Just when we all thought the bickering was coming to an end, what to my wondering eyes should appear but several little kid's passing out flyers from my "worthy opponent". As it should be at this state of the campaign, however let's examine point by point his flyer.
1. "Experienced in managing multi-million dollar budgets": Well I am, stop by my home, and I will show you last years, and year to date. Opponent says he is, but has anyone seen it? No you say? Well?
2. "Eager to bring 20+ years of marketing and public relations experience to the board to help Crestwood move forward": Ok, well how about 31 years of experience in the business world (management,) 11 years of it responsible for the employee payroll?
Has my opponent ever been responsible for making sure the employees are paid? Well no, he lives in a corporate world (SBC,) where he gets a check, and probably has no idea where it came from.
3. "4 1/2 years on the "Planning and zoning commission": Nine months experience on the Planning and zoning commission, but with 31 years in the construction related industry, I am able, ready and willing to see a project over budget on the spot! That's why I would never have voted for it, and would have advised my fellow commission members not to do so either.
4. "If elected may have to abstain from any vote relating to City budgets, personnel issues,benefits, ETC. Due to conflict of interest with City Personnel": Interesting that he mentions that detail. I would like to quote from a letter to the BOA from Mr Golterman, dated July 18, 2001. This memorandum was sent a few days after Messrs. Green, Pickel, and Kelleher voted to grant the C.U.P. to the Swim Club. Mr. Green stated that he called for the Ok from Mr. Golterman, and Mr. Golterman acknowledges his call, and his findings. However Mr. Golterman backs up his findings with a document from the RSMO:105 covering "conflict of interest, I quote verbatim, "Provisions applying specifically to judicial and quasi-judicial city positions". "The conflict of interest statute prohibits a municipal judge or a person in quasi-judicial position (EG. a board of adjustment member, P & Z member)from participating in proceedings where the official or a closely related party or where the official has a direct or indirect financial interest"! You will please note that it includes P & Z board members, and if you were a swim club stock holder, or a relative of a swim club stock holder or member, you had a very definite "Conflict of interest"! I requested these documents on a FOIA form, and it took over a week to find them, but there here now, so please feel free to come and examine them anytime! Now back to where I said this is interesting, He states that I "may have" a conflict of interest, but he has removed all doubt, he seconded the motion, and he voted for it! We know what he will do, go for the "conflict of interest every time as long as it benefits him, and his friends.
5. "95% of campaign support comes from Crestwood residents & family members": That's good, but from whom? He lists $1075.00 from persons giving $100.00 or less, and that's legal, he also has donations of $ 4.00 from anonymous donors, again OK. Now let's examine mine, I listed all direct donations of $100.00 and up, including $135.00 from the Prop. "S" people that was used for postage (600 letters sent @ .47 which included prop. "S" letters, and my letters.) Mr. Millford, will you please tell us, as I have, who made those contributions?
6. "Endorsed by the Suncrest Call, and CWA local 6310": Most all of us receive the Call, so please judge that for yourself! Now, reference the Communication Workers Of America, that's great, however it was not long ago (according to his supporters,) that being endorsed by a union (me) was a very bad thing indeed, read the blog. Are we to believe that my opponent has undergone an ephiany in recent weeks when it comes to "union" support? Boy's you cant have it both ways, union support is good, or its bad, which is it? And while your at it, please look into the fact the SBC has two or more unions representing their employees, I.B.E.W.for the working crews, and C.W.A. for management, and supervisory personnel?. Can some one clairify the difference for me?
ladies and Gentlemen, take a close look at both of us, don't believe everything you read and hear, call both of us before Tuesday, and then make up your own mind as to whom you want to represent you! Call me @ 314-341-2307 (cell), or 314-965-5792 (home), and I will be happy to discus the issues, or you can stop by for a visit (call me for directions.)
"My name is Tom Ford,and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"
Tom Ford
Ward Two