Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dennis Hancock for Republican County councilman, third district!

I was reflecting on the candidates for the seat of 3rd. District in St. Louis County. As you may know the primary election is August 8th. And we have three candidates running, one Democrat, and two Republican.

The Democrat is not a factor as far as this post is concerned, but rather the two Republican's. We are fortunate enough to have Mr. Dennis Hancock running against an opponent who is young, a lawyer, and has as far as I can tell never managed anything in her life. You may remember her as the lady who wants to investigate utility's for the storm damage response. She has referred to the utility's rate increase, as well as her position on it. Now if the utility's are under staffed now, how are they going to add staff, and materials without a rate increase? No one wants a rate increase, but sometimes it's a necessary evil to get the job done. By the way, only the public service commission has anything to do with rate increases, so the county council would have no bearing on it what so ever.

I guess she has forgotten that many of us (myself included,) spent six or more days in the dark, and I know of no one on my street that has anything but the best to say about Amren! This was a storm, not a "black out", and as such Amren could never have Been expected to "be ready" for it, nor could any other power company! I mentioned that she is a lawyer as well, so she should be expected to know how business works, shouldn't she? Apparently, she does not, or she would not have made her statements. If she does not understand what was responsible for the delays after a major storm, I doubt she will ever understand the workings of the County council!

Dennis Hancock has done quite a few good things as Mayor of Fenton. He understands how the Cities and the County work, and last but not least, he is against the re-distribution of our tax monies to places like Wildwood, and Jennings just because we have shopping centers and they don't!

As for me, I will vote for Mr. Dennis Hancock, and I urge all of you to do the same!

Click on the header for a story on Mr. Hancock!

Tom Ford


Adopt a military unit overseas? What a great idea for Crestwood!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that Cities around the Nation are "adopting military units" serving in Iraq, and other places. Wouldn't this be a great way to put Crestwood on the map as being a patriotic community?

This is cost effective (free,) and as I see it, a way to bring the community together in a common goal. Those of us who have served overseas know the value of getting a letter, a package, a magazine, or a newspaper from "home". I am sure the troops still see it the same way today, so what say you we hold a pow wow and see if we can get this off the ground. I will be calling the Mayor, C/A, etc. And requesting their support for the project, and if your interested, please do the same.

As usual, please click on the header to be directed to the site that supports this program, view the Cities now participating, and give us your feed back.

thanks for your consideration, and I know I have at least three very good citizens who would be ideal to serve on this committee if we do it.

Tom Ford


Friday, July 28, 2006

The vote in November, reference the "Charter", and what can we do to correct the ballot language?

Ladies and Gentlemen, have you explored the various nuances of the vote on the City Charter coming up this fall? It would appear at first glance that the "proposition 1" has several things packed into it, some you may like, and some you won't.

The problem is that this is a classic "Jefferson City two step" approach to propositions. Why, I wonder do we need to have most all the issues packaged into one proposition? The major problem as I see it is the fact that if you do not like any portion of it, you must vote NO!, else all of it passes.

Now, why would that be? I am not for several of the changes (on seperate ballot issues,) that will be on the November ballot, so why do the remainder have to be "packeged"?

I am going to ask our Alderman, and the City Attorney to see about getting these things separated before the ballots are printed so we can at least have a chance to vote for what we want, and not be befuddled at the polling place.

Failing that, I suggest we all vote NO on the entire proposition, maybe then the next time they can do it right!

Tom Ford

No. 191

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Crestwood's finances turn a 'critical corner,' Myers says"

Please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the Call for the story by Mr. Burke Wasson!

Information on the BOA meeting was not available at press time.

Tom Ford


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Power is restored after the "big storm"!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to report that at 1540 hours (3:45 PM,) power has been restored to the Crestwood independents domicile! In a bit over 141 hours since loosing the electricity to the neighborhood, were back on the web.

Several things came to the fore during this black out, that being you cant re-charge your cell phone, cordless phones do not work, we still have screens on windows, we still have neighbors, we still need each others help from time to time, and last but not least ice is an amazing invention!

It also occurred to me that if we had been on a wagon train west from St. Louis in the 1800's my Bride of lo these last 40 years may not have made it to Fenton! Cancer survivors on Tamoxifin have no sense of humor when it comes to heat and humidity. We shared many a conversation of the ability, voracity, and the willingness of Amren to get anything at all done! That said however, Amren deserves a very large pat on the back for the job the did under a double whammy such as we saw in the last few days. I have lived here for 36 years, and never have I seen such wide spread problems as we faced this past week.

Some of us had power, some not, but we all should come away from this fully understanding that we very much need each other if we are to survive in this world. I for one am very happy to be right where I am, in Crestwood, where the neighbors help each other, and are very happy to do it.

Tom Ford


Monday, July 24, 2006

The "power" in Crestwood!

Well, over 100 hours now without power! Folks on my street have actually gotten out of their houses and met each other! As I write this it's Monday morning, and I am at the office on my lap top, so I shall be brief!

Give us your stories reference the outage, we sure could use a laugh by now. Until the power is restored (main lines are down,)I shall sign off secure in the knowledge that others will take up the banner until my return.

Tom Ford

No. 188

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Two very good articles by Mr. Burke Wasson reference on the BOA meeting!

Ladies,and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the Suncrest Call, and two articles concerning the last BOA meeting. It seems to me that Mr. wasson is on the right track reporting on Crestwood!

Now if we can get some of the nay-sayers on the Board moving in the right direction, well, who knows.

Tom Ford

N0. 187

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Suncrest Call newspaper!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to tell you that I received a call today from Mr. Burke Wasson of the Suncrest Call. Mr. Wasson advised me that Mr. Mike Anthony will now allow me to link to stories in their paper!

It seems that the paper only wanted me to refrain from linking during the election cycle (I can understand that,) so as to remain objective. This was my MIS-understanding, as I thought they wanted me to refrain from linking period.

This is very good news to all of us, as now I will be linking the "Call's" remarks as well as the Times. This will give the bloggers here a chance to get all sides of an issue, and as such will be a definite plus for all of us.

Please join me in welcoming the Suncrest Call to the blog!

Tom Ford

No. 186

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Leaks, and the on going problem of Sappington Rd.

Ladies, and Gentlemen, on blog number 180 I asked if we were ever going to fix the "fluid leak" under Sappington Road. Well, as you know, I received a reply from a person who would know, stating that it will be repaired, and that the latest leak was flowing from a water main not ours.

The answer I received got me to thinking though. It would seem that we have had leaks stemming from MSD, County Water, and Crestwood over the past two years, as stated in the response I posted on this blog.

Now, what I am wondering is why we have never had a "boil water order" during the times we have had these leaks. If we have had, (as stated in post 180,)leaks in the "water lines" should we not have had a "boil water" order issued?

Do we have a health issue reference the leaks? Or are we just "putting up with them" till we can repair them? Please, someone advise us about this matter.

Tom Ford


Saturday, July 15, 2006

What drives the gas prices up so high!

Please click on the header to be directed to a very interesting site that will endeavor to explain the geo / political reasons behind high oil pricing.

This is one of the better explanations I have seen so far, and remember folks, this impacts the Crestwood budget as well!

Tom Ford


Friday, July 14, 2006

Grant's trail extension to open this fall.

Please click on the header to be directed to the story. It looks as though this will be a great addition to Crestwood!

Tom Ford

N0. 183

Thursday, July 13, 2006

From "Dales blog", "That I should be so well remembered"!

say what you will folks, but let's face it Fred Clark did not lead a dull life, and he will be remembered! May Fred rest in peace! What follows is his actual obituary in Virginia.

That I should be so well remembered…
July 11th, 2006
Cowboy Blob links to this obituary:

Frederic Arthur (Fred) Clark
Frederic Arthur (Fred) Clark, who had tired of reading obituaries noting other’s courageous battles with this or that disease, wanted it known that he lost his battle as a result of an automobile accident on June 18, 2006.

True to Fred’s personal style, his final hours were spent joking with medical personnel while he whimpered, cussed, begged for narcotics and bargained with God to look over his wife and kids.

He loved his family. His heart beat faster when his wife of 37 years Alice Rennie Clark entered the room and saddened a little when she left. His legacy was the good works performed by his sons, Frederic Arthur Clark III and Andrew Douglas Clark MD, PhD., along with Andy’s wife, Sara Morgan Clark.

Fred’s back straightened and chest puffed out when he heard the Star Spangled Banner and his eyes teared when he heard Amazing Grace.

He wouldn’t abide self important tight *censored*.

Always an interested observer of politics, particularly what the process does to its participants, he was amused by politician’s outrage when we lie to them and amazed at what the voters would tolerate.

His final wishes were “throw the bums out and don’t elect lawyers” (though it seems to make little difference).

During his life he excelled at mediocrity.

He loved to hear and tell jokes, especially short ones due to his limited attention span.

He had a life long love affair with bacon, butter, cigars and bourbon.

You always knew what Fred was thinking much to the dismay of his friend and family.

His sons said of Fred, “he was often wrong, but never in doubt”(emphasis mine!).

When his family was asked what they remembered about Fred, they fondly recalled how Fred never peed in the shower - on purpose.

He died at MCV Hospital and sadly was deprived of his final wish which was to be run over by a beer truck on the way to the liquor store to buy booze for a double date to include his wife, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter to crash an ACLU cocktail party.

In lieu of flowers, Fred asks that you make a sizable purchase at your local ABC store or Virginia winery (please, nothing French - the *censored*) and get rip roaring drunk at home with someone you love or hope to make love to. Word of caution though, don’t go out in public to drink because of the alcohol related laws our elected officials have passed due to their inexplicable terror at the sight of a MADD lobbyist and overwhelming compulsion to meddle in our lives.

No funeral or service is planned. However, a party will be held to celebrate Fred’s life. It will be held in Midlothian, Va. Email for more information. Fred’s ashes will be fired from his favorite cannon at a private party on the Great Wicomico River where he had a home for 25 years.

Additionally, all of Fred’s friend (sic) will be asked to gather in a phone booth, to be designated in the future, to have a drink and wonder, “Fred who?”
Published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on 7/9/2006.

Tom Ford

No. 182

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Board of Alderman meeting for 7/11/06

Please click on the header to be directed to the adgenda for this meeting. We will be posting what happened later.

Tom Ford


Monday, July 10, 2006

The "WPA" project in front of the Fire Department!!

Anonymous said...
This may not be the approriate place to leave a comment.

Has anyone else noticed the large hole in front of the fire department entrance.

It has taken several months and attempts to repair/fix the leak and yet the hole is still leaking.

Who is paying for the feable attempts at repairing/fixing the leak?

I can only hope that they are not finished.


10:31 AM, July 10, 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, I am taking the liberty to move this to "front street" as the blogger asks a very legitimate question here. If you have been on Sappington Road lately, you will see a "construction site" that seems to be there to repair a broken water main, sewer line, or whatever "fluid line" is leaking. As the blogger states, this is not the first attempt to remedy this, and I question just how many holes in the ground will be needed to find a "fluid leak"!

We seem to be on track to cut extra expenses here, but the constant re-visiting of a leak cannot be helping in that endeavor. May we please hear from someone who has some knowledge of what the heck is going on here, or are we to believe a "leak" can't be fixed.

If this continues, I will be glad to volunteer to build a "divining rod", and employ it free of charge, as somehow I believe someone needs to find the leak, and FIX it!

Tom Ford


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Crestwood Mayor reflects on first year in office!

What the mayor said, or did not say seems to be in question here on the blog. So with that in mind, please click on the header to be directed to the article in the South County Journal.

Tom Ford


Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Please click on the header to be directed to this site, and thanks to Jaquie Stocks relitive serving in England for sending it!

Tom Ford

No. 178

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Independence Day Crestwood!

Please allow me to wish all of you a safe and joyous holiday! If you have time in your busy schedule, thank a vet. For if not for them we would not be celebrating our Independence, we would be languishing under the threat of some dictator who could "remove us" at will!

Please click on the header to be directed to a card which you can share with your children.

Tom Ford

No. 177