Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen! a while ago it was said it can't be done!

In fact I was told that this "Blog" would never go anywhere! Some admonished me to close it down (thus denying a voice to the masses,) but we continued!

As we approach the magic 100,000Th hit (soon to come,) I feel a very large "thank you!" is in order to all of you who have so eloquently stated your case on these humble pages!

I said it at the beginning, and it's worth repeating here that this is your forum to tell us all how you really feel, and with the help of God, and all of you, I will continue to publish it!

Now, what do we do to celebrate the number 100,000? Well, I thought that I would award the person who was number 100,000 an 8x10 full color photo of me in swim attire, but they might be "anonymous" so that's out (thank goodness!) Next I thought of a special plack to be awarded to number 100,000, but again, what about "anonymous?"

Well, I finally decided that I have no idea what to do to celebrate this "milestone?" So I am going to leave it up to all of you to suggest it (And no, I will not shut it down!) Please use this thread for your suggestions (clean, nice, and concise.)

Again, a very large THANK YOU! For reading and writing here, for without ALL of you number 100,000 could never have been accomplished!


Tom Ford

NO. 542

Friday, August 29, 2008

Crestwood, Police, Fire, Public Works and the rumors of doom!

Folks it's time I guess to dispel the ridiculous rumors that our Police, Fire, Paramedics, and Public Works departments will be phased out. I firmly believe nothing could be further from the truth!

We have a BOA and a Mayor who are fully aware of the importance of these to any City in existence, and they will not let it happen, ever! While it may be true that some things like the Sappington House, White cliff Park, and the Animal control folks may well be on a reduced budget we will not eliminate any of them.

Like many other Cities as well as businesses, and households in America today there will be cut backs in the amount of spending, there has to be because the funding is just not there. We all feel the pinch at the store, the gas pump, and throughout our daily lives, and now Crestwood is in the same boat.

The Mayor, Board, and department heads must work smarter for the next couple of years to get us over the hump, and I have confidence they will do it as the chips are down, and no one wants it on their legacy that they presided over total failure!

Jim Eckrige has the knowledge, and the common sense to get this difficult job done so I suggest we spend less time complaining about the street not being manicured, and more time coming up with ideas to help him.

While I am at it, could we all please be a little more "civilized" in our missives to one another? I don't think we have any "idiot's" in Crestwood, only citizens who really believe in their side of the debate. Please let's all use our God given talents to try to understand their line of thinking no matter how "fuzzy" it seems. You would be surprised at how much better you will feel at the end of your post, for after all, you can't say "I told him / her" if you remain anonymous, so why bother to get your blood pressure up.

Remember, "it's better to give than to receive," which is why I give the heart attacks, not get them!

Tom Ford

NO. 541

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Suncrest Call newspaper, this weeks edition.

Please click on the header for the Story on why we need to "layer" another ordinance on top of the City Charter, and the State law to "force" our politicians to do the right thing!

While you are reading this please don't miss the quote from Alderman Bland that said he dosen't believe this was a "malevolent" act on the part of the City employees!

Lord, I hope not Richard! Because if it was, this act was even more egregious than I thought!

Tom Ford

NO. 539

Monday, August 25, 2008

This is from February of 1994, and, to say the least very "informative' on the mayors thoughts!

February, 1994, The Journal:

Group clears charges
by Daniel J. Ladd

A Crestwood aldermanic committee recently appointed to examine the controversial hiring of Assistant Police Chief Douglas Mosby, declared Tuesday that the hiring involved no improprieties.
The controversy stemmed from a complaint filed last year with the Crestwood Civil Service Board by a Crestwood officer, who charged that Mosby, who was hired in April of last year, did not meet the requirements for the position. Specifically, the charge, filed by Lt. Thomas Jones, said the position called for someone with an associates degree, which Mosby does not have.
Alderman James Brasfield, who headed the four-member committee appointed by the mayor to investigate the matter, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.
"Our committee is reporting that we did not find any fault with the city administrator, or police chief in this process," Brasfield said.
Brasfield said the problem was with the wording of the position description.
"The position description should have been written with a little more precision, reflecting what was clearly the intention," Brasfield said.
According to Brasfield, Mosby has more than enough credit hours to qualify for an associates degree, and is in fact nearing completion of a bachelor's degree.
"The whole business of qualifications have been blown enormously our of proportion," Brasfield said. "Mr. Mosby has more than enough hours for an associates degree and the position description calls for an associates degree. The description was subsequently changed to say associates degree or at least 60 hours. He has considerably more hours than that."
Brasfield called the issue "a tempest in a teapot."
However, mayoral candidate Roy Robinson called upon the board to appoint an independent party to investigate the issue.
"I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, but I am saying that it needs to be looked into, and by more than the 'fox guarding the hen house,' " Robinson said.
"I'm here to call upon this board to appoint an unbiased person-a special prosecutor-someone to be brought in to check this situation out and to give a report to the public."
Brasfield said there was no reason to appoint a special prosecutor.
"I don't think there's any basis for saying that," Brasfield said. "There was a complete and thorough process."
Brasfield said Robinson's statement was politically motivated.
"He said he was a candidate for mayor, and he said he was speaking as a candidate," Brasfield said. "People can draw their own conclusion as to what that was all about."
City Attorney Shulamith Simon also rejected Robinson's call for a special prosecutor.
"I thought the candidate was pretty murky in his comments," Simon said. "But the fact is that the mayor approved the appointment of a committee of the Board of Aldermen to investigate the entire matter."

August, 2008: Now the mayor, Mr. Robinson has an entirely different view of when an investigation should be conducted! Ah, but there is more to it than just this simple fact, There was also a "campaign flyer" put out by Mr. Robinson that has some rather interesting "bullet Points!" I believe I will have a copy of that for the BOA meeting tomorrow night, so please stop by!

Well, Roy this is your chance to "appoint" that special prosecutor! Are you going to do it?

Tom Ford

NO. 539

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It has been suggested that I run for Mayor, but why stop there?

Get over McCain and Obama and vote for the one guy who will actually bring meaningful change to the American political scene. That's right! Vote for me and end this dreadful gridlock in Washington!

Go to Channel 3's website (just click on the header,) and see why the world wants TOM FORD for president! That's right, TOM FORD! You say you want to end all this bickering, all this wasteful spending, all this refusal to listen to the huddled masses, the refusal to investigate problems and questionable appointment's of friends to commissions? (gee that sounds local.) Well you finally have a choice!

So as you can see there is no need to stop at the job of Mayor, when the world awaits! My friends, join the great unwashed, take a stand for what you believe in and show the politicians just how you feel because "your future is at stake!"

Darn, I guess this will have to wait as we have some fish to fry right here in Crestwood! Ah well, as Everet Dirkson said, "All politics is local." That said, what say we meet at the BOA meeting and tell our elected "officials" just what we think of their ideas!

Tom Ford

NO. 538

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

From the Sun Crest Call today: Alderman nix investigation into Police pay hikes!!

Folks, if you haven't read the Call today, or if you don't get it until tomorrow, please click on the HEADER for one of two great articles (and don't miss the editorial!)

I am becoming amazed at the audacity of his Honor and some of our elected officials when it comes to allowing the tax paying citizens of Crestwood to speak, or participate in "honest, open government!"

When last I looked, I do believe that we, the citizens of Crestwood were still the "boss," and thus had a say in our collective future as a City. It would appear that this is something that the Mayor and most of the Board would love to change (with the willing help of the City Attorney.)

I don't know when the last time was that I heard of such shenanigans, but I know it wasn't good! And you know what? It's just as bad now!

Mr. Mayor, and Board of Alderman members, if you do not want to allow people to speak at meeting's may I suggest you have taken the wrong job! I for one am sick and tired of the berating of citizens and your fellow Alderman for some of the most inane reasons I have ever heard of, much less seen! If an Alderman, or a citizen has a comment relative to the topic at hand, for the sake of all of us, let them take whatever time they need to say it! Folks, I have read the news, as I am sure you all have reference Vladimir Putin invading an area, but I thought it was Georgia, not Crestwood! Gentlemen, do the right thing, let's get back on track before it's too late!

In closing please let me remind you of the Hymn sung by the church members of the town of "Rock Bridge" in the movie "Blazing saddles," when they were looking for a new sheriff. The words at the end went like this, "There's no escaping this conclusion, our town is turning into ....!" Seems to fit here for some reason.

Tom Ford

NO. 537

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What do Crestwood and Wildwood have in common? I pray not the same problems!

Well we share the same Gentleman for the duties of City Attorney! If you will please click on the header of this thread, you will be directed to a story in today's Post Dispatch which references possible "big problems in little Wildwood!"

I know the story is a bit long, but PLEASE take a few minutes to read all of it(it gets really interesting at the "More Tests" and below area,) because it certainly is Germain to the current question (on the blog) of whether we should retain Mr. Golterman or not.

I am going to allow you to read the story and decide for yourselves if we can afford this sort of thing (decision wise) to happen in Crestwood in the future. In my humble opinion we must start looking for a new City Attorney, and the sooner the better.

Tom Ford

NO. 536

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crestwood drops it's TIF lawsuit, and what's this about the Crestwood Courts getting a very low property tax assessment?

I have it from a very reliable source that Crestwood has "opted" out of the TIF lawsuit after the State came up with a bill that will allow both the City and the County to have representation on the new TIF committees!

Interesting to say the least! I wonder why we spent all that money on a project if we were not going to continue to the end? Or, is this "end" what we wanted all along?

I am also given to understand that Crestwood Courts has been given an "assessment" from the County for property tax of only 60 Million. Now we all know that the new owners bought it at a "fire sale," for 17.5 Million (Westfield paid over 100 Million when they bought it.)

That said, I am waiting to see if the new owners will be asking (you know they will) for a TIF, CID, TDD, for their new development! How much more can we give before it starts to be ridiculous? Well, I think we are there, and I see no sense in giving away the tax monies any longer! There are those who will say they will just let it decay, wrong, they also have a very high stake in this, so.....

At any rate, stay tuned for the development's as they happen, and please convey your feelings to your Alderman, because this is OUR CITY, and we do have a say in what happens here!

Tom Ford

NO. 535

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The City, Prop. 1, the committee, and the Call!

Well by now those of you who do read the Call (and received it today) know that I did in fact file a query with the Missouri Ethics Commission reference the August 5Th, ballot (the tax increase.) The complaint has many questions I would like answered, and since the BOA voted the investigation requested (by Alderman) down, I feel the Ethics Board is the correct venue.

This issue is a multi faceted one, in that we saw the City Attorney say (last night) that he reviewed the news letter for content, but had he known that this was not a City sponsored meeting, he would have advised against the use of the "Crestwood Connections" as a vehicle to inform the public. He also stated that the use of the reverse 911 system was probably not a good idea considering it was a "private committee."

Well I agree completely Mr. Golterman, but I wonder why you never asked anyone who was requesting the use of the City resources? I know the use of the word "assumed" is all the rage these day's, but your charged with keeping this City out of trouble (for $275.00 per hour) and I do not expect you to assume anything! That is a "failure to communicate" if ever I have seen one my friend!

Now, you may or may not know that this will take some time for the commission to complete it's investigation, so please be patient, and I will advise everyone through this blog of the outcome.

If you have questions about this "oversight," please call your Alderman and tell him how you feel about the use of your monies for a four color newsletter, and reverse 911 for private use by a political action committee.

FLASH!!!!!! PLEASE CLICK ON THE HEADER FOR A STORY IN THE SOUTH COUNTY TIMES TITLED: ALDERMAN ADMIT MISTAKES!!!!! I think this will open the eyes of everyone in Crestwood who thought all was good and proper!

I love Alderman Roby's remark that "we weren't running on four filled tires" until Jim Eckrich came aboard! Greg, you can borrow my "Obama tire inflation gauge" if you need it my friend!

Tom Ford

NO. 534

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Prop 1 and the City pay raises, City staff, and City as a whole.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thought it was time to try and clarify what the prop 1 issue was all about (as I understand it.)

First, the Police promotions, and subsequent raises were NOT tied to prop 1 in any way, shape, form or fashion.

Second, prop 1 was a tax increase for 6 years, and had nothing to do with any other thing at City hall other than increased revenue had it passed.

Third, The decisions to promote, hire, increase, could have had nothing to do with prop 1, as they were done prior to the date of election, and no one could have foreseen the outcome when they were done.

We have two completely separate and distinct issues here, so when someone tells you it was all intertwined, it wasn't! The election is over, the voters have spoken, and we do need to move forward from the here and now, and as a unified City if we expect positive results in the future.

I believe both sides of the prop 1 issue really believed they were right, and that dosen't make them bad, it in fact makes them Americans! (we love to disagree.)

The Mayor has stated that we will not loose employees, City services will remain the same, and things will be the same as they were prior to August 5, 2008, so let's move toward a bigger and better Crestwood!

Tom Ford

NO. 533

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Prop one has failed by 72 to 28%, now where do we go from here?

As I sit here I am reflecting on the "mandate" from the Crestwood Citizens to the BOA, and the Mayor to make the needed cuts as well as manage the funds they now have!

I have seen "threat's" posted on this blog reference the tax increase, and have even seen posters state that my family will suffer!

Well, I will tell you that I would never have said anything like that (in the past) to the "opposition," but it appears that they cannot abide such a defeat, thus the threat's! I will tell them now that "the best is yet to come" reference their campaign, and I look forward to their remarks when the dust settles!

Tom Ford

NO. 532

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Crestwood Prop. 1 failing 70 to 30% in the 9:00 PM returns!

AS OF 8:44 PM: the RESULTS ON Prop. 1 were as follows:

YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 31.33
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 68.67

Update at 9;00 PM with most of the vote counted!:

YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 29.64
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,638 70.36

I would say that if (or when) this holds up, Messrs. Miguel, and Nieder will have a "mandate" to request that the Board and the Mayor listen to their ideas and plans! I will up-date this at the 9:00 PM count (done!)

Please join me in congratulating both side on a well run and hard fought campaign!

Tom Ford

NO. 531

Friday, August 01, 2008

Election rules, and the Missouri "conflict of interest" statutes.

Is it just me, or do we see any sort of "Conflict of interest" violations concerning the August 5th ballot?

I have looked at the paperwork from the "prop 1 committee," and I fail to see where they state, "paid for by." (in the paperwork in the Call.) I looked at the Crestwood news letter, and It doesn't say that there either, so I guess the City paid for that one.

Now, what about the reverse 911 calls, who paid for those?

What I wonder is why all these fine people on the committee, and the City would risk a complaint that could cost them a bundle? Is it that important to them, are they just "sloppy," or are they getting bad advise? We shall see.

UPDATE: Please click on the header for legal opinions from Attorney General Nixon reference the "sunshine law," and conflict of interest. Please draw your own conclusions on these matters.

Tom Ford

NO. 530