Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Are septic tanks allowed in Crestwood?

A rumor has been around for the last six months that the swim club, operating on a Creve Coeur permit, used "septic tanks" in lieu of a hook up to MSD lines.

I would like to set the record straight for once and for all. If you have personal knowledge of this, or if you have a set of "as built" plans, would you please share it with us.

I am having a hard time believing that this is true, but it is persistent, so let's clear it, and move on!

Tom Ford

No. 156

A re-print from last November on this blog. WARNING!

This time it appears it's in the county area according to the South County Journal, so please advise your friends to look out for this scam! Jury duty scam!
While in our area as of now, this is something to pass on to your friends, and relatives (especially the older ones), who may be at risk for this type of fraud.

Jury Duty Scam Leads to Identity Theft

Here's a new twist scammers are using to commit identity theft: the jury duty scam. Here's how it works:

The scammer calls claiming to work for the local court and claims you've failed to report for jury duty. He tells you that a warrant has been issued for your arrest.

The victim will often rightly claim they never received the jury duty notification. The scammer then asks the victim for confidential information for "verification" purposes.

Specifically, the scammer asks for the victim's Social Security number, birth date, and sometimes even for credit card numbers and other private information -- exactly what the scammer needs to commit identity theft.

So far, this jury duty scam has been reported in Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington state.

It's easy to see why this works. The victim is clearly caught off guard, and is understandably upset at the prospect of a warrant being issued for his or her arrest. So, the victim is much less likely to be vigilant about protecting their confidential information.

In reality, court workers will never call you to ask for social security numbers and other private information. In fact, most courts follow up via snail mail and rarely, if ever, call prospective jurors.

Action: Never give out your Social Security number, credit card numbers or other personal confidential information when you receive a telephone call.

(verified on www.snopes.com)

posted by Crestwood Independent at 3:02 PM 0 comments

Tom Ford

No. 155

Monday, May 29, 2006

A memorial Day remembrance from Mr. Ralph Bennett.

This missive from Mr. Bennett said it better than I could ever have.

The sentiments below come from Ralph Bennett on the TCS web site, but I feel they are good ones:

Technology, Commerce Society

Make this Memorial Day really memorable.
Go and find a soldier's grave.
It shouldn't be too hard. If you're not near a military cemetery, just about any cemetery will do.
Look for the little American flags fluttering by the stones or the little bronze markers placed by the veterans' organizations.
Or walk the rows and look for those stones that impart terse histories of short lives -- "Killed in Action on the Island of Iwo Jima," or "KIA Republic of Viet Nam," or "Iraq 2003."
I know, I know. You do plan to watch that short parade, and the ceremony at the flagpole. But then relatives are going to be over for that big cookout. There's baseball and auto racing on TV, not to mention the "Memorial Day Mattress Event" or the "Memorial Day SUV Salesathon."
Look, just take an hour away from all that. An hour. Go out early in the morning if you have to.
Go and find a soldier's grave.
Put some flowers there. Or just pause and say a prayer. Nothing elaborate. "Thanks" will do.
Or just stop and think about what it means; what it really means to give your life, in its prime, for your country. Look at that name there on the stone. Think what might have been... and what was.
Some of these men and women were in uniform by choice. Some because they had no choice. Some were heroes. Some were not.
But they were there where all hell was breaking loose. They probably had no idea they were giving "the last full measure of devotion." They just had some instant, desperate job to do. In a cockpit or a turret or a hole in the ground.
Did they grasp the "policy implications" of their presence on the high seas, in the air or on some foreign soil? Did they have time for a curse or a prayer when they saw the muzzle flashes or heard that rushing sound, or when the bomb sent the Humvee into the air?
Go and find a soldier's grave.
You can have that hamburger and beer later, and maybe relax in the hammock and not give a thought to that one whose life span is now an incised line in stone -- that one who represented you, like no Congressman could.
Go and find a soldier's grave.
Remember what duty costs.
Then just bow your head and, as Gen. George S. Patton said, do not mourn that such men died, but thank God that such men lived.

Ralph Bennett is a TCS Contributing Editor.

Thank you mr. bennett for sharing this with all of us.

Tom Ford

No. 154

Friday, May 26, 2006

A public service post for parents, and grandparents, in the area.

Folks, summer is coming, and the kids will be out playing with their friends, and neighbors. It's our job to protect them from any and all harm, and to that end St. Louis County has published a list of known sex offenders on their web site pursuant to RSMO 589, which requires every sex offender to register with the police.

Please click on the header to be directed to their site for information in your neighborhood.

Tom Ford


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's official, former C/A Don Greer has been hired by Fairview Hts., IL. As their first ever C/A!

As first reported here Mr. Don Greer has accepted the job of City Administrator for the Illinois City of Fairview Heights. Mr. Greer, when he starts will be the first City Administrator to be hired by that community. Mr. Greer will have an annual salary of $85,000.00 plus a gas allowance (according to a story in the Suncrest Call,) and will take over his duties soon.

Won't you all join me in wishing Mr. Greer good luck in his new position, and may both he, and Fairview heights prosper!

Tom Ford

No. 152

Sunday, May 21, 2006

This Memorial day let's remember the hero's that have given us our freedom!

It will soon be Memorial day, a day that will find us firing up the grill, popping a cold one, and enjoying the kid's, and grand kids, and well it should be.

But this year won't you join me in remembering those that gave the last full measure of devotion to our country, those that will not be there at the table this year, those who forever will remain in our hearts, as young, vibrant kid's that went willingly to protect this great Nation?

Growing up in the 40/50's, my friends, and I played at war with surplus equipment that was so available at the time. Then came the 60's, I enlisted in the NAVY, so did my close friend (from across the street) LT. (jg) James Zavocki. I was a second class petty officer at the time, and served aboard an aircraft carrier (USS Bennington,)as an air crewman. "Jimmy" served aboard another carrier (USS Oriskiny,) as a R.E.O. in an F-4 Phantom. "Jimmy" was shot down on his first sortie over Hanoi by a SAM (one of the ones, no doubt brought into Hyphong Harbor by Russian freighters that we were not allowed to attack.)

I did not find out about this until my return home. I still miss his smiling face, witt, and zest for life to this day! I ask you to please click on the header, and find it in your heart to say a small prayer for all in harms way on this memorial Day!

Tom Ford

No. 151

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The state auditor looks into TDD bonds! Dated March, 06

It could be the Alderman should look into this before voting on the TDD bonds? Seems to be a lot of issues with this type of bond that we may not wish to get into.

Tom Ford


Office of the State Auditor of Missouri
Claire McCaskill

Report No. 2006-12

March 2006

The following problems were included in our audit of Transportation Development Districts.


Transportation development districts (TDDs) are separate political subdivisions established and organized for the construction of roads, bridges, interchanges, or other transportation-related projects, financed through the issuance of notes, bonds, or other debt securities and governed by a board of directors. These boards have the authority to impose sales taxes or tolls, or levy property taxes or special assessments within the boundaries of the respective TDDs to pay those transportation-related project expenditures.

TDDs are initiated by the filing of a petition in the circuit court of the county where the proposed district is located. For TDDs established as of December 31, 2004, 96 percent of the petitions initiating their establishment were filed by the owners of the property located within the proposed district. In many instances, it appears only a single property owner/developer petitioned for the creation of a district.

Although the Transportation Development District Act was enacted in 1990, the first TDD was not established until 1997, apparently the result of statutory changes the General Assembly made that year. These changes have resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of TDDs established. As of December 31, 2004, 69 TDDs had been established in the state. This significant growth has continued in 2005, with 18 additional TDDs being established as of October 2005.

In a survey of the 69 districts, officials of 68 of the TDDs reported total estimated transportation project costs of over $578 million. In addition, 62 of the 69 TDDs reported total estimated revenues of over $787 million would be collected during the lives of the respective TDDs. All of the districts established as of December 31, 2004, have imposed a sales tax, with rates ranging from one-eighth of one percent to one percent on retail items sold within the districts' boundaries. As a result, all retail establishments located within a TDD charge a higher total sales tax than the retail establishments that lie outside the district's boundaries.

Our audit disclosed various issues regarding the TDDs in the areas of public awareness/involvement, and accountability and compliance, including:

· There is no requirement for the public to be notified when a property owner(s)/developer files a petition with the circuit court to form a TDD. In addition, public hearings regarding the establishment of TDDs are not required to be held.

· Neither registered voters nor their elected representatives are involved in the decision to levy taxes for most TDDs.

· There is no requirement the petitions filed with the circuit court include any information regarding estimated transportation project costs or the anticipated revenues that will be collected over the life of the TDD.

· There is no requirement for an independent review or oversight of TDD transportation project costs or other expenditures.

· There is disagreement over whether the construction of a TDD-funded transportation project(s) can be started prior to the legal establishment of the applicable TDD.

· Most TDD sales taxes are not collected by the Missouri Department of Revenue, creating less assurance over the controls and monitoring of such revenue.

· Many TDDs had not filed annual financial reports with the State Auditor's Office (SAO), as required, and the current audit requirements related to TDDs need to be reconsidered.

· In many cases, significant project costs were initially paid by the private developer(s), who were then subsequently reimbursed by the TDD after bonds or other debt had been issued. Such reimbursement process weakens the accountability over project-related costs.

· The revenues of TDDs located in TIF areas are being handled in different manners, and in some instances there is not adequate assurance TDD sales tax revenues are only used to pay the TDD's share of bond financing costs.

The audit recommended the General Assembly review the issues addressed in the report and work with the Missouri Department of Transportation, the State Auditor's Office, and other governmental entities to make necessary revisions to the TDD-related statutes.

Complete Audit Report

Missouri State Auditor's Office

Tom Ford


Friday, May 19, 2006

If your going to drink, don't drive in south county!!

County Police Highway Safety Team to Conduct DWI Enforcement in South County & Affton Southwest Precincts
For Immediate Release 19-May-2006

The St. Louis County Police Department Highway Safety Team will be checking motorists in an effort to reduce the number of drunk drivers on our streets and highways. Specially trained officers will be conducting DWI Enforcement on Saturday, May 20, 2006, in the South County and Affton Southwest Precincts. Hours of operation will be from 11:00 PM to 3:00 AM the following morning. The locations were selected for the special enforcement because of alcohol-related accidents at or near the location in recent months. Inconvenience to motorists will be minimal.

The officers participating in the enforcement have had additional training in the recognition of motorists who have had too much to drink. Officers will also issue citations for seat belt and other violations. The goal of this Enforcement is to reduce alcohol-related accidents as well as to increase seat belt use.

Tom Ford

No. 149

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Crestwood Alderman work session.

Having just returned from the work session a City Hall reference the sale of the bonds for the TIF,CID,TDD, I have little to report to you!

The meeting lasted 45 minutes, and was mostly taken up by two gentlemen, one from Armstrong Teasdale, and the other from Steifel Nicholas. Questions were asked by very few Alderman (three to be exact, Kelleher, Miguel, and Roby.)

The gist of the questions were ranging from Alderman Kelleher asking if anything in the package would be illegal or in-appropriate (he was assured there was nothing of that sort,) to Alderman Miguel asking if the City would be liable if any part of this defaulted (again, they said no.) In another question, Alderman Miguel asked if the City might do this another way other than the bonds. As I understood the gentleman who responded, he stated that the City had all ready committed to the project when it accepted the three districts, so it looks to be a done deal.

This meeting was an information only type, and the real work on this will no doubt start at the next two Aldermanic meetings where an ordinance will have to be created to sell the bonds, and a second reading will then take place at the following meeting.

Aside from the meeting, I am wondering why anyone would buy a bond that had no back up support? From what I gathered tonight if I bought the bonds, and Kohl's sold out or went out of business, and the City was not required to back up the bonds, what good would the bonds be? I think there is much more we need to learn about this before I am going to be happy! I don't know if the bond holders would be able to place a lien on my property to insure the payment or not, but where is the guarantee?

I suppose that the underwriters (read insurance company's,) would take the initial hit, but would they then look to the City, and the citizens to recover their losses?

These are just some of the questions that must be addressed as far as I am concerned!

Tom Ford


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Congratulations to the "Crestwood Political", and the Crestwood Independent!

Today we received the greatest complement possible from the Suncrest Call! What could that be you say? Well the latest edition of the Call has a editorial by Mr. Burke Wasson who states he has reviewed both blog's, and views them as "reminiscent of a witch hunt"!

He asks the question "are they really worth mentioning as a public comment during a BOA meeting"? He further states that we should "lighten up, their just blog's.

Why is this of interest to us? Well, can it be that Messrs. Wasson, Et Al feel marginalised by the fact that the "blog's" are daily, and they are weekly? Why else would they feel the need to tell people to"take Robinson's advice, and stop reading them"?

Burke, if you really want to know what's going on in Crestwood, call me, or Tim Trueblood, and we will do our best to bring you up to speed. Thank you for your kind remarks about the Crestwood Independent, and remember, "Most of the news, with none of the paper", the rest I leave up to you.

Tom Ford


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This "blog" what it is, and what it will not be!

It is sad that I should be forced to place this topic on a main header, but the way things are going in the threads, this sort of posting is no longer acceptable to me!

Day in and day out I read the threads posted under the topic's, and lately some of the vicious, hateful, innuendo placed there has become more than anyone should be forced to read.

What to do about it? Well from now on if you wish to insult, make fun of, or otherwise denigrate our Mayor, B.O.A., Police officer, fireman, paramedic or anyone now serving the city without placing your name (your real name, I'll check it) on the post, it will be gone that evening! Save your manicure, it will not stay on this blog! You can try Tim Trueblood's blog, but he won't post it either!

I have said it many times before, were all educated adults here (aren't we,) and adults do not need to sink to the three year old level of "he said, she said"! Many of you think I am fed the City information on a regular basis, your wrong! I do what every "cub reporter" does, I call people, I ask the right questions, and I back up call to make sure it's correct, or as I have, I list it as a rumor. If you want to get the same information that I do, call around, could be that you too will "be in the know".

I will not be removing posts that have a legitimate question or concern about Crestwood, nor will I remove posts that question certain officials votes, ideas, or comments. The political landscape of Crestwood is what it is, however there is no room for what has been seen lately.

I am sure that this will generate several posts about how "immature" I am, or the old "croney" stand by some have used, but this is the way it's going to be from now on! If you want to change it, stop by the house with $125.00 in cash, I will give you the site key, password, and you will be the blogger, I will retire!

I hope all (well most,) of you will join me in talking about Crestwood here on this blog, minus the Bravo Sierra.

Tom Ford


Sunday, May 14, 2006

BOA work session scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 2006 @ 6:00 PM

Mr Tom Ford:

A Board work session is scheduled for Thurs May 18 at 6 pm in the Board Chambers to discuss the issuance of bonds for the Kohl's project. The public is invited.

Folks this is an excellent way for you to observe the decision making process, and to meet the new Board if you haven't already. Will you please join your friends and neighbors at the meeting?

Tom Ford

No. 145

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Retired employee may be moving to another job, new police chief named!

In what may turn out to be a scoop of our local press, the Crestwood Independent has learned that one of our prior employees has, or will accept the position of City Administrator for the City of Fairview Heights, Illinois!

While this comes from a very good source, it is not completely vetted as of this writing, so I bring it to you as a rumor (a darn good one,) but never the less a rumor. If this, as I suspect turns out to be true, please join me in wishing our former employee "God speed, and good luck"!

Also we have learned that our new police chief has been named as of last week, as a news release was issued by the city. Please join me in welcoming Chief Mike Paillou to the position! Chief paillou brings a great deal of knowledge to the job, having started in Crestwood in 1983, and will be a great asset to Crestwood.

Tom Ford


Friday, May 12, 2006

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well were going to try Mothers Day again as we are a bit closer to the day then we were before! Please click on the header for your card Mom's!

Tom Ford


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

As an old Sonny and Cher song lyrics once said "The beat goes on"!

Folks it seems that some of our residents (as the old saw has it,) "went to the fights last night, and an Aldermanic meeting broke out"!

It would seem that a 4-4 tie once again reared it's ugly head when it came to vote for the president of the BOA. Well we have seen this before (last meeting,) so what's the problem? Ah, well it also seems that a concerned citizen came forth to the lecturn to nominate another Alderman other than the two in nomination. This is said to have caused some consternation, and in fact some laughter from the audience.

Now, it is not clear as to who was laughing at whom, as there were two people up there at the time, but a least one of them was not happy, and let his feelings be known to a couple on the floor. This caused one of the two on the floor to rise to challenge the one who felt "dissed", and apparently caused Mayor Robinson to call a halt to the squabble!

All that said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant" (the Call,) and fill it's pages with more negative thoughts about Crestwood. The post of Alderman requires some civility, as well as respect for the views of others as well.

I look to Mr. Pickel to show the leadership needed in Ward Two to call a halt to this petty bickering, and move Crestwood forward!

Congratulations to MR. Jerry Miguel on his being elected to the position of Board president! May your term be one of prosperous times for Crestwood!

Tom Ford

No. 142

Sunday, May 07, 2006

From Ms. Clark, reference Mr. Trueblood!

It has recently come to my attention that what I say and how I say it and when I say it has become increasingly troublesome to Tim Trueblood. I say troublesome because I keep hearing things he is saying about what I've said or done. I hope I can clarify some of these issues to everyone's satisfaction.

Let us begin with: In March of 2005 Don and Faye Clark invited a group of people into their home and formed a group of citizens who were very concerned about the mishandling of public funds. TRUE

Mr. Patrick (Jim) Murphy was asked to be the advisor of this group because of his extensive and successful political experience. TRUE

When it became apparent the aldermen had no intention of dropping the building of the new police facility (although it had become public knowledge we did not have the money for it) we formed a petition to stop the leasing of Westfield for our police department until the new structure was done. TRUE

More than 1,000 signatures was received over what was needed. Had our aldermen done the right thing all this would not have been necessary. TRUE

There are indeed two Jim Murphys. One is Patrick (Jim) Murphy our Missouri State Representative and his son James William Murphy (Jim). TRUE

In December of 2005 one of the original members of the group filed for alderman. TRUE

In January 2006 a petition is taken out to prevent the Charter Commission from ending term limits. The people of Crestwood do indeed want term limits. TRUE

Those who supported or did not support Prop S did so with no connection to CCFFR. Each individual voted his/her conscience. TRUE

A complaint lodged again the group CCFFR is dismissed by the Missouri Ethics Commission because as I explained in an email to Mr. Trueblood, the Clarks visited the Election Board and were told that for what our intentions were, we DID NOT need to register the groups name. TRUE

on March 3rd, it was said that Mr. Patrick James Murphy of 9314 Cordova Lane, Crestwood, Mo 63126 phone no. 314-849-5932 files witht the Secretary of State by a fictitous name. Patrick James Murphy is the name on the birth certificate, a fictitous name? FALSE

Mailing address is not a business address. Any part of one's name is not a fictitous name. TRUE

The language of the ballot in August of 2002 was so confusing, most of Crestwood's citizens said they did not know what they voted for. I am included in the large group and most of us deeply resent having those who represent us make ballot language so difficult and misleading. TRUE

In an email from me to Tim Trueblood, I advised him to go to the Election Board and find out for himself the exact status of the CCFFR. We were there two weeks ago and saw that Mr. Trueblood had done as I advised as his signature was on the paperwork required to look at any document. TRUE

So many questions asking questions that have already been completely and honestly answered. It would make me wonder what this is trying to prove. No one could prove a group of honest concerned citizens are doing anything deceitful or hidden but rather are achieving quite a lot of good for Crestwood.

Trying to smear a well formed and very successful group of fellow citizen who were forced to take action because those they put in office failed to do what was necessary will never help further your political ambitions.

We can continue to play 20+ questions from now on. I do not have to justify that I didn't understand a very poorly worded ballot.

As for my own personal feelings, I tried very hard to give our alderman some credit for his efforts but feel I made a mistake. Two years ago people were begging for an alderman to be recalled and we said give him another chance. Perhaps we made a mistake. TRUE

Ada (Faye) Clark is this a fictitous name?

ps Mr. Frank Myers we should respect him enough to spell his name correctly

CCFFR (not CCFR) CCFR would be a fictitous name.

No. 141

The "DA Vinci code": what's all the fuss about?

Before you all think that I have turned into a heretic, or am knocking any church, or group of church's, I assure you I am not.

This film is going to stur up a hornets nest for sure, so I thought why not put it on the blog, and get some insight from our readers?

Pleas click on the header to be directed to the site, this is going to be one of those topics sure to garner thought provoking posts (and for my Masonic detractors, yes there were Mason back then also, Knights Templar.)

This should be a welcome change from politics, so enjoy!

Tom Ford


Saturday, May 06, 2006

On to Mothers Day: For all the Mom's in Crestwood, and wherever, ENJOY!

Please click on the header to be directed to your Mothers day card!

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

Tom Ford

No. 139

Thursday, May 04, 2006

CINCO De MAYO celebration at Los Margritas starting at 6:00 PM 5/5/06

Please click on the header for an interactive card for the entire family! And if your not too busy, come meet with us at "LOS MARGRITAS" on Watson for a few laughs, and and witty banter.

Some of the CCFFR group will be there, can we get some swim club folks? Who knows this could be just the thing to bring us all together!

By the way, bring lot's of money, cause my family motto is, "When Ford eats and drinks, everybody eats and drinks! But when Ford pays, everyone pays!

Tom Ford

N0. 138

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Some ideas on how to lead a better life, makes sense to me!

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: R espect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

From a post by a friend.

No. 137

A work session is on tap for 9:00 Am, room 105, Whitecliff Park, on 5/6/06. Click for further!

Please click on the banner to be directed to the City Web site information regarding the Work session on May 6, 2006.

Please attend if you can, as it will be very informative I am sure.

Tom Ford

No. 136