This blog has given people in Crestwood one avenue to express their thoughts.
It is a tool for each of us to use and get answers to questions or problems.
It's for everyone. If you disagree - say so by writing your own message.
With that being said - I would like to start by saying:
.......As a Ward 2 constituent, I would like to hear what Mr. Pickel has to
say regarding some questions I have on important issues. And since he is a
candidate in my ward, I think it is important for him to allow me the courtesy of
a reply. Or perhaps, he only wants to answer to those who agree with him.
Mr. Pickel, by this blog, I would like your views on several things regarding
your stand as being an alderman representing myself and others in our ward.
I am really concerned about how you perceive respect and honesty and how you
will act on the podium with respect and professionalism. Will it be more
antics as we have previously had by others or will you act professional. I have my
reasons for asking this - as you will see below.
1. Will you work with this mayor or play politics? There is a difference.
I would like to know your answer since working together with a new mayor for
the good of the people is not what I have seen and heard from you.
I was present at the debate between Tom Fagan and Roy Robinson. I was the one
who saw you making fun of Mayor Robinson's answers to the point that I could
barely hear his replies to questions - as I was sitting right behind you.
Then when the "silver-tongue" lawyer who debates and speaks for a living, said
anything - you were totally in awe. That's playing politics, Mr. Pickel. Why
did you posture yourself that way. Why would you not give Mayor Robinson equal
time? Was it because Mayor Robinson isn't as eloquent as Mr. Fagan? Or was
it because he hasn't asked the citizens of Crestwood to go into debt for some
multi-million dollar capital expenditure like a new policy facility that we
can't afford.
2. What are your views on a tax increase. You should already know by now -
if you allow yourself to admit it - that the citizens of Crestwood are in this
mess because people who were on the board let it happen. Nobody in Crestwood
ever wanted a new police station. And they had to do the alderman's jobs by
getting a petition going which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the
citizens of Crestwood knew more than the people who represented them. The people
were misled and Kept In The Dark.
So.....Mr. Pickel.....We are in bad shape now. And So......Are you for a tax
increase and why? Or.....Are you not for a tax increase....And why? People
are asking your opponent! What is your take on this! Is it some deep
"political" secret? Good aldermen don't keep secrets from their constituents Had
there been meetings with citizens instead of meetings amongst themselves and
Don Greer, the citizens of this community would have told their aldermen No Way
do we want a new "anything" - and there would have never been any COPS bonds
in the first place.
So Mr. Pickel are you a man of your conviction's? Will you please take the time to
answer the aforementioned questions. What is your take?
Sandy Grave