Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gallup poll results for my "spin Meister" friends. (click here for the results please.)

OK, here are some polling results from a telephone survey completed by a very well respected polling group, namely Gallop. It would appear that Mr. Obamas approval ratings are at a all time low as of yesterday.

It can't be the Hurricane Irene deal as that was pretty much of a NOAH hype job that never really came to anything much. Mr. Obama left his vacation (two separate planes, two separate entourages again) to take charge at the national Hurricane center only to watch it fizzle out like a cheap Chinese fire cracker.

I am not surprised by the low ratings as the man has accomplished nothing to improve the job picture or the economic malaise, only say he has "a plan."

I am betting that he comes out with the FDR approach (WPA, CCC programs) and spins it as a way to move people off welfare, the public dole and a back to work program for the entire nation. He will tell us that his program will reduce the deficit by putting these people to work, and cutting the costs of public assistance were paying now. He will tell us that the back to work program will generate new taxes to cut the deficit, and it will improve the infrastructure as well!

Pretty neat, no? Well the only problem with this is the money will still be spent as salaries for the "jobs," and there will be no new taxes as the pay checks will be too low to pay any (51% of people pay no taxes now, it will go up.) So when you see and hear the leader's speech on this latest smoke and mirror program just remember it didn't work in the 30's under FDR and it darn sure won't work under Mr. Obama who frankly couldn't make a lemonade stand a viable business.

Let the "progressive / Liberal" retort begin, and when you do, please if you want to have a meaningful debate, stick to the facts only. If a poster places touchy / feely, or personal attack post on here I will delete it as soon as I see it. Go to o George Sorrows paid for sites, get your facts in a row, and let the debate begin!

Tom Ford

NO. 931

Saturday, August 27, 2011

New (so called) civility in Wisconsin by ? (click here for the story.)

Now here we have one of the best reasons I have seen in a while why we conservatives don't wish to "just get along!" If you will notice it's a SCHOOL that has been "glued" shut to prevent the Governor of the State from reading to children!

Now that is really "progressive," and one of the main reasons why these people have no credibility with me when they ask for "civility." They claim to want civility, diversity, and all the other things they say they stand for, yet when it comes time to "put up" they want us to shut up!

The Tea party isn't a group of "radical right wingers," no indeed it is a gathering of God Fearing Americans who are fed up with being told by a pack of socialists what were going to do!

Look for the ascension of the Tea Party philosophy, and I thank the "progressives" who do such things as glue school doors shut for the boost that will surly increase Tea party membership.

Tom Ford

NO. 930

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Obamas' spend 10 Million in taxpayer money on "vacations!" (click here for the story from London.)

One question, and one question only please. How's that Hope and Change working out for YOU?

Most of us can't rent a tent in Fenton, much less a $50,000.00 a week home on Martha's Vineyard Island. Now I ask you, is this "shared sacrifice?"

Tom Ford

NO. 929

Saturday, August 20, 2011

More "good stuff" for Crestwood / Sunset Hills! (click here for the information)

(actual structure in the park.)

Indeed with he coming of fall we have the Holidays to think of, and to jump start that the Rotary Club of Crestwood / Sunset hills will be having their semi annual craft fair. (Click the header for dates, times, and information.

I know it's a way's off and I will be reminding you as the time draws near but please mark your calender's now and be sure to attend.

Please remember that it was this very same Rotary Club that provided the funding for the materials for the gazebo now being completed in White Cliff park! Let's ALL support them, and thank by attending this fine project.

Thanks to Alderman Paul Duchild for the information and web site shown here.

Tom Ford

NO. 928

Friday, August 19, 2011

Some photos from the Car Cruse Saturday. (At the Veterans booth.)

(" two - 2- girls are NATALIE & ANIKA WAGNER of CRESTWOOD (of Irish Dancers fame)
battle, VET...( IWO JIMA & KOREA ) He was there as well, and met Russ Whitener (VVA Chapter 1028 V.P.)
& Chief MIKE ..")

Jacque S.

Please see the link to the "Patch" for further.........

Tom Ford

NO. 927

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cartoons are getting a bit testy these days, no?

I am an equal opportunity annoyer so if you have a Republican one you want posted please email it to me and will add it.

Tom Ford

NO. 926

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time to inject some humor into our otherwise mundane lives!

What say we list some of our favorite "puns" for a change? Here are a couple that come to mind for openers.

YES, and then there was the frog who walked into the bank and asked for a $45,000.00 loan from the V.P of the loan department, one Ms. Patricia Whack. She asked for collateral and he gave her an ivory elephant. Somewhat taken back she excused herself and went to see the Bank manager telling him there was green frog out side who wanted a loan for $45,000.00 and only had this for collateral, asking what it was in the first place. The bank manager told her “It’s a knickknack Patty Whack, give the frog the loan, his old mans a rolling stone!”

Then there was the famed relief pitcher that played for the Milwaukee Brewers named Wil Famey. Will was an outstanding pitcher but he had one failing, that being drinking too much beer! One fine afternoon while the Brewers were in the lead Wil was in the Bull pen swilling his beer as usual when the manager called for him to com in. Wil moseyed to the mound and proceeded to walk eight straight batters thus loosing the game. As the opposing team passed the bull pen there were numerous empty beer cans on the ground, and one player said to the other as they passed, "look, that's the beer that made Wil Famey walk us!"

Your turn!

Tom Ford

NO. 925

Friday, August 12, 2011

The second annual classic car cruse is tomorrow.

I received this from the veterans committee this morning so I would like to pass it on to you,

"Members of the Crestwood Veterans Memorial Committee will be present at the 2nd Annual Classic Car Cruise at Crestwood Court on August 13, 2011.

The memorial committee will be sharing a booth with the Vietnam Veterans. Please stop by and learn about the memorial, plans to enhance or expand the memorial and learn about several members of our community who lost their lives while in the service of our country.

The committee will be accepting tax deductible donations to fund this project and looking for citizens and veterans to join our team to help reach our goal of drawing attention to this memorial erected in 1968 and to enhance and allow for growth should any of our sons or daughters pay the ultimate price for our freedom.

Please stop by while enjoying the other events and activities of this wonderful community event."

Events Schedule

The 2nd Annual Route 66 Classic Car Cruise will be on Saturday, August 13th, 2011 from 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. - Rain or Shine. Below is a tentative schedule that is subject to changes and additions. Follow us on Facebook to learn about updates.

11:00 a.m.
The Route 66 Classic Car Cruise begins with the Presenting of the Colors by the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1028.

11:00 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Registration and Check-In - Route 66 Cruise Headquarters at Crestwood Court (corner of Sappington and Watson)

12:00 p.m.
Kid's Cruise - Decorate your Bike, Trike, Big Wheel, ect. and "Cruise" for prizes. First, second and third place in two age categories, and participation prizes for all. Sponsored by America's Incredible Pizza Co.

12:30 p.m. to
1:00 p.m.
Hip Hop - Hip Hop Fundation Fanatics on the stage at Crestwood Court.

1:00 to
2:00 p.m.
Car Show - vehicles to be judged will be on south lot of Crestwood Court. Great time to see a lot of cars in one place.

1:30 to
2:15 p.m.
Irish Dance - Clark Academy performs Irish Dancing on the stage at Crestwood Court.

2:00 to
4:00 p.m.
Poker Run - Drive to 7 locations and pull cards out of a hat. Best 5 card hand wins $350 to Firestone. Prizes for second best hand and worst hands also. Classic car not required to play.

2:00 to
4:00 p.m.
Passport Game - Drive to 10 locations to be entered into drawing for grand prize that includes an auto detailing service. Cards with 6-9 stamps entered into another drawing. Classic car not required to play.

2:00 to
4:00 p.m.
Scavenger Hunt - This game takes you off of Route 66 to explore more of our community. Find landmarks, fill in the blanks in the story, and enter to win. Classic car not required to play.

4:00 to
6:00 p.m.
Car Cruise - set your lawn chair up and watch the procession of awesome vehicles along Watson.

6:00 p.m.
Awards - move your lawn chair to the south lot of Crestwood Court and see who wins.

7:00 to
10:00 p.m.
Sh-Boom - get your lawn chair out of the way and dance to St. Louis' premier oldies band.

I will be in attendance at the tent with chapter 1028, Viet Nam Veterans of America, and the Crestwood Veterans committee so please stop by and say hello.

Tom Ford

NO. 924

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sappington House Tea Barn "closed for remodeling?"

This is interesting on several fronts as the sign on the door says they are closed for "remodeling" yet no one I spoke to at City Hall knows anything about it!

I couldn't find a sign that stated that the renters have a County or Crestwood permit for said remodeling, no one in Public Works or the City Clerks office said they were aware of any "remodeling."

Now the really interesting part is that WE OWN the Sappington House and as taxpayers WE have no idea what the RENTERS are doing? I really don't get it folks, when do ALL of us find out what the heck is going on and when does our Public Work's Director ASK the RENTERS what they are doing?

Now the real HOOT of this entire debacle is the simple fact that our code enforcement officer lives in the Sappington House roughly 15 yards away, free of charge, and she hasn't looked into this? Marvelous!!!!

Tom ford

NO. 923

Monday, August 08, 2011

Democrat pollster Pat Caddell says Americans are "pre revolutionary!" (click here for the story please.)

I really don't think that is true, but a lot of us who watched our 401K retirement portfolio's dwindle to nothing since Friday aren't very happy!

Let's face it folks BOTH sides of the aisle have done their very best to ruin this nation with their idiot party line posturing, and I do believe the people of this great land are sick and tired of it.

What to do? Well UN-fortunately we can do nothing about the downgrade or the stock market tanking, but we can and must do a whole lot when it comes to voting in ALL the next few months elections!

Our President was on TV today and from what I saw he did nothing to give us any hope at all. I guess the market felt the same way as while he was talking it went DOWN over 300 points!

Enough of the so called "plans," enough of Timmy Geithner (noted tax cheat) being in charge of anything, let's get these fools out before it's really too late!

Tom Ford

NO. 922

Friday, August 05, 2011


(cartoon from Dales Blog.)

Well the fools have finally done it my friends. Not even Jimmy Carter caused this much grief in four years! Thanks to the idiots we saw fit to "elect" were in the very bottom of the economic commode.

In case you wonder what will follow this, please allow me to enlighten you. Soon we will see our 'creditors' considering calling in the debt we owe them, and next will be the printing of money with no back up commodity, In other words, HYPER INFLATION!

Couple that with the fact that the OPEC nations have just elected a ranking officer of the Iranian Republican Guards to the office of President, and I think you can see where the "progressive / Liberal establishment has taken us in three short years.

If your at all interested in the story please click on the header to read it for yourself.

Tom Ford

NO. 921

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Please click on the header for the grim story folks! In case you don't know what that means, WERE BROKE! The politicians on both sides of the aisle have as of today managed to spend more that we make if you will.

Now just watch the markets and the price of gold. Experts are predicting $2000.00 per ounce for gold by years end, and IF the Chinese call in the debt we owe them, were in more than just serious trouble.

What happens next? I wish I knew but one thing is for certain, both sides will blame the other for "their failure!" The only problem is that they are not the only ones at fault for this mess, WE ARE AS WELL! WE elected these fools and WE became too complacent and allowed them to give away the farm keys!

WE will ALL suffer because of this, and I ask you are you going to allow these people back in office, or do we do the right thing and vote out every one of them, no matter who they are Democrat or Republican?

Tom Ford

NO. 920