Friday, June 30, 2006

On this Independence Day America, please wake up to the facts! WW3 started in 1979!!

WWIII Started in 1979

This is not very long, but very informative. You have to read the catalogue of events in this brief piece. Then, ask yourself how anyone can take the position that all we have to do is bring our troops home from Iraq, sit back, reset the snooze alarm, go back to sleep, and no one will ever bother us again. In case you missed it, World War III began in November 1979... that alarm has been ringing for years
US Navy Captain Ouimette is the Executive Officer at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. Here is a copy of the speech he gave last month. It is an accurate account of why we are in so much trouble today and why this action is so necessary.
That's what we think we heard on the 11th of September 2001 (When more than 3,000 Americans were killed -AD) and maybe it was, but I think it should have been "Get Out of Bed!" In fact, I think the alarm clock has been buzzing since 1979 and we have continued to hit the snooze button and roll over for a few more minutes of peaceful sleep since then.
It was a cool fall day in November 1979 in a country going through a religious and political upheaval when a group of Iranian students attacked and seized the American Embassy in Tehran. This seizure was an outright attack on American soil; it was an attack that held the world's most powerful country hostage and paralyzed a Presidency. The attack on this sovereign U. S .
America was still reeling from the aftermath of the Vietnam experience and had a serious threat from the Soviet Union when then, President Carter, had to do something. He chose to conduct a clandestine raid in the desert. The ill-fated mission ended in ruin, but stood as a symbol of America's inability to deal with terrorism.
America's military had been decimated and down sized/right sized since the end of the Vietnam War. A poorly trained, poorly equipped and poorly organized military was called on to execute a complex mission that was doomed from the start.
Shortly after the Tehran experience, Americans began to be kidnapped and killed throughout the Middle East. America could do little to protect her citizens living and working abroad. The attacks against US
In April of 1983 a large vehicle packed with high explosives was driven into the US Embassy compound in Beirut When it explodes, it kills 63 people. The alarm went off again and America hit the Snooze Button once more.
Then just six short months later in 1983 a large truck heavily laden down with over 2500 pounds of TNT smashed through the main gate of the US Marine Corps headquarters in Beirut and 241 US servicemen are killed. America mourns her dead and hit the Snooze Button once more.
Two months later in December 1983, another truck loaded with explosives is driven into the US Embassy in Kuwait , and America continues her slumber.
The following year, in September 1984, another van was driven into the gate of the US Embassy in Beirut and America slept.
Soon the terrorism spreads to Europe. In April 1985 a bomb explodes in a restaurant frequented by US soldiers in Madrid.
Then in August 1985 a Volkswagen loaded with explosives is driven into the main gate of the US Air Force Base at Rhein-Main, 22 are killed and the snooze alarm is buzzing louder and louder as US interests are continually attacked.
Fifty-nine days later in 1985 a cruise ship, the Achille Lauro is hijacked and we watched as an American in a wheelchair is singled out of the passenger list and executed.
The terrorists then shift their tactics to bombing civilian airliners when they bomb TWA Flight 840 in April of 1986 that killed 4 and the most tragic bombing, Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in1988, killing 259.
Clinton treated these terrorist acts as crimes; in fact we are still trying to bring these people to trial. These are acts of war.
The wake up alarm is getting louder and louder.
The terrorists decide to bring the fight to America . In January 1993, two CIA agents are shot and killed as they enter CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
The following month, February 1993 , a group of terrorists are arrested after a rented van packed with explosives is driven into the underground parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City. Six people are killed and over 1000 are injured. Still this is a crime and not an act of war? The Snooze alarm is depressed again.
Then in November 1995 a car bomb explodes at a US military complex in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia killing seven service men and women.
A few months later in June of 1996, another truck bomb explodes only 35 yards from the US military compound in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It destroys the Khobar Towers, a US Air Force barracks, killing 19 and injuring over 500. The terrorists are getting braver and smarter as they see that America does not respond decisively.
They move to coordinate their attacks in a simultaneous attack on two US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.. These attacks were planned with precision. They kill 224. America responds with cruise missile attacks and goes back to sleep.
The USS Cole was docked in the port of Aden, Yemen for refueling on 12 October 2000 ,when a small craft pulled along side the ship and exploded killing 17 US Navy Sailors. Attacking a US War Ship is an act of war, but we sent the FBI to investigate the crime and went back to sleep.
And of course you know the events of 11 September 2001. Most Americans think this was the first attack against US soil or in America . How wrong they are. America has been under a constant attack since 1979 and we chose to hit the snooze alarm and roll over and go back to sleep.
In the news lately we have seen lots of finger pointing from every high officials in government over what they knew and what they didn't know. But if you've read the papers and paid a little attention I think you can see exactly what they knew. You don't have to be in the FBI or CIA or on the National Security Council to see the pattern that has been developing since 1979.
I think we have been in a war for the past 25 years and it will continue until we as a people decide enough is enough. America needs to "Get out of Bed" and act decisively now. America has been changed forever.. We have to be ready to pay the price and make the sacrifice to ensure our way of life continues. We cannot afford to keep hitting the snooze button again and again and roll over and go back to sleep.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto said "... it seems all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant." This is the message we need to disseminate to terrorists around the world.


Please join with me in mourning the passing of Mr. Fred Thieme.

"Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he dies that distinguish one man from another".
-- Ernest Hemingway

Ladies and gentlemen, we have lost a Crestwood Resident this past week to cancer, a truly fine Gentleman, and a friend to many in Ward 1. I had only met Fred two times, once when I ran for Alderman, and once after the election. Both times he came across as a God fearing Gentleman who could be counted on to tell you the truth, and give sage advice when asked for it.

I understand that Fred has a daughter from Kansas City who is in town, and I pray that she will take up where I leave off, and give us all some insight into the true gentleman I knew for such a short time.

Tom Ford

No. 176

West Nile Virus found in parts of St. Louis County.

Please click on the header to be directed to the St. Louis County web site for tip's on how to avoid contact with these pesky little creatures that may harbor the virus.

Tom Ford

N0. 175

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

If Noah were alive today, what would the Government do to the Ark?

With thanks to Ms. Jackie Stock, I present the following for your perusal and enjoyment.

Tom Ford


In the year 2006, the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in the
United States, and said, "Once again, the earth has become wicked and
over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me.

Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good

He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, "You have 6 months to build the Ark
before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."

Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard -
but no Ark.

"Noah!" He roared, "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?"

"Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed. I needed a
building permit. I've been arguing with the inspector about the need for a
sprinkler system. My neighbors claim that I've violated the neighborhood
zoning laws by building the Ark in my yard and exceeding the height
limitations. We had to go to the Development Appeal Board for a decision.

Then the Department of Transportation demanded a bond be posted for the
future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to
the passage for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would
coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.

Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees
in order to save the spotted owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists
that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!

When I started gathering the animals, an animal rights group sued me.

They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They
argued the accommodation was too restrictive, and it was cruel and inhumane
to put so many animals in a confined space.

Then the EPA ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an
environmental impact study on your proposed flood.

I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission
on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew.

Immigration and Naturalization is checking the green-card status of most
of the people who want to work.

The trades unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only
Union workers with Ark-building experience.

To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying
to leave the country illegally with endangered species.

So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish
this Ark."

Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow
stretched across the sky. Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean
you're not going to destroy the world?"

"No," said the Lord. "The government beat me to it."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sorry folks but some of these so called Senators have to go!

Click on the header for the full story, vile as it may be!

Tom Ford

No. 173

Monday, June 26, 2006

Crestwood Independent returns triumphant from the Walleye Wars>

I am happy to report that I have returned to Crestwood after a sustained attack on the famous Walleye off Middle Sister Island (Lake Erie) over the weekend!

Fishing with noted anglers Capt. Pat Chrysler (of Cabellas fame, and guide extrodinare,) Commodore George Weisenbach (Middle Bass Island Bon Ve vont, women love him, fish fear him,)and last but not least Dennis Langley (or Capt. Hook as he has become known,) we limited out every day!

Dennis showed us all what courage under fire is all about, Even with one leg he managed to answer the call each time I called "fish on" (and that in a rolling 2-4 foot sea!) All in all we brought back 24 large Walley, ate some there, popped a cap on at least one Bud Light, looked at the church architecture at the "worlds longest bar" (the beer barrel, Put-In-Bay,) and generally let the stress ebb out! For an idea of what the islands are like, click on the header.

I see by the posts we have been busy little beavers while I was gone, and I thank you for that, however, can't we tone down the insults some what? Please let us continue to bring forth the issues important to us all, but at the same time, keep the full body slam to a minimum please!

Tom Ford


Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Crestwood Independent leaves for the Walleye wars!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, I will be on the trail of the elusive Walleye with my esteemed brother-in-law, and my friend, Mr. Pat Chrysler (Cabella's field tester, and guide,) off the Twin Sisters islands, and the Niagara Reef until Tuesday, June 27, 2006.

It has been your messages, and suggestions that have kept this blog going, and I appreciate every one of them, as, I am sure all Crestwood residents do.

Please keep up your fine posts on this blog, and I look forward to re-joining you upon my return.

Tom Ford


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

For you conspiracy and "black Helo." fans, this is a good one!

Could our Government be spying on our computers from right here in Bridgeton?

Click on the header to be directed to the story!

Tom Ford

No. 170

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Charter of the City Of Crestwood!

Folks, it's come to my attention that many of the citizens of Crestwood have never read the City Charter. The Board of Alderman will be asking us to change this outstanding document this year, and I think it's a change for the worse. We will be asked to remove the "term limits" on elected officials, approve new language for use in censuring the Mayor, or Board members, and other things that will become clear as we move forward on this issue.

The Charter came into being in 1995 with the idea it was to be reviewed every TEN years. That was TEN tears, not NINE years. The Mayor Fagan however called for a formation of a committee to review the charter prior to the TEN year period, and they did just that. Why is that you say? Well I have no idea (well I do, but I shall reserve it.)

This will be on the ballot at the next election (not yet scheduled,) so if I may I would suggest all of our voters become thoroughly familiar with it's language, and the ramifications of these changes. In my humble opinion, if passed, these changes will lead to the possibility of one faction governing Crestwood for some time to come, and I doubt that was the intent when the Charter was adopted. A democracy demands that we give all our citizens the opportunity to seek public office, and that's hard to do if your running against a permanent fixture, so why the change?

Well enough pontificating, please click on the header to be directed to Crestwood's Charter, read it and decide for yourself if we need to change the corner stone of our community.

Tom Ford


What do you think of this idea?

The Missouri House has a new idea for taxes in St. Louis County. Please click on the header to be directed to the bill.

Tom Ford


Saturday, June 17, 2006

St. Louis magazine does a positive article on Crestwood!!

Please click on the header to be directed to the story, and thanks to one of our "blogers" for alerting me to it.

Tom Ford

No. 167

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Crestwood Board votes to keep sales tax holiday!

Please click on the header to be directed to the story. This is a good move for the the retailers in Crestwood, and will bring extra business to them. While it will not give the City any tax dollars, it will bring in shoppers that may have never shopped Crestwood before.

Tom Ford


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Crestwood Board Of Alderman meeting, 6/13/06.

Ladies, and Gentlemen, I was not in attendance at last nights BOA meeting, so I file this story from conversations with those who were. I have been told by those attendees that it was a very positive meeting!

One of the statements (I am told,) made by Mr. Jerry Miguel, Board President reference his visit to Armstrong Teasdale,to discuss the Bond sales should be viewed (in my opinion,) as outstanding!

I don't know about you, but I feel very good about having Messrs. Miguel, Neider,Roby,Robinson, ET AL on the side of Crestwood. If all is not right, let's not make it worse by selling bonds that include political sub-divisions (TDD,) that may, or may not be the right thing to do!

Times are changing in Crestwood, we have citizens who care about the community, and board members who will insure that "business at the same old stand" no longer applys here. I, for one think we are on the right track to returning Crestwood to it's rightful place as the "Jewel of St. Louis County"!

Tom Ford


The Suncrest Call is asking for letters to the Editor!

Ladies, and gentlemen, Your local newspaper needs you! The call in the latest edition (6/14/06,) has requested "letters to the editor"!

I would say to Arms, to Arms, but in this case it's to PEN'S! Please do your civic duty and help out the Call with your card's and letters, and while your at it, show them the "kinder and gentler" side of Crestwood!

Tom Ford

No. 164

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Points to ponder!

If you are not familiar with the work of Steven Wright, his point of view may tickle you a bit.
He is a famous and erudite scientist who once said: I woke up one morning and all of my stuff had been stolen and replaced by exact duplicate. To say the least, his mind sees things differently than most of us.
Here are some of his gems:
1 - I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
2 - Borrow money from pessimists -- they don't expect it back.
3 - Half the people you know are below average.
4 - 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
5 - 82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
6 - A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.
7 - A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
8 - If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.
9 - All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.
10 - The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
11 - I almost had a psychic girlfriend,...but she left me before we met.
12 - OK, so what's the speed of dark?
13 - How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
14 - If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked
15 - Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
16 - When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
17 - Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
18 - Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.
19 - I intend to live far, so good.
20 - If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
21 - Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
22 - What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
23 - My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your
horn louder."
24 - Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
25 - If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
26 - A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
27 - Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
28 - The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the
29 - To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is
30 - The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
31 - The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.
32 - The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on
33 - Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film.
And my all time favorite-
34 - If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights

Tom Ford

No. 163

Board of Alderman meeting, 6/13/06, early start.

Please click on the header to be directed to the Crestwood web site. You will see that a work session is to start at 6:00 PM, with the regular session at 7:00 PM. An executive session for legal matters will follow the regular session.

Please join us at the meeting, and find out how your City works.

Tom Ford

No. 162

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi assumes room temperature!

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, this is not the beginning of the end, but is is the end of the beginning!

I know this is not about Crestwood, but I have friends with sons, and daughters there, and I believe this will so fragment the opposition that, God willing they may come home soon.

May God bless our armed forces, and the U.S.A.

Tom Ford

No. 161

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Suncrest Call, wed. 6/7/06 editorial.

What a difference a week makes! Mr. Burke Wasson has returned to his former ways of fair and straightforward reporting! For those of you who have not yet seen his editorial on Mayor Roy Robinson, and Crestwood this week, let me assure you that Mr. Wasson told it like it is.

Thank you Burke for a job well done. This is all we could ever ask of you, that you report the facts, as you have done in this article.

Good job sir!

Tom Ford


Sunday, June 04, 2006

What with 6/6/06 coming on Tuesday, I thought you might enjoy "Hell", MI. plans, Yes there is such a town!

Please click on the header to be directed to their web site. Now I don't know about you, but it seems to me these folks have not only a great sense of humor, but outstanding town spirit (would that it were the case in Crestwood.) The story below explains their plans for Tuesday, and it looks like fun to me!

Tom Ford


The story:

Hell, Mich., Heats Up for 6-6-6 Party

HELL, Mich. (AP) - They're planning a hot time in Hell on Tuesday. The day bears the date of 6-6-06, or abbreviated as 666 - a number that carries hellish significance. And there's not a snowball's chance in Hell that the day will go unnoticed in the unincorporated hamlet 60 miles west of Detroit.

Nobody is more fired up than John Colone, the town's self-styled mayor and owner of a souvenir shop.

"I've got '666' T-shirts and mugs. I'm only ordering 666 (of the items) so once they're gone, that's it," said Colone, also known as Odum Plenty. "Everyone who comes will get a letter of authenticity saying you've celebrated June 6, 2006, in Hell."

Most of Colone's wares will sell for $6.66, including deeds to one square inch of Hell.

Live entertainment and a costume contest are planned. The Gates of Hell should be installed at a children's play area in time for the festivities.

"They're 8 feet tall and 5 foot wide and each gate looks like flames, and when they're closed, it's a devil's head," Colone told The Detroit News for a Saturday story.

Mike "Smitty" Hickey, owner of the Dam Site Inn, wasn't sure what kind of clientele would show up Tuesday.

"We're all about having fun here. I don't think we're going to get the cult crowd, the devil worshippers or anything like that," said Hickey, whose bar's signature concoction is the Bloody Devil, a variant of the Bloody Mary.

Colone, meanwhile, has been in touch with radio stations as far away as San Diego and Seattle that are raffling off trips to Hell in honor of 6-6-6.

The 666 revelry is just the latest chapter in the town's storied history of publicity stunts, said Jason LeTeff, one of its 72 year-round residents - or, as the mayor calls them, Hellions or Hell-billies. But LeTeff wasn't particularly enthused.

"Now, here I am living in Hell, taking my kids to church and trying to teach them the right things and the town where we live is having a 6-6-6 party," he said.

According to the town's semiofficial Web site, there are two leading theories about how Hell got its name.

The first holds that a pair of German travelers stepped out of a stagecoach one sunny afternoon in the 1830s, and one said to the other, "So schoene hell" - roughly translated as, "So bright and beautiful." Their comments were overheard by some locals and the name stuck.

The second holds that George Reeves was asked after Michigan gained statehood what he thought the town he helped settle should be called, and reportedly replied, "I don't care, you can name it Hell if you want to." The name became official on Oct. 13, 1841.

Planning and zoning meeting, June 7th. At 7:00 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the city web site announcing the Planning & zoning meeting for this week.

I think you may want to be in attendance at this meeting as it's subject matter will no doubt be of interest to all Crestwood citizens, and we need your input, and feelings on these matters. I hope to see you all there.

Tom Ford


Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Suncrest Call, what an editorial!

Normally I would provide a link to the Call from this site, but I have been asked to refrain from that so the "Call" can retain it's "objectivity". I was thinking of that yesterday (the "objectivity",) while reading the editorial written by Mr. Burke Wasson.

I met, and had a chat with Mr. Wasson at a City meeting not long ago. At that time I was chastised for "speaking to the enemy" by some folk's in attendance, however I assured them he was different from what we were used to. I even went so far as to stand up for him on this blog, as I felt he could be counted on to be objective toward Crestwood.

Fast forward to the editorial in the Wednesday Call if you would. This I find interesting as it slams five citizens of Crestwood without mentioning the real architects of this so called plan to remove the Charter vote from the ballot. It also goes on to say that the good citizens of Crestwood should not sign any petition as it will remove their right to vote.

Well Mr. Wasson, move to Crestwood, buy a home, raise a family, in other words, pay your dues, and then we will listen to you. Until then, thank you very much for your comments, and I an sorry to see you "drank the coolaid".

Tom Ford
