Friday, September 29, 2006

It looks like it's time to lighten up a bit again, "from Dale's Blog"

Random Thoughts
September 25th, 2006
Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

“Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater.”
Albert Einstein

“If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!”

“Art without engineering is dreaming; Engineering without art is calculating.”

“file to shape, bash to fit and paint to cover.”

“I don’t grow up. In me is the small child of my early days” — M.C. Escher

Mechanic on the line: Hand me a screwdriver.
Mechanic at toolbox: Phillips or common?
Mechanic on the line: Ether one, I am going to as a hammer.

“If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.”
– by Albert Einstein

“Malicious compliance” - carefully doing exactly what one has been instructed to do, in the knowledge that what the Authority asked for is fundamentally different from what they meant.

“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”

“There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary, and those who don’t.”

Tom Ford


Sunday, September 24, 2006

A change to the Crestwood Charter? Why would we do that?

Folks, have a look at the minutes of the Charter commission reference a change to our Charter (click on the header.)

This instrument has served us very well since it's inception, and I see no reason to change it now. Before you know it November will be upon us, and we will be asked to vote to change our Charter.

Let's look at this idea foe a minute. First of all the commission was appointed earlier than the Charter calls for, second the "changes" seem to be un-necessary, as what the commission calls for can be accomplished with the Charter we now have.

Think of our Charter as the constitution of the United States, would we be willing to change that after it has worked so well for all these years? I think not! If you read these changes that the commission wants us to make, you will see they benefit one political faction in town, and not Crestwood as a whole.

I am dead set against these needless changes! May we please hear from you on this very important issue? And, please let's keep the name calling out of this topic as it's way too important to be childish with. I don't care who set up what, or who this is aimed at, I only care that as many of our residents understand this as possible before November.

Tom Ford


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Is this a good idea for the pool, or the Whitecliff center?

Please click on the header for further information!

Tom Ford

no. 225

Friday, September 22, 2006

Vote NO on amendment 2! Why? Well see the attached.

Ladies, and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the Missouri Life site which will answer most all of your questions on "stem cell research".

It looks to me as though this amendment will do nothing for keeping the un-born safe, and quite a bit for the pharmaceuticals companies. I am against anything that would allow a living fetus to be taken, and used for "research purposes"!

Abortion is bad enough in it's own right, but giving false hope to patients by telling them that "it's right around the corner", is despicable!

So far, adult stem cell's are producing the best source of workable materials, and there are plenty of "embryo stem cells" available in the umbilical cords of new-born's to give the scientists the materials they need.

Please let's have your comment's and ideas on this subject, as next to the ill founded idea to change the Crestwood Charter, this is going to be a large debate.

Tom Ford


Thursday, September 21, 2006

"Crestwood officials formulating RFP to secure tax-exempt financing pact"

Please click on the header for a story by Mr. Burke Wasson of the Suncrest Call. What with our notes coming due on October 31, 2006, this is a very timely subject.

Tom Ford

No. 223

Monday, September 18, 2006

The month of October is Brest cancer awareness month!

This October has been designated as "Brest Cancer awareness month" in Missouri, and to that end I am including a form from the State to report any incidence you may have personally encountered.

My wife, Linda is a survivor, and we have many more here in Ward 2, and Ward 1. If we fill these out and get them to the right people we may find out where this is coming from, and work on a remedy.

Cancer Patient Information Form
This form is being given to you as the first step in exploring a possible excess of cancer in your community. The person that gave it to you will explain the nature of the concern. The fact that you were given this form does not mean that there is a known problem causing cancer in your community. It simply means that the person who gave it to you would like the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) to look at information from those with cancer in the community to determine if there may be a problem. Your information will be kept confidential, and will not be shared with the person who gave you the form. For questions about the process please call (573) 522-2840.

Please print and fill in all of the information as completely as possible for you, if you are the individual with cancer, or for your family member who had cancer but is no longer living. At a minimum include legal name, birthday, social security number, how long you lived in the area (community being investigated), and where you were diagnosed with cancer. This information allows the DHSS to confirm the information and use it to look into the concern. Write on the blank portion or the back of the form as needed.

Legal Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
 Male  Female Social Security Number - - 
Current Address City / State / Zip
Phone Number ()- 
Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) // Death Date (mm/dd/yyyy)/  / 
Type of Cancer: Date of Diagnosis (mm/dd/yyyy) //
Address at Time of Diagnosis
(address, city, state, and zip)
Physician’s Name Facility name where you (or your family member) were first diagnosed with cancer. (Hospital or other facility)
Address when environmental exposure may have occurred (include street, city, state and zip) (For example, the address where you or your family member lived as a teen.)
Number of years you or your family member lived at the address where exposure may have occurred 
Do you currently smoke?Yes No If you don’t smoke now, what year did you quit smoking?
Did you ever smoke? Yes No How long did you smoke? years
Additional Information & Comments: Please feel free to provide additional information in this section or on the back. For example, maiden names, previous names used, if any. Information about your or your family member’s occupation, exposure, etc.)

Please return within 6 weeks of receipt to:
Bureau of Cancer and Chronic Disease Control, Cancer Inquiry Program
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
P. O. Box 570, Jefferson City MO 65102-0570 OR via fax (573) 522-2899

Please print out the form, fill it out, and send it to Jeff City. Keep a copy on file at your home for further.

Tom Ford

No. 222

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The plans move forward!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just received the following from one of our Alderman reference the City's (and the mayor's plan,) for the future!

"The BOA, Mayor, city administrator etc. Will be working hard to finalize the plan (s), 1year, three year, five year, based on what we have discovered about revenue and expenses, department requirements and desires, and address debts incurred by previous BOA and city administration. We will be spending a lot of time as follows:

September 17th 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm
September 18th 6:30pm to 9:00 pm
Tuesday the 19th All day meeting

All of this time is spent to finalize the strategy to help Crestwood return to a financial responsibility. This is a dynamic process not a static process.

All of those who will not sign their names on the blog are welcome to add comments."

Well, it sounds like there is a plan after all, now aren't you ashamed for saying there wasn't?

Tom Ford

No. 221

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Mayors "plan" seems to be the topic of the day here!

In reading the posts I see that our "best and brightest" have adorned every header with witty banter about the Mayors plan. Now that's all well and good, but being the "benevolent" blogmaster that I am, I felt it necessary to give all of you one section to post your rants in. I would never wish to put un-due stress on any of you by forcing you to open each header, and remark on that topic.

I have a suggestion reference the Mayors plan. What say we ask the Mayor, and the BOA to hold a "town hall meeting" for the express purpose of up-dating us on the plan for Crestwood? In a two hour or less session we can all be apprised of what the 2007, and beyond vision for our town is. We can have Ms. Dailey give us her report on what she plans to do for businesses, Mr. Myers can tell us about finances, Mayor Robinson can then outline the "PLAN" we all seem to be so worried about, the BOA can tell us their agenda, and we can give suggestions!

Or, failing that, we can continue to be "cute" behind the ever popular "anonymous" posting, and get absolutely nothing whatsoever accomplished, with the exception of telling or friends "I showed them". So what will it be friends and neighbors? Do we request (I will do that,) the town hall meeting, or do we continue "re-arrange the deck chairs?"

Tom Ford


Friday, September 15, 2006

"Muslim fury grows over Popes speech"

I guess the Pope is no longer allowed to quote from history, or tell the truth reference Muslims. If he had cut down Christianity or Judaism, all would be well but he didn't do that. What he did do was to quote from history, namely printed facts that have survived for centuries, un-refuted facts at that!

I have heard some say that the Pope may be in mortal danger due to his remarks, but I think that even the radical fools in Islam realize that there would be a vast shortage of Inmans, and Mulahs were that to happen.

Please click on the header to be directed to the story from London.

Tom Ford


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Crestwood Independent is back!

Ladies and gentlemen, the blog was "interrupted" at 19:49 (7:49PM,) by someone under the E-mail name of "". We were off line for some time, but as you can see, were back.

I have not only the name of the culprit, but also the signature computer number of the person / persons who disrupted it. I will forward it on to the FBI for further investigation under the computer hacker laws.

Sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced, and I will post the name of our "hacker" when it becomes available.

Tom Ford


Monday, September 11, 2006

Time to lighten up a little bit.

This in no way is to be considered a slam on any particular religion, but rather a bit of levity for today. All of us "changed" five years ago, we had too. One thing though, we can never allow the enemy to rob us of our freedom that we all love so dearly! I met with a man who flew in to St. Louis today rather than yesterday. Why you say? Well he wanted to thumb his nose at the "islamo-fascists", and by doing so,(on 9/11,) he did it!

Never let these "people" get the upper hand! We must, and will win this war on terror for our childrens sake, and yes their children's children, otherwise we sink into the dark ages of the third century!

So much for pontificating, and now the story:
Catholic Squirrels

There were four country churches in a small TEXAS town:
The Presbyterian Church, the Baptist Church, the Methodist Church and
the Catholic Church. Each church was overrun with pesky squirrels.

One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do
about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined
that the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't
interfere with God's divine will.

In the Baptist Church the squirrels had taken up habitation in the
baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery
and drown the squirrels in it. The squirrels escaped somehow and there
were twice as many there the next week.

The Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a
position to harm any of God's creations. So, they humanely trapped the
squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town. Three days
later, the squirrels were back.

But---The Catholic Church came up with the best and most effective
They baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the
Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter.

Tom Ford

No. 217

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Crestwood BOA meeting 9/12/06

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the Crestwood web site showing the next BOA meeting.

You will please note that Mrs. Sandy Grav`e will be receiving a thirty year service proclamation! Please join me at the meeting, and congraulate Sandy on a job well done!

Tom Ford

No. 216

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Crestwood Independent calls for a cessation of remarks reference prior leaders!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have repeatedly requested that we move forward with ideas to help the current administration, alas to no avail! I have been told that Crestwood citizens have decided to not read the blog because "it's the same old thing, slam the past leaders."

I spent some time today looking into these complaints, and you know what? Their right! So from today on, any post with the following in it will be deleted by me as soon as I see it.

1. Greer
2. Fagan
3. Robertson
4. Trueblood
5. Madrid
6. Maddox
7. Anyone else from any former administration, back to day one.

The idea of finding fault is an old one folks, we need to fix the problem's we have now, and I couldn't care less who caused them, there still our problems!

We have some of the best and brightest minds in the County right here, so let's use them to our advantage. Remember my Fathers old saying "who cares who killed Hitler, as long as the SOB is dead."

Tom Ford


Friday, September 08, 2006

A question for Ward Two dwellers.

Has anyone besides me noticed any changes in the bird population? I used to see a lot of cardinals, Finch, Robins, ETC, but lately I haven't seen any of these birds at the feeders, or in my back yard.

One thing I have noticed though is a steady growth of mosquito's in the last week, or so. I am wondering what has happened? Is something up-setting the Eco balance in the area?

Please tell us your thoughts on what this might be. I plan to go out to Powder Valley nature Center and ask the experts what they think in the next couple of days.

Tom Ford

No. 214

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"Crestwood Mayor to put pressure on Westfield, for mall improvement plans"

Please click on the header to be directed to the story in this week's Suncrest Call, "I-Call" on line.

Tom Ford

No. 213

Sunday, September 03, 2006

We are doomed! This is the most depressing news I have seen in some time!

Click the header for the story! If you have seen the "Crestwood Independents" wife's Ford Focus in yellow, with Steeler signs and flags on it in town, you will know why!

Tom Ford

No. 212

Saturday, September 02, 2006

"Bonds issued with completion of Watson plaza."

From a story this week in the "South County Times." Please click on the header to be directed to the publication, and the story.

Tom Ford


Friday, September 01, 2006

Planning and zoning board meeting for September 6,2006

Please click on the header to be directed to the meeting notice. If your wondering about the historic Arban / Crane possible home relocation, please attend.

Tom Ford
