Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ward, and Mayors town hall meetings for Prop. S scheduled.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the following dates have been set for the discussion of "Prop. S", (.20 cent per hundred dollars of ASSESSED property value). Would you please plan to attend.

Tuesday, March 7th.: Ward One at City Hall. (7:00 PM)

Saturday, March 18h. : Ward Two At City hall (9:00 AM)

Wednesday, March 15th. : Ward three town hall meeting, At City hall (7:00 PM)

Mayor Robinson Town hall meeting:

Tuesday, March 21st at Whiteclif park (7:00 PM).

Your mayor and Aldermen have worked hard to bring you this information, and they would appreciate the chance to present it to you.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ward two constituent wishes to hear Mr. Pickel's views reference Crestwood.

This blog has given people in Crestwood one avenue to express their thoughts.
It is a tool for each of us to use and get answers to questions or problems.
It's for everyone. If you disagree - say so by writing your own message.
With that being said - I would like to start by saying:

.......As a Ward 2 constituent, I would like to hear what Mr. Pickel has to
say regarding some questions I have on important issues. And since he is a
candidate in my ward, I think it is important for him to allow me the courtesy of
a reply. Or perhaps, he only wants to answer to those who agree with him.

Mr. Pickel, by this blog, I would like your views on several things regarding
your stand as being an alderman representing myself and others in our ward.
I am really concerned about how you perceive respect and honesty and how you
will act on the podium with respect and professionalism. Will it be more
antics as we have previously had by others or will you act professional. I have my
reasons for asking this - as you will see below.

1. Will you work with this mayor or play politics? There is a difference.
I would like to know your answer since working together with a new mayor for
the good of the people is not what I have seen and heard from you.

I was present at the debate between Tom Fagan and Roy Robinson. I was the one
who saw you making fun of Mayor Robinson's answers to the point that I could
barely hear his replies to questions - as I was sitting right behind you.
Then when the "silver-tongue" lawyer who debates and speaks for a living, said
anything - you were totally in awe. That's playing politics, Mr. Pickel. Why
did you posture yourself that way. Why would you not give Mayor Robinson equal
time? Was it because Mayor Robinson isn't as eloquent as Mr. Fagan? Or was
it because he hasn't asked the citizens of Crestwood to go into debt for some
multi-million dollar capital expenditure like a new policy facility that we
can't afford.

2. What are your views on a tax increase. You should already know by now -
if you allow yourself to admit it - that the citizens of Crestwood are in this
mess because people who were on the board let it happen. Nobody in Crestwood
ever wanted a new police station. And they had to do the alderman's jobs by
getting a petition going which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the
citizens of Crestwood knew more than the people who represented them. The people
were misled and Kept In The Dark.

So.....Mr. Pickel.....We are in bad shape now. And So......Are you for a tax
increase and why? Or.....Are you not for a tax increase....And why? People
are asking your opponent! What is your take on this! Is it some deep
"political" secret? Good aldermen don't keep secrets from their constituents Had
there been meetings with citizens instead of meetings amongst themselves and
Don Greer, the citizens of this community would have told their aldermen No Way
do we want a new "anything" - and there would have never been any COPS bonds
in the first place.

So Mr. Pickel are you a man of your conviction's? Will you please take the time to
answer the aforementioned questions. What is your take?

Sandy Grave


Saturday, February 25, 2006

Prop. "S" meeting for the candidates on February 25, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just returned from a meeting which covered the ballot initive known as "Proposition S". The meeting was held to inform the candidates for Alderman on the issue, and to explain the position of the "Citizens for Prop. S" committee. All but two candidates were in attendance, and the other's (Mr. Bland, and Mr. Pickel) had previous commitments.

We had the opportunity to go into some of the details, and to discuss the reasons behind the issue. As I listened to the committee, (made up of some of our most distinguished citizens) I became more aware of the need for this proposition to be on the ballot.

In the near future we will all be receiving literature concerning "Proposition S", which will fully outline the reasoning behind it. If I may, I would ask each of you to read it very carefully, discuss it, and get all the facts before making a decision.

If you would like more information on this please call, or E-mail me, and I will discuss it with you. We have a new City administrator, with experience in re-vitalizing communities such as ours, we have a new Mayor, who believes in Crestwood, and we will have four new Alderman in April to work with both of them.

The questions we should be asking ourselves revolve around a new and vibrant Crestwood, one we can be proud of, and one where businesses will want to locate in. I would like to be very much a part of that plan, and I assure you that, if I am elected I will provide the fiscal responsibility, that will be needed to insure we make it happen.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Friday, February 24, 2006

Alderman Trueblood, and Kelleher announce a "Town Hall" meeting on March 18th. 2006!

Crestwood's Aldermen from Ward Two will hold a Town Hall Meeting at City
Hall starting at 9:00 a.m. on

Saturday, March 18, 2006. Both Alderman Kelleher and Alderman Trueblood of
Ward Two will be

present to introduce Crestwood's new City Administrator, Mr. Frank Myers to
those who join them for
the first ever "breakfast" town hall meeting. This will be an great
opportunity to meet and ask

Mr. Meyers questions, and share with all, your ideas for making Ward Two a
better place to live.

Meeting is set to end at 10:30 a.m.

The above is from a letter sent to the local newspapers by Mr. trueblood, reference the meeting. I think this is a great idea, and I hope to see many of my fellow Ward Two residents in attendance. I feel that once you have met Mr. Myers, you will share the same feeling of optimism toward Crestwood's future as I do.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two".

Tom Ford
Ward two


Candidate Tom Ford states his positions on a few questions.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked to respond to a few questions that were asked by "anonymous" over the last few days, and today I said that I would. These questions should be asked of both candidates for Alderman in Ward Two, as the voters deserve to know where we both stand.

1. Do I believe in "eminent domain" and the TIF programs: First let me tell you that legislation now in the works in Jefferson City may make eminent domain a moot point. That said, no, I am not for it, We have all seen the damage done in Sunset Hills, by that great plan, and we do not need it here in Crestwood.

The TIF, or tax increment financing program has hurt our school system from the standpoint of lower amounts of funds available for their use due to TIF's. I feel we all should take a look at what we might gain from a TIF, (or for that matter a TDD) and ask ourselves is it going to mean that much for Crestwood, or are we just doing it to gain another business?

2. What do I think about a Politician who said one thing and does another: Folks that seems to be a way of life in Washington, and Jeff. City, but I don't think we need to see it here in Crestwood! We all have a common goal in Crestwood, and that is to make sure the City prospers for our children, and grand children. The only way that will happen is for the elected officials to trust each other, and to do what they said they were going to do when elected, or at the very least work hard to do it. What I know is I will tell you the way it is, you might not like all of it, but it will be factual.

3.Will I stand by my positions,and principals, even if it means going against the Mayor, and the new City administrator: That's a very interesting question, as it implies that some on the BOA have not done that. Well I can tell you that I have core beliefs, that I will not waver on, as I am sure you do also. My commitment will be to the citizens of ward two, all of them. I am not running to be a "yes man" for anyone, (we have enough of that on the dias now!). If I am against it, and my constituants are against it, my vote will be no, regardless of who is in favor.

4.What am I going to do to represent Ward Two: Folks, my home is on Joshua Dr. We have lived there for 36 years, and we have no plans to move. I have been privileged to see some very fine representation, and some not so fine representation in those 36 years, and I know what I want in an Alderman, and so do you. I , if elected will hold Ward TWO meetings every three months ( a sort of state of the city meeting), publish my home and mobile phone numbers, and be available at my home, or yours for concerns, or questions. I will listen to you, and I will work hard to see that you receive a fair review of your concern. I will be a voice for Ward Two concerning public works, and parks and recreation meetings when, and if necessary, and I will never forget that I am your voice up there, not just a "rubber stamp" that is so prevalent at the meetings now.

I hope that these remarks clarify my ideals, and my strong belief in Crestwood, and that you will join me in April to start our journey back to the City we all knew, and loved!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No 73

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

An open letter to Mr. Jim Murphy, reference "Prop S"

Mr. Jim Murphy, Sr.,
I have heard that you are opposed to our city's request for a tax increase, namely PROP S,
which will be on the April ballot.

I represent a committee of citizens who support this tax increase and feel that it is badly needed to sustain the quality of our services. The Citizens for PROP S are diligently working to educate Crestwood residents regarding this increase and communicate the progress which has occurred in 2005/2006 to move our city forward. I respectfully ask if you are opposed to this increase; and if so, why at a time when we are beginning to regain our city?

Char Braun
Citizens for PROP S


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Crestwood Plaza reprieved! Sunset Hills project off the table.

Ladies and Gentlemen, things are looking up on the retail front! If you would please click on the title, you will be directed to a story in the "South County Times" stating that the Sunset Hills shopping project is, for the time being off the table!

This can be nothing but good news for Crestwood, as now I believe Westfield will move forward with their plan's to renovate the plaza, and attract new client's. While I am saddened to see the turmoil in Sunset Hill's, I am elated, (for Crestwood) knowing that Crestwood will now have the chance to regain it's rightful place as a premier shopping stop in St. Louis County!

Folk's, let's back Mayor Robinson, and Mr. Myers, as they work with Westfield, and the Watson Rd. Corridor to insure Crestwood's future. Our community needs this partnership (Crestwood / Westfield, Watson Rd. Retailers) for future growth, and they need us to support them.

If I may, I would like to suggest a new slogan, and a new way of thinking for the citizens of Crestwood, and that would be "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"! We have some of the finest retailers in the country right here in Crestwood, (both at the plaza, as well as all along the Watson Rd. Corridor) and they contribute to our success and well being, so why go anywhere else? For my part, if you are a Crestwood business with a web site, and would like to link to the Crestwood Independent, (free to Crestwood businesses) please call, or E-mail me, and it shall be done.

It's up to us folks, do we believe in Crestwood? Do we enjoy the parks? Do we need Police, and Fire protection? Do we want a vibrant city? Well, I do, and so does my family, and I bet you do too!
So what say you join me, and put our money where it belongs, "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"!

"my name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 71

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tuesday night at the Board meeting.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I attended the Crestwood BOA meeting last night, and for once in a long while I was impressed! The meeting started on time, and no visible bickering was evident, with the possible exception of a gentleman suggesting that crestwood was practicing "age discrimination" because someone in his family might have been to young to enter the new retirement facility in the works! Now that in, and of itself is interesting because his statement? Took about two minutes, which caused the meeting to run two minutes over (8:32 not 8:30)!

That's right folks the Mayor, and new C/A did a wonderful job of running the meeting so that actual business was conducted for a change, and no one Alderman could bolveiate for the sake of getting their name in the paper!

Several good things happened, not the least of which was the Salvation Army being granted a C.U.P. for their new thrift shop in Crestwood! I know that this has been a lightning rod for both sides, but now that it's completed, I think you will see positive results when they open.

There was an "executive session" for a personnel matter after the meeting, and as it should be, we have nothing to report on that.

There is no doubt after last night that Mayor Robinson, and C/A Mr. Frank Myers have gotten off to a great start in putting Crestwood back on the right track. I fully believe that we now have a part of the leadership in place to move forward, now all we need is to elect an Aldermen from each of the four wards who are willing, able, and ready to step up and help these two fine gentlemen accomplish their goals.

We are very fortunate to have Mr. Greg Roby in Ward Three, (the current President of the Police Board), step up and declare his willingness to serve, and we have others in wards One, and four who are equally qualified a's well.

But wait, you forgot Ward two you say? Well no, I reserved it for last, as those of us in Ward Two have two candidates for the position to serve you as well. My name is Tom Ford, and I have lived in Crestwood for thirty six years, raised two son's (both police officers), My wife Linda, and I have been married for 40 years (April 16th), and we have two Grandchildren, with a third due in April. I have a background in Police work, contracting, The United States Navy, and as a volunteer pilot for the Red Cross emergency blood flights, as well as an emergency services search and rescue pilot (CAP, Rank of Major). Well, why mention all of that? Because I will be one of the names on the ballot in April for Alderman in Ward Two!

There will be another gentleman on the ballot also. The other gentleman will have many reasons to vote for him as well, as well he should. This is where the race becomes interesting, we have two very different people, with two very different idea's as to where Crestwood should be heading! Side one, we have ties to the old way of doing things, side two (me), a willingness to move ahead, and forward our City via "fiscal responsibility"!

I hope, and pray that this will be the sort of race that places the issues in front of you for you consideration, and one where you will be able to hear both sides before making up your mind.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I ask for your kind consideration in voting for me for Alderman, Ward Two, Crestwood in April".

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Monday, February 13, 2006

Crestwood board meeting, 2/14/06, or why Linda is going to get an early valentine!

Ladies and gentlemen, I know it's Valentine's day on the 14th., but your City needs you at the Board meeting! Why, you say?, Well it's not only the right thing to do, but, it's your input over the last few months that have resulted in the progress we have seen to date!

We have a new City Administrator, a new Police Chief (will be chosen soon), and we are in full swing for the "political season", which, when all is said and done, will serve to elect a new Alderman from each of our four wards.

Having lived in Crestwood for the past thirty six years, and currently a candidate for Alderman in Ward Two, may I suggest to you that this April election will be one of the most critical I have ever seen. Folk's, we have a clear choice this year, and I hope that when you hear what I have to say, and what I believe Crestwood can be, you will vote for me!

Please come to the meeting on the 14th., and let's see what we can do together to insure that Crestwood retains it's rightful place as "the place to live" in South County!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"!

Tom Ford
Ward two


Friday, February 10, 2006

The Suncrest Call archives!

Wow! Ladies and Gentlemen, You may, or may not be aware that for $20.00 per year (payable to the Suncrest Call), you will have access to their entire archives. If you really are interested in what has been happening in Crestwood over the past few years, I highly recommend that you spend the money, and I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed!

Most of us have thought we were informed as to how we sank into the abyss we now find ourselves in, but I now find (after reading the editorials) that we were warned about this by both Ward Three Alderman, and they were right! It has happened!

What's more interesting is the clicks that have formed, and who has voted for what. After reading the "archives", I am more than ever convinced that we need new blood on the board, people who have no ties what so ever to the past administration's, or for that matter, any ties to those who have been divisive, or who have demonstrated their lack of civility, and decorum at board meetings!

Folk's this is your City! You and I have worked hard over the years to pay our taxes, raise children, enjoy Grand children, and yes, be proud of where we live. I ask you, do we need to be placed on the front page of the paper every week just because an Alderman, or two can't control their emotion's? I don't think so!

I have lived in Crestwood for 36 years, and I have never seen such divisive politics as we are witnessing with the current board! We must get a handle on spending, and we must stop the petty bickering so prevalent at each board meeting!

For those of you in Ward Two, I am running for a seat currently held by Mr. Tim Trueblood, who will be term limited out his April. There is a gentleman running for the same seat, who has backed Mr. Kelleher, and Mr. Trueblood in the past, and continues to do so today. To me this is a clear cut difference. Do we continue "business at the same old stand", or do we move forward, and away from "devisive politics", and get Crestwood going again?

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford

Ward Two


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Reflections on the memorial service for Lt. John F. Walsh, Crestwood P.D.

My family and I attended the funeral mass for John this morning at St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Crestwood, Missouri to say good by to a close friend. For those of you not able to attend, I shall try to convey the warmth, and spirit of the church, and the people in attendance.

Father Edwards (with his Irish accent) could not have done better! His remarks about John, and his sincerity filled us with an inner peace, knowing that John was looking down on us all, and, no doubt approving of the sermon.

Mayor Robinson spoke of John in a way that clearly showed a friendship, and deep respect for him. A Police officer, Sgt. Mike paillou, told us of John's dedication to his profession, and to the City of Crestwood. Others I spoke to, both before, and after the Mass, spoke of John in way's that clearly showed respect, and a feeling of loss. We all have lost a good friend, confidant, and protector, we will all miss him.

I am sorry that I could not attend the Wake at Malone's due to a Doctor's appointment, but I am sure John was well represented by the people he loved, and those who loved him, as well he should have been!

John, now that your "10-42" for the final time, may God keep you close, and may you know how much you are loved here on earth!

Tom, Linda, Scott, Mike Ford
Crestwood, Missouri


Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Steelers win the super bowl, The Ford family elated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, if I may be so bold as to take a "time out" from the every day concern's, and comment's on this site, I would like to inform you of the win by the "Pittsburg Steelers" in the 2006 "Super Bowl".

We have waited twenty six years for this, and I just can't let it go by without at lest a "HHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I am back to "normal"!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Crestwood resident's for 'proposition S"

I am writing to all of the concerned citizens of this wonderful city. It has been a busy year at city hall as our elected leaders have struggled with city finances while performing the necessary business activities to keep our city running. We find ourselves at a crossroads with the upcoming election in April.

A new city administrator is just arriving and we will see four new faces take seats on the Board of Aldermen. There are many commercial developments being pursued along Watson Road. Crestwood is beginning to move forward.

Our aldermen have passed an ordinance to put a .20 per $100 assessed value on real estate and an increase on personal property taxes. This request for a tax increase has been given the ballot title of “Proposition S”. This tax increase request and the appointment of Mr. Myers as City Administrator was unanimously approved by all eight aldermen.

While anticipating such a move by the BOA a small group of citizens have been meeting to discuss ways to inform Crestwood voters about Proposition S, why it is needed and what it will accomplish. This group feels that the BOA is now united in a direction for the future of our community.

Crestwood Citizens for Proposition S is actively supporting our city leaders in their efforts to pass this tax measure and we need your help. Citizen involvement is the key to maintaining a quality city such as Crestwood.

How can you help?

There are many ways to help support our city:

Become informed on the tax issue and candidates running for office in your ward in the upcoming election.

Vote on April 4th 2006.

Register all household members who are of legal age to vote.

Consider absentee ballots if you are going to be out of town or have a family member out of town.

Contact your alderman and provide them with your ideas, concerns etc.

Contact the Crestwood Citizens for Proposition S.

The Crestwood Citizens for Proposition S needs assistance in many different areas:

Financial Donations For Printing Costs

Telephone Polls For Voter Reminders

Yard Sign Placement

Send Positive Letters About Crestwood To Local Newspapers

Host An Informational Meeting For Your Neighbors

Now is the time to support current and future leaders by passing this tax increase. If you can assist please contact Crestwood Citizens for Proposition S. Any help you can provide will be appreciated.


Crestwood Citizens for Prop S
Char Braun, Treasurer
9652 Yorkshire Estates Dr.
Crestwood, MO 63126

(314) 842-9243


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Will you please join me in mourning the passing of LT. John F. Walsh, Crestwood P.D.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Crestwood lost one of it's finest on Thursday 2/2/06 when LT. Walsh, or John as we knew him passed from the roll call.

John started his police career at Webster Groves in 1972, and also worked for the Ellisville P.D. prior to arriving in Crestwood in 1987, where his leadership qualities became evident as he worked his way up from patrolman to Lieutenant (promoted in 2000).

John was the sort of person who came to symbolize the true spirit of all the Crestwood employees, friendly, outgoing, and truly dedicated to his profession, and the City he served.

What can one say when one looses a friend? I am reminded of the words of John Donne, the English poet, who wrote "every man's death dimishes me...Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." John, were going to miss you!

I have been advised that a memorial service for LT. Walsh will be held at St. Elizabeth of Hungary church at 10:00 AM, Tuesday 2/7/06. Please attend if you can.

Tom Ford


Friday, February 03, 2006

Tight budget, and the Crestwood community center

Please click on the header to be directed to the story, indeed interesting!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two
