Gallup poll results for my "spin Meister" friends. (click here for the results please.)

OK, here are some polling results from a telephone survey completed by a very well respected polling group, namely Gallop. It would appear that Mr. Obamas approval ratings are at a all time low as of yesterday.
It can't be the Hurricane Irene deal as that was pretty much of a NOAH hype job that never really came to anything much. Mr. Obama left his vacation (two separate planes, two separate entourages again) to take charge at the national Hurricane center only to watch it fizzle out like a cheap Chinese fire cracker.
I am not surprised by the low ratings as the man has accomplished nothing to improve the job picture or the economic malaise, only say he has "a plan."
I am betting that he comes out with the FDR approach (WPA, CCC programs) and spins it as a way to move people off welfare, the public dole and a back to work program for the entire nation. He will tell us that his program will reduce the deficit by putting these people to work, and cutting the costs of public assistance were paying now. He will tell us that the back to work program will generate new taxes to cut the deficit, and it will improve the infrastructure as well!
Pretty neat, no? Well the only problem with this is the money will still be spent as salaries for the "jobs," and there will be no new taxes as the pay checks will be too low to pay any (51% of people pay no taxes now, it will go up.) So when you see and hear the leader's speech on this latest smoke and mirror program just remember it didn't work in the 30's under FDR and it darn sure won't work under Mr. Obama who frankly couldn't make a lemonade stand a viable business.
Let the "progressive / Liberal" retort begin, and when you do, please if you want to have a meaningful debate, stick to the facts only. If a poster places touchy / feely, or personal attack post on here I will delete it as soon as I see it. Go to o George Sorrows paid for sites, get your facts in a row, and let the debate begin!
Tom Ford
NO. 931