Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Prelimanary approval given by BOA for Ms. Browns resignation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have lost yet another Economic development director, in that Ms. Tryla Brown has resigned, and will be getting five weeks additional compensation pending the final vote by the BOA.

The "paper" broke the story in this weeks edition, and has said that reasons will be forthcoming upon completion of the final vote to accept. As this has been a topic of interest here, and other places in Crestwood, I suggest we hold comment's until it is in the open for all of us to dissect!

So far I have seen several suggestions that the Mayor did this, and so and so must have done that, but I assure you that when you find out the truth you will see that nothing is further from the truth!

Now on to the question of whether we need another one. Mr. Myers, and Alderman Bland seem to think so, but I don't! Please tell me one dog house that was constructed, or one grant received that can be directly attributed to the past two directors? Unless I miss my guess, the answer would be none, and yet we pay $84,000.00 per year to have one!

Memo to City Hall: If you really want one, why not appoint a retired citizen with the experience to do the job as a volunteer? Folks, this position is as useful to us as a broken snow plow! We have the BOA, the City Administrator, and the Mayor to "meet and greet," so why the extra funding for a City this size?

Tom Ford

NO. 409

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rams loose, Steelers win!

Well, that's all folks for the Rams! Cleveland Win's to drop them to 0-8 for the season! The steelers beat the Bengal's 24 /13 to move up a notch in the standings, and closer to playoff berth's.

My deepest condolences to all the Ram's fans who read this blog, but there is a bright side to everything, so just think, the Ram's will have first round draft picks next year.

There is one other thing that I should mention while I am at it, and that is let's please watch the comment's we make on this blog, or to other's in Crestwood! Lately it seems that I am hearing all sorts of things said about others in town that are, well not true. It's not a good idea, and unless we can cite verification, I will remove them.

Tom Ford

NO. 408

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Paying your St. Louis Counties tax on line!

While I am sure no one but "wealthy" liberals ever wish to pay taxes, I have a web site that will allow you to pay on line!

With thanks to a citizen, I present same to you! Please click on the header to be directed to the site, and remember, the quicker you pay them, the more money you will have for CHRISTMAS!

Tom Ford

NO. 407

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A letter to the editor by Mr. Roger Anderson, long time Crestwood resident.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am posting a "letter to the editor" sent to me by a Crestwood resident. I called Mr. Anderson to verify the letter and ask him for permission to post it here, and he agreed. So without further adue,here it is.

Crestwood officials don't seem to think much of people they represent

October 24, 2007 - In a recent article titled "Crestwood looks to improve communication with citizens," it seems our beloved board members are beginning to work with percentages. That's the good news.

The bad news is they don't seem to think much of the people they represent. While a few of the aldermen think 80 percent are too busy to know what is happening or even care, the other 20 percent are troublemakers. Even our mayor thinks that some of you just don't understand government. So much for our self-esteem as good citizens.

In recent strategic-planning sessions that cost Crestwood residents $3,000, Aldermen (Richard) Bland, (Chris) Pickel and (Gregg) Roby and Mayor (Roy) Robinson commiserated with each other about the hardships they endure as elected officials.

When it comes to Crestwood, Mr. Pickel believes that 20 percent of you "are just going to be unhappy all the time ..." Mr. Bland believes that 20 percent of you "just sit back and take shots." Mr. Roby then said "You've got people that are constantly going to belittle and complain about your system." Our mayor then piped in "... it's hard for them, the normal people who don't understand government, to understand that you are here to do what's best as best they can for the community. They lose sight of that."

Oh, those darn normal people.

You and I know that Crestwood has had some tough times in recent years. We citizens have had some tough times, too.

But the ones who had it the toughest were our elected officials, some of whom like to continue the policies and spending patterns that put Crestwood in those tough times to begin with.

Oh, but I must be careful. I should not complain lest I fall into that dreaded 20 percent category.

Perhaps instead of these strategic-planning sessions that come up with such new and innovative ideas as a balanced budget or a revitalized main street, maybe we should send our elected officials to a spa, a retreat or even to therapy. What troubles they must endure. What harshness and criticism they must encounter.

After all, it must be difficult being up on that dais. Giving tax incentives to developers, proposing new taxes, spending our money and enduring these strategic-planning sessions must be tough work — especially since the city may or may not be on the brink of financial disaster.

So if you are lucky enough to be "represented" by one of these fine kings — I mean aldermen — be sure to bow down before them. Know your turn, however, as they are quite busy congratulating themselves.

Roger Anderson


Nuff said!

Tom Ford

NO. 406

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The "ways and means committee" meeting report!

Per every ones request I went to City Hall today and listened to 1:59 minutes of the meeting on 10/17/07. Many thanks to our outstanding City Clerk for working with me on this!

The synopsis of the meeting is as follows, The City Administrator (C/A) advised the Mayor that several Alderman visited with him prior to the meeting to discuss how to report to the Board. The Mayor advised the C/A that this was not proper, as he was not present.

Alderman Miguel, and Foote discussed the budget with Mr. Miguel being adamant that the budget be balanced! It was mentioned that we may see a shortfall of two hundred thousand (more or less) that would need to be covered by our surplus.

The loss of revenue from the Plaza was discussed, and the consensus was that it could be made up by other stores (Macy's,) and may not be a problem. Mr. Miguel suggested a plan "B" if that was not the case.

The thirty thousand was discussed, and IT will go to the Board tonight for consideration, but no final deal was made on it.

There were further housekeeping items discussed, and the money for two new vehicles was requested to be cut back to one, however they are still both in the budget. A new sound system was discussed, and may be voted on tonight.

All in all it sounded to me like the folks up there have a very good handle on the budget, and I heard nothing that would concern me at this time!

The tape I listened to is a "preliminary" raw copy, and has not yet been approved as gospel by the Board, so we shall wait and see if there is further.

By the way, if you wish to listen to the tape, I have it on CD, so please contact me.

Tom Ford

NO. 405

Monday, October 22, 2007

Possible cut's in the budget for 2008!

As I see it, there are a few salaries (and positions) we can do without now. First of all we seem to have two code enforcement officers for a three square mile town! I see no reason for two, as all of our building inspections are contracted to St. Louis County. In the four communities that I worked at as a police officer, the police department was responsible for code enforcement. The code enforcement people we have now are not "sworn officers" that I know of, and as such should not be able to write "ticket's."

The second place is the "assistants" assigned to the City Administrator. It seems to me that one should be enough, we seem to be adding them on a regular basis.

The third area is the animal control officer. I am told that, when needed, she becomes rather hard to locate, especially on weekends. Now St. Louis County has officers on call 24/7, and would seem to be a better deal in the long run.

How much money can we save eliminating these positions? Well, it might be enough to put our ambulance back on the street rather than converting it to a public works truck!

Tom Ford


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Crestwood legal expenses, and obsolete positions in Crestwood.

Ladies and Gentlemen, As I read the posts below one glaring question surfaces, and that is why is Crestwood the target for so many legal problems? Now I know you can't run a business or a City these days without problems arising that require lawyers, but we seem to get more than our fair share!

At the last ways and means committee meeting a request for $30,000.00 in legal fees for "economic development" was made. I asked about it and was told that it was for the Plaza if needed, but that it would not be used unless it was needed. Good deal, but someone must think it will be needed or they wouldn't ask for it.

Now that brings me to part two which is do we really need the position of "economic development director?" Ours has not been in her office for some time now, and it hasn't changed the landscape of Crestwood one bit as far as I can tell.
If she were to leave, should we consider abolishing that position (saving $84K per year,) and giving that responsibility to the City Administrator, and the BOA?

So far as I can tell, our experience with this position is somewhat short of my expectations, meaning that I can't attribute anything really new to that position, period. Is it possible that we can save enough money here to get the new cars?

I await your suggestions, comment's, and yes criticism (normal!)

Tom Ford

NO. 403

Friday, October 19, 2007

Crestwood BOA meeting for Oct. 23,2007 agenda, and plan

Ladies and Gentlemen, here (in PDF form) is the meeting agenda for the next BOA meeting on Oct. 23, 2007.

This is the place to find out about the budget, the legal fees, and whatever else you want to know.

We will have all our leaders arrayed in front of us so why not attend, and if you have a question of one, or more of them, ask it!

Crestwood has a lot of things coming in the very near future that will concern all of us who own a home, or property here, so let's get up there and toss in our two cents.

I know I am probably the worst for attendance, but this time unless all goes south, I will be there!

Tom Ford

NO. 402

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Were Back in the ball game folks! Well, maybe, well...............

As reported by the "paper" we have reduced the 2008 projected deficit by $85,552.00 since last week! It seems they found some projections that were above what actual costs will be, so.

However the Mayor has requested $30,000.00 for legal fees to be earmarked for "economic development." Now here is where I draw the line folks. If we need another 30 grand for legal fees, how about we stop the "legal fee hemorrhage" that has been happening over the last few years, as well as up to now!

It seems like every time we turn around someone in authority is creating a law suit by their actions, or words. Can we get that stopped before we spend another dime on lawyers? Is it me, or have we become an easy mark? It would seem that we have the proverbial target on our backs, why, I don't know. But I do know it has to stop, and now!

That said, Gentlemen of the BOA, until I see a hemostat on this important artery, I am totally against the 30 grand for more legal fee's!

Tom Ford

NO. 401

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

KMOX radio (AM 1120) to air "eminent domain" program!

At 9:00 AM on Wednesday 10/17/07 KMOX radio will air a program reference "eminent domain" hosted by Mr. Charlie Brennan.

This is billed as an in-depth discussion by both sides of the issue, and may well prove to be interesting.

Please listen if you can, as this well may be an issue right here some day!

Tom Ford

NO. 400

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The BOA wanted us to learn about TIF, TDD, CID's, and their use as a tool!

So with the help of a good friend, and Crestwood resident, I have taken it upon myself to start your education right here with the math portion of these very important tools!

You may at first find this a bit confusing, but if you were to hire at least three law firms, it would become as clear as a new bell!

There is no doubt in my mind that these formulas were used in the calculations covering all the projects we have seen in Crestwood over the years, and why not, once you see it, you will grasp the total genius behind it

Please click on the header, play the "clip" and you will soon understand!

Tom Ford

NO. 399

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oop's, it seems we have a projected deficit of $250,000.00 in the three major funds!

Well, according to the "paper" this week Mr. Myers is now expecting a rather astonishing deficit in 2008! What happened to the "surplus" we thought we had? Well, we do have a whopping $229.00 surplus in the general fund, so I guess I shouldn't be so up-set.

Now this is only a "draft" copy folks so let's see where the "fungible" funds show up!

We also see that the City fathers want to "educate" us on the use of "tax incentive tools!" This I have got to see and hear! If we give away one more cent of tax monies we will be sending the developers a check every month!

But as Alfred E. Newman used to say in Mad magazine "What, me worry!" We are in for a ride and a half here folks, and soon!

Tom Ford

No. 398

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me and about 10,000 of your fellow citizens in wishing our famed City historian, and all around "girl about town" a very happy birthday! Who would that be you ask? Why Mrs. Jackie Stock! Happy birthday "Mam" (my Mom always told me to be nice to my elders,) and may you enjoy many more!

Tom Ford

NO. 397

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Alderman Bland and the "paper!"

It seems as though Alderman Richard Bland (Ward 1,) likes to see his words in print in the "paper!" In this weeks edition Alderman Bland states that 80% of the Crestwood citizens are far to busy raising children, going to ball games, and leading their lives to attend a BOA meeting. He further states that the remaining 20% seem to be there to "take shots" at those on the Dias!

Now I really doubt that the 20% of the citizens that attend are there to cause trouble for him or anyone else on that Dias! No Mr. Bland they are there because they care about their city, and they care about what happens to it in the future. I wonder what he will say to Martha Duchild, and some of the other "Mom's" who attend, and who find the time to be civic minded? Mr. Bland, you are becoming a legend in your own mind here, just who do you think elevated you to this lofty perch anyway?

Now you would think that would be enough for one sitting, but you would be wrong! Not to be outdone by himself, Mr. Bland goes on to say that if you blog, you don't have to tell the truth! So I suspect that he is calling all of us liars, no? Mr. Bland this may have escaped you but a "Blog" is a grouping of opinions, not a scientific fact sheet! So whats' your point?

Now these comments I find really interesting as Mr. Richard Bland authorised, and delivered flyer's to the Ward (one day before the election) that said his opponent (Mr. Darrell Wallach) was in favor of "eminent domain!" He knew it was not true, he knew it was an inflammatory remark, and he knew it was the type of thing that would scare the senior citizens in his ward! Mr. Bland won by 36-37 votes no doubt because of this falsehood he allowed to be perpetrated on the citizens of Ward 1.

Mr. Bland was the election really that important to you to win that you were willing to put that lie on paper and distribute it in your Ward, and if so, why pray tell?

Tom Ford

No. 396

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"Politics makes strange bed fellows," I forget who said it, but it's true!

Well this is a day that is rare! I opened the "paper" to the editorial comments, and low and behold, I agree with Mr. Mike Anthony!!

Folks, I read it three times to be sure, but by golly this time Mr. Anthony has a darn good point! The City Attorney has been giving us "advise" that is more than questionable for some time now!

I am not sure when it started, but the C/A has tossed out (in my opinion) some really silly opinions. Now I know that having two lawyers is like having two watches (you don't know what time it is,) but some of his "rulings" are just plain, well?

Mr. Anthony! As hard as it may be for you to believe, I agree! It's time for a new City Attorney, and soon!

Tom Ford

No. 395

Monday, October 01, 2007

Crestwood Independent goes to the Nascar race in Kansas City!

Ladies and gentlemen, in keeping with my "blue collar" root's I attended a Nascar race this past weekend with 30 of my closest friends (customers, and others!) We all arrived on Saturday afternoon, had dinner and drinks, and prepared for the next day's frivolity.

Sunday dawned dull and murky, and we were whisked away to the track by waiting vans. Now is when the fun really begins, we arrived a 7:30 AM and found (finally) the VIP hospitality tent where we had breakfast, lunch, and coffee and beer. Prizes were given out to the guests, we visited with Dr. Jerry Bunch (ESPN) and others until it was time to tour the pit area (very interesting!) Soon it was time to go to our "seats" (read a 40' long aluminum rail 6" wide,) once in your "seat" you have the feeling that your there for the duration.

Suddenly, the politicians are through speaking, the advertising is completed, and a voice (astronaut Lovell) says "gentlemen, start your engines!" From there on you cant hear anything as the noise is deafening! But you adapt because you have a "track scanner," a device that allows you to hear all that is said between drivers, crew, and officials.

The cars come out, the pace car lines them up, green flag, and the noise ratchets up 40%!

Now folks, the "one eyed old fat man" has seen and done a few things before, but this is an experience not to be missed! I know some of you are way to "sophisticated" for such a "Hoosier. blue collar sport" but try it once, good grief, you too may be in the stand with your Kevin Harvick shirt, hat, pants, and yes, watch on!

Tom Ford

No. 394