to do it for you, E-mail it to me, and I will post it on Saturday (make sure you give me a phone number so I can make sure it's you).

Until Saturday, keep the chatter up, we are averaging over 80 hit's per day now!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Sunday, January 29, 2006

The new "homestead preservation act'

How many folks out there, over 65, knew that they may qualify for a tax credit of up to 5% this year?

Well it's true if you meet the qualifications, so please click on the title to be directed to the site!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford


Friday, January 27, 2006

Thought's on Crestwood politics, and what we can do to better our community!

Well folks, it's been an interesting ride for the past couple of years under the previous leadership, here in Crestwood! I, for one was extremely happy to see Mayor Roy Robinson elected, as I firmly believe he has the "good of the City" firmly ensconced in his agenda!

We have all heard his detractors, and nay-Sayers on the board wax eloquently, Visa Vi, the reasons that they have concocted to insure Crestwood fail's under his leadership, and we also have seen the foolish innuendo put forth by these detractors, to insure that he fails, as well!

Well, if you would look at what he has accomplished to date, I think you would have to join me in giving him a 4.0 rating so far! Just look at what he has accomplished in a few short months! A new City Administrator, A second, and third look at the budget, retaining Police, fire, para-medics, public works, and a great start on insuring a come back for Crestwood!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have all had enough of the "spend crowd" here in Crestwood, and that's why I would like you to consider voting for me as your Alderman, from Ward 2, in Crestwood!

I , and others have been labeled as "Citizens for fiscal responsibility" in the Call Newspapers, and rightly so. But please explain to me why this is a "negative", as we must all be interested in "Fiscal responsibility",( wouldn't you think) if Crestwood is ever going to return to the once vibrant City it once was!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sappington Square gets first OK!

Click on the headline for a transfer to the story.

Sappington Square plan gets first OK

Wednesday, Jan. 11 2006

Aldermen gave preliminary approval Tuesday night to the Sappington Square
Redevelopment Area plan, which includes use of eminent domain.

The developer told the board the $11.9 million project would bring in high-end
retail shops and potentially generate millions in tax revenue. The plan had run
into opposition because of a provision to provide eminent domain authority to
the developer, Sappington Square Corp.

Ellen Dailey, a representative of the developer, said the eminent domain
provision was likely to be needed for only one property.

The board voted 5-2, with Aldermen Timothy Trueblood and Richard LaBore

LaBore cited recommendations by Gov. Matt Blunt's eminent domain task force
that could restrict the power to public bodies and limit its use.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Crestwood Board of Alderman meeting on 1/24/06

Ladies, and gentlemen, the next BOA meeting is at 7:00 PM on January 24, 2006,(click on header to be directed to the agenda).

Why not plan to attend, and become involved in your community? I hope to see you there.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 58

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Will Mr. Chris Pickel please join us on this forum?

Chris, while we have never met, I am sure you have comment's that would be appreciated on this forum. I created this site for a discussion of the issues in Crestwood, and for Crestwood citizens to voice their opinions.

Now that you, and I are running for Alderman in Ward Two, I would like to see you "come aboard", and give us your opinion's on the issues we face in the coming year's here in Crestwood, and what your plans are to remedy them.

The citizens I have spoken to would love to see a "running debate" on the issues, and I for one would like to have your ideas, as well as mine on this site for all to see!

I know that you must have some ideas to move the City forward, so why not take advantage of my offer, and tell us what they are. Let's face it, we both know that you have been advised that this site exists, and I would bet you have read it a time or two, so why not jump in, please give us the benefit of your wisdom.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman in Ward Two'

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 57

Crestwood site of police/ swat team criminal chase, and capture!

Please click on the title to be directed to the Post Dispatch story, interesting indeed!

Tom Ford

No. 56

Friday, January 20, 2006

One of my favorite quotes!!!!

Ladies, and gentlemen, I would like to give you the opportunity to read one of my favorite quote's! I have reflected on the race for Alderman in Ward Two for some time now, and I feel that this is an appropriate way to express my feelings.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".

-- Theodore Roosevelt

In past posts I have asked for your vote in Ward Two, and I shall do so now, for I feel that this City can, and will prosper again! We have seen the divisive political posturing of the five who seem to be more interested in the agenda of other's, than the agenda of Crestwood!

Well, I will promise you that I, as President Roosevelt said,"shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat", but rather in the "arena", and with the help of all of you, and the Lord's guidance, working to make a better Crestwood!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 54

The "BLOG", requests, and comments!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, there can be no doubt that this site has created an opportunity for all in Crestwood to state their views. After all, that's why I started it, to better understand the community I hope to serve in April.

I have been both enlightened, and surprised by the comments posted here, and I guarantee you that this is your forum, so please continue to use it. I have one or two requests if I may. And they are, one, please think about using your name at the end of your post, so we may all understand what your feelings are, and why. And two, that you do not use this blog as a board to vent personal feelings, or try to right past wrongs. Let's all of us discuss the positive, (and, yes negative) side of local politics, but again, please no personal attacks, they just muddy the water, and serve no real purpose here.

Enough pontificating for today! If you wish to post on the blog, please E-Mail me (tford60@earthlink.net), include your name and phone number, and I will call you to make sure it's you, and then post it for you. If you wish to do it yourself, you will need to click "other" under comments, choose a name, and follow the instructions. If you still wish to remain "anonymous", you can do that, but if your post is extremely inflammatory, you will have to include a note as to why this is noteworthy!

Thank you all for your contributions in the past, and I look forward to future posts!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Resident dislikes political in fighting!

In answer to Anonymous who stated that we should start with the mayor because
if something doesn't go his way - he interrupts. Apparently you haven't been
to as many meetings as I have - because you would see - that just isn't so!
Actually, under the conditions that the mayor is subjected to as he sits on
the dias, I don't know how he can keep his composure at the BOA meetings. The
meeting starts and the wall goes up!

In my opinion, the mayor needs to get a little more than angry when he hears
the in-fighting going on. I don't know he can stand it. It would be hard not
to lose focus.

I think the mayor should start making aldermen who get rude, and
unprofessional leave the room. It's time someone starts reading Roberts Rules of Order.
The only real problem is that the board members would need to participate in
the order - and we all know that at least 5 out of 8 would not agree to do

In the meantime - the little guy with the mustache is excited because the
chaos and disgraceful antics keep him out of the limelight while he plans more
strategy to keep the troopers fighting with one another and malining the mayor.

Watch The History Channel sometime - it won't take you long to see what I

Sandra Grave


Monday, January 16, 2006

Candidate Darryl Walach questions BOA vote on Salvation Army request!

Sad Day in Crestwood
I attended the marathon Crestwood’s Board of Alderman’s meeting on January 10 and listened to comments regarding the potential granting of Salvation Army’s Conditional Use Permit request for a thrift shop. Earlier in the evening there was a Resolution for Helen Tello recognizing her for her efforts and dedication in the County Older Resident Program. Mrs. Tello thanked everyone for this recognition and commented that the Crestwood residents are wonderful residents whom are caring and willing to go the extra step for those whom are in need.
I then listened to Caption Scheler’s of the Salvation Army presentation to have a thrift shop located next to Aldi. Mr. Scheler commented and confirmed by the Economic Director, Ellen Dailey that Melaniphy & Associates, consultant on the retail market of the Watson Road corridor, thought that this particular location would be a right "fit" for the thrift shop. One of the reasons by Melaniphy is that the location considered is not visible.
This particular location has been vacant for 2+ years without any revenue. It is located on the south side of the strip mall next to Aldi. It’s true that the location may not bring any sales tax directly to the City of Crestwood due to the tax exempt status; however, it will bring in additional traffic that is sorely needed on the Watson corridor. This is again what Melamphy suggested was to increase the traffic flow. Indirectly, it brings individuals of all income levels to browse, shop, or drop off donations at the thrift shop. This increased traffic flow indirectly increases the opportunity for Crestwood to capture additional revenue at other Crestwood businesses which outweighs any monetary loss in granting Salvation Army’s request for a thrift shop. The individuals whom "shop" at thrift shops range from low income to the upper income level. It is not your typical stereotype that one would expect to visit a thrift shop.
On a personal matter, my mother was a volunteer at Feed My People, a very similar charity. It was the most worthwhile, gratifying and fulfilling volunteerism that she had performed. I am very much in favor of allowing Salvation Army a permit not only on a personal level but it is a right "fit" to that location as confirmed by Melaniphy. Would this business generate an increased flow in traffic? Does this increased traffic flow override the loss of retail sales tax loss for this site? Is there a general welfare concern of allowing the thrift shop at this location? Would Aldi and the other businesses at this site benefit with a thrift shop at this site? What was not asked last night was the potential sales tax that the City hopes to generate at this site if a business moves in? You would be surprised of what little sales tax would be generated from this particular location. I also ask as to who is going to place their business next to Aldi’s. If anyone has any inclination, I encourage them to talk to the property owner of that location as they have been searching for the past couple of years for tenants.
Here was a wasted opportunity to increase the traffic flow which means increased revenue to our other businesses throughout Crestwood. If the concerns were the timeline in allowing the permit or the hours of operation, I’m sure that Salvation Army is willing to address those concerns. What we really lost out on is Crestwood’s appeal that was earlier echoed by Mrs. Tello earlier that evening. Where was the caring, goodwill, thoughtfulness when this decision to deny Salvation’s Army permit request for the thrift shop? I wonder now if Mrs. Tello wants to reconsider her comments.
Thanks, Darryl Wallach


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Resident dislikes political in-fighting in Crestwood!

I would like to respond to some of the comments on the blog; specifically the
Board of Aldermen Meeting of January 10th.

In over 30 years, there have always been problems now and then with politics
in our city, but I never saw it reach such epidemic proportions as it is
today. Many of the board members I knew years ago are deceased but I never thought
I would see some of our new young people who are serving now be so
mean-spirited. There is nothing more disgusting than a know-it-all rookie. And there
is nothing that upsets me more than to see people on our board of aldermen
allow anybody to get by with calling fellow aldermen names as happened on January
10th. You older aldermen who are seasoned by now, need to come down on people
who do that. Unless you feel that it is proper - in which case, maybe you
should resign. I wasn't at the meeting but it did happen and I believe it
because this has happened before. The President of the Board of Aldermen or the
Mayor needs to address this at an upcoming meeting. Using "street smarts" at a
Board of Aldermen meeting by someone who glorifies himself every Sunday in
church playing the "good guy" is a little hypocritical. I, for one, would hate
to come to a board of aldermen meeting and feel like I am at a boxing match.
The people on the board of aldermen should be solving the city's problems - not
creating them.

Sandra Grave

No. 49

Resident has issues with Mr. Pickel, and his associate, Mr Kelleher!

Oh Boy - Mr. Pickel is running for alderman in my ward. That's just what
Ward 2 needs (Kelleher and Pickel) "the apple brothers - seedy and corey" working
together. Heaven Help Us if that happens. Mr. Pickel and Alderman Kelleher
are both "two peas in a pod".

I was one of the people who sat behind both Mr. Kelleher and Mr. Pickel at
the mayoral debate between Tom Fagan and Roy Robinson. They did nothing through
that whole debate but make fun of Roy Robinson every time he tried to answer
questions. It disgusted me. And you would be wrong, if you think that I would
have felt any different if I heard someone do that to Tom Fagan. What is
wrong will always be wrong. Whether you like it or not people should be given a
chance. But respect? Well you have to give it before you earn respect. So
far, I haven't seen any of that coming from either Jim Kelleher or Christopher

Since Alderman Kelleher opened the door at the board of aldermen meeting the
other night by name calling - specifically calling Alderman Miquel "a snake" -
I guess I can say things - as I see them. I have worked for Crestwood over
30 years, and I thought I saw and heard it all - but I never heard anyone call
a fellow alderman - "a snake". Someone really has to be stupid to do that.
And he calls himself a servant of the people? I say - "it takes one to know
one" - so he must be one!
As far as I am concerned, I gave both (Pickel and Kelleher) a chance and I
saw what I saw and heard what I heard. Mr. Pickel was so distruptive at the
mayoral debate, I couldn't even hear half of what was being said. And he wants
to run for office in my ward?

I am not one who says things that are untrue. I am not one who doesn't give
people more than a fair chance to prove themselves, but when I see people who
misuse their power, and don't give people respect, I will say something.

When I spoke with Mr. Kelleher about his conduct at the debate - he screamed
at me - true to form - and in defense of myself - I screamed back. Waiting
for an apology from him was not forthcoming. So I ended up being the bigger
person, and apologized to him for getting upset. I tried to get through to him
but after what I have heard about his antics and temper and his behavior on
the podium - not only on 1/10/06 but many other times - I can see now that I
was right all along. He is definitely not going to work with anybody who is
mayor unless it is the one he picks. So you talk about "rubber stamping" - the
definition has his picture next to it. If it's "his guy on that podium" - he's
got Kelleher's vote - right or wrong. And I don't understand why someone
doesn't read the Roberts Rules of Order - specifically "Managing Misbehaving
Members - and slam him - big time.

We keep getting these 6th grade antics from Kelleher and all we need is
another one like him representing us.

Sandra Grave


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday in Crestwood, 2006 style

A wonderful Saturday here in Crestwood, and I find myself reflecting on some of the issues, past, and those we face over the next three years.

1. We have two city buildings (City Hall, Public Works) which we borrowed funds on.

2. We spent well over a million to plan a building we could not afford.

3. We are spending exorbanant legal fees on lawsuits that should never have happened.

4. We find our City on the negative side of the news (Just read the Call).

5. We have political in-fighting on the board which insures little progress.

6. We have seen our tax base eroding due to business loss.

7. We have watched, as some of our elected officials maligned our new Mayor.

8. We have witnessed some of the most ridiculous behavior, on record at BOA meetings.

9. We have been forced to wonder if we will have emergency services in the future.

10. We are all wondering what happened to the Crestwood we all know, and love.

Well folks, there are those who will tell you they have all the answers, but I am not one of them, I will work hard to find them, and I know with your help, and in-put we will succeed. I, like you, am just an ordinary citizen of Crestwood, (35 years) with a stake in the way this community turns out. You see, we raised two son's here in Crestwood, who are now serving police officers, and Linda and I have two grandchildren, (one more on the way). I don't know about all of you, but I plan to stay here as long as the Lord will let me, so that's why I have decided to run for Alderman in Ward Two. I am of the opinion that this City needs a change to give it the opportunity to regain it's stature, as well as it's fiscal health. I want my son's and their children to be able to play in a secure environment, and I once again wish to be proud to say that I am from Crestwood, Missouri!

As you may be aware there is change, and then there is change! To change name tag's on the dais is not going to effect the changes we need here in Crestwood! This community has operated far too long on the "borrow, and spend" theory put forth by the previous Mayor, and his willing accomplices on the BOA. This is how we managed to spend large amounts of funds on a building we could not afford! And it is why today, we find ourselves in the this sad state of affairs!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, we have the opportunity to effect the change I have been talking about in April, 2006! That's when we will all, (I pray) go to the polls and elect new Aldermen, people who believe in Crestwood, and people, who like me want to see this town great again!

The only question now is, are you happy with the way things have been, or will you please join me to work for a far better Crestwood in the future?

My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two!

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Friday, January 13, 2006

Chris Pickel files for Alderman, Ward Two!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, Please join me in welcoming Mr. Chris Pickel to the race for Ward Two Alderman! I am sure Mr. Pickel will have some very interesting plans for our future over the next few month's, and I welcome him to the arena of ideas.

The race is starting to shape up now, and as I have stated before, we shall have a very clear difference of opinions for the voters to look at. For the first time in a while, we shall be able to pick from a candidate who backed the old Mayors ideas, and one who favors change, fiscal responsibility, and a vibrant Crestwood, an out of debt Crestwood!

Which one will you back? Who knows, but it will be interesting to find out, won't it. But for now, please join me in welcoming Chris to the debates!

By the way Chris, this is your last "free plug"!

My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two!

Tom Ford,
Candidate for Alderman, Ward Two
Crestwood, Missouri
