Thursday, August 30, 2007

Missouri ethics commission web site

Time and time again I read on the blog how terrible certain City officials are. About the only thing I haven't seen yet is one of them accused of taking the Lindbergh baby!

If you really believe it's that awful here, I have just made things easy for you!

If you click on the header you will see a Missouri ethics complaint form. Please fill it out, sign your name, and send it in! Simple, you bet, and you can say you did something about the "problem?"

Only one thing my friends, be very sure your right when you do it!

Tom Ford

NO. 379

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Can Crestwood afford a "high draw store?"

Click on the header to see what Cabela's wants to move into an area! I guess I will be still going to the local fishing tackle department at the Mall (if it remains.)

Tom Ford

NO. 378

BOA meeting agenda for 8/28/07.

Please click on the header to be directed to the agenda. Note that public comments will be heard reference the RDP, and Crestwood Plaza.

Tom Ford

NO. 377

Friday, August 24, 2007

Great news story in the South County Times reference the Mall.

Please click on the header to be directed to a story in today's paper about the Mall. One thing disturbs me though, should we be telling prospective developers that the "farm keys" are on the table? I was taught that to negotiate you had to have a "hole card" to play, and here it Say's we may be offering TIF,TDD,CID,, and, dare I say it the dreaded eminent domain!

I thought we weren't going to use that in Crestwood, what happened?

Tom Ford

NO. 376

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Sunshine law, and the 8-21-07 meeting!

One simple question, was the sunshine law violated by the BOA, and more importantly the City Attorney at last nights "open" meeting?"

At last nights meeting a Crestwood Citizen asked Board President Roby for a copy of the items pertaining to the PGAV proposal on the plaza. Mr. Roby asked Mr Golterman if that was OK, and I am told Mr. Golterman said NO! Now, once the paperwork is on the floor, is that not public information? I think it is, and as such should have been allowed to be seen!

Remember folk's this is OUR tax money being spent by the the City fathers, and as such, I believe we have a perfect right to know how it's being spent! Mr. Golterman should have known that a simple FOIA form being filed will get us the information we want, and if he didn't, well I will be filing said form ASAP, so now he has the "heads up" to file an injunction against it.

While I am at it, I will also be asking for a copy of the "agreement, contract" between the City, and PGAV reference the latest expenses ($1400.00) for giving the report last night.

NEW INFORMATION JUST IN! I am now told that the attorney who advise our citizen that she could not have the packet was from a law firm at the meeting, and not Mr. Rob Golterman! This information came from the citizen who asked the question herself, and not from my source (who apparently was wrong!) I respectfully regret the error!

Tom Ford

NO. 375

Monday, August 20, 2007

There is a change in the special meeting format, please read.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a change in the format of the session set for 7/21/07. I reported that the web site for the City said we could make comments reference the PGAV, RFD proposals that will be heard at the meeting.

The new format will allow comments only on the tax, and restaurant issues, but not the RFD as stated on the City's memo.

If you were planning to come before the Board on that subject, please table it until the 8/28/07 meeting, when we will have a chance to air our ideas.

That said, it should be interesting to hear what Mr. Robert Klar(Armstrong Teasdale,)has to say about this one! I am sure most of you remember Mr. Klar from the Kohl's, pool deal, so why not show up and see what he has in mind this time!

Tom Ford


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Executive session of the BOA set for 8/21/07 at 6:00 PM.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the City notice of a special session for the purpose of taxes, and development proposals for the Crestwood Plaza ground.

This is our chance to voice our opinion's as to what should go there, so please attend, and ye shall be heard!

Tom Ford

NO. 374

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The final, and definitive meeting on the "tanks!" at City Hall today!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been to a meeting with Mr. Jim Eckridge (Crestwood City Engineer) today for the sole purpose of finding out for once and for all if the "tanks" are still there, or not!

Mr. Don Clark and I went through two file boxes of documents reference the removal, or remediation of the old tanks, and from what we can tell, they have been removed, or filled to EPA standards. At one point the City was in violation of the MODNR rules that provide for the remediation of under ground storage tanks, but that was at the City shed on Sessions St. and not at City Hall (and that was completed also.)

While we were there we also attempted to find out about the Kohl's property and the Asbestos, and tank removal at that site. It seems that the tanks also were removed, or filled to MODNR standards, but we could find no documentation that the asbestos from the bank building (was there any?) was properly removed, and disposed of. If The Bank bldg. had a boiler, and chiller system, that would have all but assured, that given it's age would have used asbestos as an insulator on the pipes. Perhaps one of our retired City engineer's can help us with that question.

Don is going to continue to follow this at the State level for us, but at this time (with the exception of the asbestos question) it looks as though we can put this to bed for once, and for all!

Tom Ford

NO. 373

Monday, August 13, 2007

Howard " Skip" Barthelmass, long time Kirkwood resident passes.

I received this from a friend today, very sad news indeed. "Skip" was a friend, and a gentleman in all respects. Jim said it best, " I lost a friend," and to that I would add, I shall miss him.

Tom Ford

NO. 372

For those of you who know him, I wanted to pass along the sad news of the passing
of Skip Barthelmass.

Skip was the salt of the earth. He died early this morning while assisting the
Kirkwood Police, Fire and Street Departments in cleaning up storm debris.

The funeral arrangements are as follows:

Visitation is Wednesday, August 15, from 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm at
Bopp Funeral Chapel
10610 Manchester, Kirkwood, MO 63122

The Memorial Service is Thursday, August 16 at 10:00 am
Kirkwood United Methodist Church
201 W. Adams, Kirkwood, MO 63122

Please pass this information on to anyone who may have known him and would like
to attend the visitation and funeral.

I lost a friend.

Jim Cox
Neighborhood Policing Officer
Kirkwood Police Department

August 14, 2007 BOA meeting cancelled!

Please click the header for details.

Also please see the Crestwood web site for details on the August 28, 2007 meeting for new tax rates.

Tom Ford

NO 371

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Say it ain't so! Crestwood Point TDD has negitive report form the Missouri auditor's office!

Well, Ms. Montee (an auditor from the State,) seems to feel that the "transfer" of property between the Rosebrook Realty and the City" was not properly handled. Furthermore Mr. Klarr admits that what happened isn't exactly what was told to the BOA. Please click on the header for the story.

Read it, and weep!

Tom Ford

NO. 370

Saturday, August 11, 2007

St. Louis Post Dispatch article on TDD,TIF,CID's!

Folk's please read this one (click on the header,) because "it's our money being tossed about here! Believe me, You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss your tax dollars goodbye!

Welfare for the developer! When does the "risk" part of being in business kick in for these people anyway?

Tom Ford


Friday, August 10, 2007

Westfield to sell malls, Crestwood up for grabs!

Please click on the header for the story. Well it looks like we may find ourselves a new owner in the future. By the way, there were two excellent letters to the editor in the Times this week reference what to do with the property.

If you get a chance please read them.

Tom Ford


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Steve Foelsch needs our help! Can we do it? Yes we can!

Some of you may know or know of my brother, Steve Foelsch. Steve has quadriplegia as a result of an accident and uses a wheelchair to get to work and family events. Recently, Steve's 1987 van with wheelchair lift was stolen and never recovered. Because the van was old, there is not much insurance money available to replace it. Steve's family & friends are hosting a benefit to raise the money to buy a new van and to have it modified to make it accessible for Steve.

We are inviting you to participate in this fund-raiser at whatever level works for you. If you are unable to attend the fund-raiser on August 10, but still want to contribute in some way, please feel free to contact me by email: or by phone: 314-963-4498. (If you are unable to open the attachment, please let me know and I will be happy to mail a hard copy to you.

In addition to contributions, we are also in need of items to be included in the silent auction and raffles. If you have such an item to donate or if you have any suggestions about businesses who might be willing to donate, please let me know. (A copy of the donation letter is attached.)

We would really appreciate it if you would share this email with as many family members and friends so that we may reach our goal of buying Steve a new, wheelchair accessible van!



So, who is going to donate? How bout it Crestwood?
I issued a challenge a while back to match my $50.00 donation, and Crestwood citizens, we need your help here, so what say we all write a check for $50.00 to help Steve?

Tom Ford

NO. 367

Sunday, August 05, 2007

O'Fallon, MO. say's NO to a TIF / TDD / CID, and, well.......

Please click on the header for a story about some folks I believe we know intimately. If this is a sign of things to come, I vote we give NOTHING to anyone for anything in the future!

I don't know about you, but I am tired of paying for someone else to reap the benefits of my tax monies. Where does it stop my friends?

Tom Ford
NO. 366

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Crestwood Connections news letter!

Please click on the header to be directed to the web site. It looks as though some interesting things will be happening in town during the month of August.

Please plan to go to a few meetings this month and watch your elected government in action.

Tom Ford
NO. 365

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Folks there is a brand new blog in South County, and It's a 'HOOT!"

"South County Mike" has unleashed a few torpedo's on our friends the "paper!" The fact that he is willing to put this out there in writing, and that he includes personal stories, and case numbers leads me to believe this very well may be true!

Now I have no way of knowing if these are facts, so I will give you the link to his blog site, (click the header))and allow each of you to make your own mind up about Mike and the "paper."

I see that the "paper" has once again taken the Mayors remarks about Iran, and bombing out of context to fit their agendas (imagine that.) but what would I expect from these "reporters anyway?

If what Mike has to say is gospel, then I will tell you that the credibility, voracity, and moral compass of the "paper" has no standing with me what so ever!

To have the nerve to say that I posted a "raciest joke?" And not to link to them in the future is beyond comprehension! Why in the name of all that is holy would I even want to link to a group of that nature, why would anyone?

If I have failed to make myself clear in this post, please let me say that I find them without honor, and as such a stench in the nostrils of honest men!

Tom Ford
NO. 364