Tax information hot off the City web site, or why isn't it up to date?
I know they are busy up there doing what Cities do, but I am being asked to shell out another .35 cents per hundred of assessed value with information from 2003!
Now, you and I know that things have changed since then, but what if I were part of an aspiring family who was looking for a City to move to from another State, and I opened this?
We paid a lot of money for that financial software (over $140,000.00 I believe,) so why arn't we doing something with it? I also know that "one page" reports seem to be all the rage now, but could we fire up the computer and come up to "real time? I for one would like to see a City P&L statement (you know the one you give to the bank) before I will vote for ANY tax increase!
Folks, I have no intention of trying to influence your vote here (all of you are much to smart for that,) but as for me, I will be voting negative until, and unless I see something that shows me I'm wrong.
An open letter to our leaders: Gentlemen, August 5th is not that far away. You do not have that much time to convenience us were wrong, so I would get going, or plan for a landslide defeat! While I am at it, this City is represented by nine individuals, duly elected who should be respected by everyone on that Dias. Please no more of the unfavorable remarks about fellow elected officials from the Dias! These are serious times, and they demand serious leaders to bring us through them, so let's get moving!
Tom Ford
NO. 517