Friday, March 31, 2006

Reflections of a great President! Folk's, we need leadership, and we need it now!

Friday, January 20, 2006
One of my favorite quotes!!!!
Ladies, and gentlemen, I would like to give you the opportunity to re-read one of my favorite quote's! I have reflected on the race for Alderman in Ward Two for some time now, and I feel that this is an appropriate way to express my feelings.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".

-- Theodore Roosevelt

In past posts I have asked for your vote in Ward Two, and I shall do so now, for I feel that this City can, and will prosper again! We have seen the divisive political posturing of the five who seem to be more interested in the agenda of other's, than the agenda of Crestwood!

Well, I will promise you that I, as President Roosevelt said,"shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat", but rather in the "arena", and with the help of all of you, and the Lord's guidance, working to make a better Crestwood! I said that in January,2006, and I say it again now. We are almost at the end of this campaign, and I want to thank you for your kind consideration of my candidacy, and, I hope you will vote for me on Tuesday, April, 4, 2006!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 109

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Click here to see what PROP "S" will be used for.

Folks, prop "S" will not be used for anything but debt reduction. Please click on the header for resolution.

Elect Neider, Wallach, Roby, and Ford, and you will be guaranteed that's all it will be used for.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two

No. 108

To Crestwood residents, from the PROP "S" committee



Can we put the politics, personalities, and emotions aside for the sake of supporting efforts to move our city forward? Although it is obvious that most of us have the best interests of our city at heart, there are those who are hesitant to show support while our city is in trouble.


We have some of the best services a city can provide residents at one of the cheapest rates.
We received a tax cut in 1984.
We have had the luxury of this low tax rate due to retail sales tax revenue.
Sales revenues have declined over the past four years, for many reasons:
Pool City money costs us $910,000 annually
Internet sales
West County Mall
South County Mall
Gravois Bluffs
Kirkwood Commons
Shopping trends shifting away from the mall atmosphere
Cost of services has risen in the last 20 years. Look at your incomes and expenses.
Mistakes: Oh Yes!
Money spent too freely!
Legal expenses!
Lack of foresight
Corrective Action Taken:
New Mayor elected

Costs cut in the Street Program, Storm Water Program, and Capital Equipment

Employees cut, $500,000 worth.

Parks Department & Public Works reorganized to Dept. Of Public Services

17 people cut, staff reductions (Only one being a Department Head)

Police 5

Fire 3

Police building stopped and bonds defeased

New City Administrator hired, with credentials appropriate for our financial


Commercial Utility Tax Increase approved by voters

Commercial Licensing Fee Increase approved by voters

BOA starting to work as a team along with Mayor Robinson

November ballot issues were agreed upon

Unanimous vote on upcoming PROP S ballot issue

Unanimous vote on new City Administrator, Mr. Frank Myers

Support of Personnel issues

Seven candidates have stepped up to the plate to assume four Ward Aldermanic seats in April.

Ward 1: Darryl Wallach and Richard Bland

Ward 2: Tom Ford and Chris Pickel

Ward 3: Gregg Roby

Ward 4: Charlie Berry and Steve Nieder

Four Ward meetings were conducted to inform constituents about Ward business and to educate citizens on PROP S and show support.

A Town Hall Meeting held by Mayor Robinson and Frank Myers, City Administrator, addressed city issues and progress. The PROP S Committee was

invited to speak.

Work in Progress:

Redevelopment plans in Crestwood Mall

Villas at Grantwood under construction

Shop ‘n Save under construction

Las Margaritas Restaurant – just opened

Spectrum Retirement Center – Development Plan

Sappington Villas – almost complete

Sappington Square - Development Plan

These developments take time.

What Remains:

$2 million in debt

$1.5 million Line of Credit

City property held as collateral


It has been an active year. Yes, all of this has been done in less than one year.

Our current leaders are dealing with many problems of past administrations.


We got their attention, now we need to give them our support. The newly elected leaders, current leaders, and Mr. Myers need the tools to do the job we want. There has been enough finger pointing, it is time for positive action from us.

We need to pay off this debt. Attend BOA meetings, talk with our elected officials. VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION. If an official fails to perform we can vote them out just as we voted them in.

PROP S has a SEVEN-YEAR SUNSET. It is a $.20 additional tax on each $100.00 of assessed value of taxable residential, commercial and personal property. (If your home was appraised at $150,000, this increase would be approximately $57 per year or $4.75 per month additional tax on your residential property.) The ballot language states that this tax is to pay off the debt and build a cash flow. Our Mayor and City Attorney have verified numerous times that this tax will comply with the ballot language. Many residents still ask for guarantees. How can anyone do that? No one can see the future, but WE CAN VOTE the future.

The mistakes have already been made. Many corrective actions have already been taken. Let us show St. Louis what a community in trouble can do!

Let us put aside the politics, personalities and emotions, and continue up the road to recovery of Crestwood’s growth and prosperity.


Vote “YES” on PROP S

Char Braun

Citizens for PROP S Committee

No. 107

Monday, March 27, 2006

Per a request from a Reader, Westfield Center web site has been added to the links page!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have added the Westfield Center web site to the "Links" portion of this web site. I hope it helps you to "SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST"!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Folks, if your going to by an appliance, why not get an "energy star" model that will save you money!

It's no secret that some items will save you a lot of money in the long run, so please click on the header for a list of energy saving appliances, and building products.

Some of these item's may even qualify for an earned income tax credit in 2007, so why not take a look.

My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 105

Time for a little levity to ease the troubled soul at bit, this is from a friend in Texas. Hope you like it!

You have to be old enough to remember Abbott and Costello, and too old to REALLY understand computers, to fully appreciate this. For those of us who sometimes get flustered by our computers, please read on...

If Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today, their infamous sketch, "Who's on First?" might have turned out something like this:


ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: Thanks. I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.


COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou.

ABBOTT: Your computer?

COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.


COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou.

ABBOTT: What about Windows?

COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here?

ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows?

COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows?

ABBOTT: Wallpaper.

COSTELLO: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software.

ABBOTT: Software for Windows?

COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business. What do you have?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything?

ABBOTT: I just did.

COSTELLO: You just did what?

ABBOTT: Recommend something.

COSTELLO: You recommended something?


COSTELLO: For my office?


COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yes, for my office!

ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Windows.

COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need?


COSTELLO: What word?

ABBOTT: Word in Office.

COSTELLO: The only word in office is office.

ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows.

COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows?

ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue "W".

COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue "w" if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: That's right. What do you have?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: I need money to track my money?

ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer.

COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer?

ABBOTT: Yes. No extra charge.

COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?

ABBOTT: One copy.

COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money?

ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.

COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money?


(A few days later)

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off?

ABBOTT: Click on "START".............

My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two


New feature under "links"!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have added a new feature to the blog, that being your local, and National weather. If you wish to know (as best they can,) what to expect for tomorrow, just log on, and enjoy.

All of the "links" are active, and are there for you, so please log onto them.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Crestwood resident reflects on the "Blog", and the up-coming election!

I have been reading the blog for as long as its been in existence and quite frankly, I never even knew the word blog . However, it is a wonderful tool for people to voice their opinions. We need everybodys opinions if were ever going to be able to find solutions to all our problems. I find that I am like a whole lot of people who basically do not even like the word politics. One thing that greatly concerns me is that we have lawyers who want to become aldermen. I feel that in Crestwood we have had our share of incidents where lawyers have caused us a good deal of grief, either in becoming involved in lawsuits or charging us exorbitant fees for things weve not been privileged to know exactly what the fees were for. But of course, thats just my opinion. As a very educated man told me, lawyers dont write the laws, they only interrupt them. So when we get lawyers who want to become aldermen and find out that these lawyers have gone to college with each other or their wives and are great personal friends, how can they keep their interpretations objective? I also believe a lawyers job, if his firm has a healthy business, could not possible have time to do his aldermanic position justice. In reading Mayor Robertsons resignation, he admitted that these two jobs were too much to handle. And I agree. If we have a good, civic minded lawyer who really wants to help Crestwood, why not volunteer as City Attorney and save us all that money. Thats where a good lawyer would really be doing Crestwood a service.

The reason Im writing this is because as we get close to Election Day, Im concerned that many of our voters just might be voting for all the wrong reasons. We recently asked people why they had so and so's sign in their yard, and the replies were, We dont want to make anybody at church mad at us. I would think were voting aldermen in because of what they tell us they will do for Crestwood when they are sworn in. There are so many things that have happened in Crestwood since I moved here (7 years ago) I dont know how anyone can know the truth about everything. For awhile I was reading several hours a day five days a week just to catch up. I will tell you, its complicated but not impossible if youre as determined as I am. Im amazed at how much people dont know and if we dont know and dont care to find out, then we get exactly what we deserve.

Growing older has quite a few benefits. We have the time to dedicate to fact finding. We have seen mistakes and have seen how they could have been avoided. I agree that the mistakes of the past cannot necessarily be changed, but if they are not acknowledged and admitted to, how can things ever be changed. A good example of someone stepping up the plate was Tim Trueblood, who spoke (I am told) about past errors and in doing so earned every listener's respect.
I for one say Atta Boy, Tim.

And speaking of ATTA BOY, probably many of you know that this is one of McDonnell Douglas Aircrafts much repeated slogan. One awe shit wipes out a thousand Atta Boys.

And that expression brings to mind my dear friend Patrick Jim Murphy. Jim has worked tirelessly for the good of Crestwood. He was instrumental in helping the group that call ourselves Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility stop the leasing of Westfield while the ill fated 14.6 million police facility was going to be built. How did it ever happen that our then C/A and Board of aldermen did not figure out we couldnt possible have afforded this project - to say nothing of not having the need for such an elaborate building. So how easily were our aldermen led by the garden path? And still some of them Still Will Not Admit to being part of it. So if the Alderman still left on the board after April 4th continue to think they are not guilty, what would make them do anything different after the election? So come on people, lets give Jim credit for all his many Atta Boys!

Thank God, next Tuesday, the 4th, we as a free people can go to the polls and vote any way we want. Im just going to be thankful I have the right to do that. In Ward 1, I know my man can do the best job for us because he helped stop the new 14.6 million police facility and he caught the errors being made in the budget, so Darryl has already proven himself to me.

So my hope is, we'll bring down the good old boys club and have people with the courage of their convictions become our new aldermen. Please use your consciences to vote for men who are qualified. Not those who have buddies at church or the swimmin hole. Also, please put your opinions on the blog. Nobodys going to bite you if you say something they dont agree with. For Heaven sake, dont be ashamed to sign your name to what you believe in. If you are going to put something on that you are ashamed of, it's probably your good common sense telling you not to do it in the first place.

Think about it, Pray about it, and finally Vote about it. Thank you,

Faye Clark
A Crestwood Citizen for Fiscal Responsibility

No. 102

Ladies and Gentlemen, 101 posts! Wow, I think this "Blog" is serving it's purpose!

Well, I have asked all the questions, and fielded as many questions (reference the up-coming election,) that I feel were necessary to get the information about the candidates to the voting public.

It therefore occurs to me that by now we all know where I stand. I feel, that from now until the election you should all examine the record, and vote for the person of your choice. To help facilitate your reflection I shall refrain from posting anything related to me or my opponent, and let you make the choice. Please join your neighbors, and friends at the polls on Tuesday, April 4th. And VOTE!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Friday, March 24, 2006

A request of Mr. Chris Pickel. Will you have the courage of your convictions to grant an interview to the Call?

Chris, you can hide in the tall grass if you wish, but I am challenging you to grant an interview to the Suncrest Call newspaper, specifically to Mr. Burke Wasson, the gentleman to whom I gave an interview. I know that you will find Mr. Wasson to be "fair, and balanced", and this will give you a venue to respond to the many questions on the "Blog", reference your views.

I have responded to Mr. Wasson, and you should call him for an interview as well, if your serious about this race for Ward Two! Would you not agree that the good citizens of Ward Two deserve no less?

Now if you think that this is in the bag for you, well go ahead, and say nothing, why would you? But, if you think that this is still a viable race, well then, tell us what your all about!

And by the way, let's see your signature on the interview, not the spin of your handlers.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tom Ford gives an interview to the Sun Crest call!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was asked for an interview by the "Call" on Saturday, March 18, 2006, and I did it. I did it because I feel that the voters in Ward two deserve to know as much about my feelings, and belief's as possible so that they may make an informed decision in April.

The interview was conducted by Mr. Burke Wasson, of the Call. I can tell you that he was very professional, and that he reported what I said with no deviations from my word's. In other word's it was fair and accurate, and I applaud him for it.

That said, would my worthy opponent, Mr. Pickel do the same? Will he cal Mr. Wasson, and answer his questions, as I have? Furthermore, will he be willing to give us his reasoning for seconding the motion to grant a C.U.P. to the "swim club", and then voting for it while a member of the Planning & zoning board, and a full fledged member of The "swim club"?

Chris, you have managed to dodge all the questions regarding that very important vote of yours, while you have had your supporters question my "conflict of interest", and I think it's time for that to end.

You see Chris, your supporters have inferred that I would support my Son, ET AL, and that I have a definite "conflict of interest", and yet you have demonstrated what you would (and did,) do when it came to your "special interests", you sided with Mr. Kelleher, and the "swim club" when the right thing would have been to recuse yourself. But you didn't do that, did you? No, you did not! You chose to follow the pack, and vote for it!

Well, my friend, you chose your side, you followed your leader, and I guess that's ok, but right now Crestwood needs a leader, not a follower!

I hope you have the courage of your convictions to grant Mr. Wasson an interview, as Ward Two would like to know just where you stand!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Homestead tax act for Missouri

For those of who qualify, this will take care of your extra .20 cent tax incresase, so please file for it, you earned it!

Please click in the header to be directed to this site.

The Homestead Preservation Credit gives qualified senior citizens and 100 percent disabled individuals a credit on their real estate property tax if those taxes increase 2.5 percent in a non-reassessment year or 5 percent in a reassessment year. The credit would be for the amount that exceeds the 2.5 or 5 percent increase in taxes. The act requires a legislative appropriation to fund the credit. If the funding is less than 100 percent, the credit will be a flat statewide percentage based on the appropriation amount. This credit will be applied against the taxes for the following year. Click here for the Homestead Preservation Credit Qualification Chart.

The Missouri Department of Revenue administers two real estate tax assistance programs, the Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim and the Homestead Preservation Credit. You can only receive one of the credits. You should determine which tax credit program is more beneficial to you before you file for either credit.

Homestead Preservation Credit Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Form HPC
Form HPC Instructions
Mailing Addresses/Phone Numbers
Email Us!

Office Locations · Privacy Policy · Media Center · State Home Page
©2006 Missouri Department of Revenue. All rights reserved.


A letter from Charles E. Berry, Ward Four candidate for B.O.A.

As a Candidate for Alderman in the 4th Ward of the City of Crestwood, I want to congratulate those Aldermen and Candidates who have endorsed and who are affirming their endorsement by actively supporting Proposition S.
Crestwood is currently undergoing a period in its history which will determine whether it is to remain a truly great and wonderful city or simply fall by the wayside and endure the deterioration that has affected so many of our nation’s cities. I want to be part of the governmental organization and administration which will move the city forward to new heights.
My background in education as a special education teacher provides me with the ability to clearly inform the citizens of Ward 4 regarding the important decisions being considered by the Board of Aldermen. My education and training as a trial attorney allows me to clearly identify the issues which are most important in the city’s decision making process. My service experience as a Combat Officer confirms my willingness to take a position and hold it.
It has been said that all politics are local. That is true. It has also been said, and I firmly believe, that democracy is a participatory exercise. Therefore, I want to congratulate my opponent in this aldermanic race, Mr. Neider, for coming forth and offering himself as a Candidate in this race.
I believe all of the aldermanic races, as we determine the general make up of the next Board of Aldermen, will determine the direction that our wonderful city is going to take.
I would like to thank the individuals who run this website for an opportunity to speak to the citizens.

Charles E. Berry
Candidate for Alderman, Ward 4


Sunday, March 19, 2006

A call for "volunteers" in Crestwood, or what can you do to help your City?

Ladies, and Gentlemen, I know that we have a "brain trust" in Crestwood that is not currently being used! I am asking each of you to examine your background, and tell the Board where you can be of assistance!

It has been stated that we should have known what the new "Police facility" would cost more than we could afford, and that's true. However wouldn't it have been great to have a "retired Architect" available to oversee the plans? How about an "H.V.A.C. person" looking over the load calculations, or a "retired Electrician" giving the City their expertise at no charge, and I am sure there is a "Retired Plumbing contractor", who is willing to lend his expertise!

Folk's, we can save this City a lot of money by stepping up, and offering your services to Crestwood!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Blogger, Ms. Jacqueline Stock offers help in finding City information

Sometime ago I ( J. STOCK ) sent an article to the BLOG recommending the
requirement of "signatures and NOT allowing "anonymous" articles. As mature
people, it is unbelievable how many adults
make statements which are not correct! On March 17, 06 at 6:50p someone
wrote "......He dismissed volunteers who had served for years...And replaced them.."
WHAT.... Did you NOT check the MUNICIPAL CODE BOOK....which reads..
"___________Board is hereby created ......shall have ___members, who shall
BE APPOINTED by the Mayor and SHALL RUN CONCURRENTLY with the Mayor..". If you do not have time to go to the CITY HALL to read for yourself,
let me know through TOM FORD and I will provide you with copies of ANY
and ALL of the BOARDS, COMMITTEES and COMMISSIONS. When someone
makes a statement, they should have the backup to discuss their opinion.
These issues MUST be approached correctly and not be allowed to MISINFORM
the reader. Jacqueline Stock

No. 95

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ward two meeting 3/18/06! In a word, outstanding!

Ladies and gentlemen, like many of you I attended the Ward Two meeting at City hall today. I don't know about you, but I was impressed by the turn out, and the questions asked.

This is what Crestwood has needed for a long time now, and I will tell you that if I am elected, I will have one every quarter. I met many of the citizens from Ward Two, including my opponent, Mr. Chris Pickel, and his wife (I am sorry Linda could not attend, she is recovering from Breast cancer, and is still gaining her strength back,) and I was reminded of what I had said earlier on this blog. That being, we are two very different people, with two very different ideas, as to the direction Crestwood should take. That said however, I feel we both have the City of Crestwod's future as our most important goal. Getting there is where the difference comes in, so I would hope that you will ask both of us the questions that are important to you, and come April 4th. Come out and vote for the person of your choice.

I am impressed by Mr. Frank Meyers, and I fully believe that under his stewardship, the mayor and the BOA will finally receive the information they need to make intelligent decisions. I am old enough to have been in the Navy when Destroyers were still used to lay "smoke screens" for the attacking cruisers, and battleships. Over the past few years, that's just what we have seen here, "smoke screens", by those who, for whatever reason felt "we" didn't need to know!

That's all changed now with the election of mayor Robinson, and with your help, the BOA will have four new faces who are committed to watching your money, and not connected to the former folks who got us into this mess in the first place.

Now, in closing, I would ask all of you to join me in thanking Mr. Tim Trueblood for his service to crestwood, and wish him well as he moves from law maker to Grandpa (as he stated). Tim, we did not always agree, but never the less, you always stated you mind, and your feelings, and I applaud you for that! Happy "Retirement"

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 94

Friday, March 17, 2006

Communities open swimming pools to neighboring Cities!

Please click on the header to be directed to the Post Dispatch story.

What a wonderful idea, now the kids with friends from school, who live in another community will all have the chance to be together wherever they might live.

See there, common sense wins the day every time!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two

No. 93

Letter to the editor in the Times Newspaper.

Folks, just click on the header to be directed to he "letters" section of the Times.

I thank the writer for her clarity, and for her belief in "fiscal responsibility".

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tom Ford picks up the endorsement of noted soprano, Sabrina D. Beagle

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pride that I announce the endorsement of that acclaimed artist, and Diva, Ms. Beagle!

As a devote of the arts, I am more than ecstatic that this legend would go so far as to recognize my ability's on the municipal scene! I am humbled by her support, and I promise to live up to her expectations!

"My name is tom Ford, and I want to be you Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Amazing! Almost 5,000 hit's on this blog in 5 1/2 weeks!

Not long ago I was told that "this Blog is a waste of time, only two or three people read it, and most of Crestwood (including my opponent)know nothing about it".

Well, in a short period of time we have seen my opponent start up his own web site ( which he advertises on my blog,) and we have seen the average daily readership (on this site) climb to over 95 hit's per day! All this from a site that I put up last October for a total cost of $125.00. Now, I will admit that my site is boring, and lacking the pizazz that my opponent's site has, but, hey, at least you can respond to mine (you can't to his.)

I have noticed that some of my detractors have said that electing me would be a "conflict of interest", as my son is a serving police officer in Crestwood. I would guess that you are aware that three layers exist between the BOA, and any City employee (C/A, Mayor, department head,) and as such, any serving Alderman would have to convince all three to do his bidding (won't happen.) It has also been suggested that I would file a law suit against the City to force the City to seat me.

Well, first of all, I signed on to run for Alderman, to stop these idiotic law suits, so that will never happen! Second, if you would like to see, and read a classic case of "conflict of interest", I have it in my possession! Let us examine the P&Z board meeting of 3 July, 2001, when a motion was seconded by Mr. CHRIS PICKEL that a "conditional use permit" be granted for the "Crestwood Swim Club". After due discourse, the motion was voted on, and passed by a vote of 4-3, with the following votes recorded. Yea, Messrs,. Lewis, Kelleher, PICKEL,and,Green. Nay's, Boll, Kapsar, and Powers.

Now on the surface, so what? But is it not a fact that Messrs. PICKEL, and Kelleher were members of that club when they voted? And, if they were, why did they not rescues themselves from the vote? That, Ladies and Gentlemen is what "conflict of interest" is! When you do not "rescuse" yourself from a vote when you have an interest in it's outcome! Now, we find out that the "swim club" (in violation of the C.U.P., they were to have their own,)has been using the City trash dumpster, five months out of the year, (and filling it to the point that the City has a hard time using it.) Who gave them permission to do that, I wonder?, and are they paying for the trash service for those five months, I think not! If you want to cut "City expenses", that's a good start!

Ladies, and Gentlemen, Ward Two deserves to have "all the citizens represented", not just the chosen few who are on the "cocktail circuit", or those who would vote in "lock step" with another to benefit their own interests!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 90

Monday, March 13, 2006

Two people of the same family, one an elected official, the other employed?

I have been going over in my mind the remarks made on this blog
regarding Tom Ford's candidacy for Ward 2 alderman, specifically dealing with the fact
that his son is a Crestwood Police Officer. I cannot believe how low people
can go to make up things solely directed to discredit Mr. Ford on this blog.
Therefore, I will submit for your information the following:

The City Clerk was not in her office this week to inquire about the
aforementioned issue. Therefore, I contacted the now retired City Clerk, who has been
around for many, many elections until 3 years ago. She said:

There is nothing in the CITY CODE that says an elected official cannot
have a son or daughter working for the City of Crestwood as an employee. She
further explained that if an employee would have to surrender his/her job
because of a parent running for political office, that would be grounds for
discrimination under the State Law. Did you get all that?

The Civil Service Rules and Regulations which governs City employees states
that a person cannot be a supervisor over their relatives and work in the same
department. It says nothing about elected officials.

Years ago there was a situation where there were several brothers who worked
in the Public Works Department. That rule was placed in the regulations to
cover that situation and any other future situations that would occur.

I hope that this will bring this issue to a rest. It just goes to show you
how people will say things they don't know "squat" about, when they would be
better off keeping their mouths shut.

Just thought you would want to know. If this doesn't cover the controversy,
perhaps you can call The National Inquirer and give your version.

Sandy Grave


Saturday, March 11, 2006

In the spirit of St. Patrick's day, " A wee bit of humor for me Irish friends"

First, the disclaimer that this story is in no way intended to cast dispersions on anyone of Irish decent, or any other race, creed, religion or belief . Nor is it to be considered an insult to any person, or persons, living, or dead. It is only intended to bring a little levity to this site!

That said, on to the story:

Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, "I can't help but think, from listening to you, that you're from Ireland."

The other guy responds proudly,
"Yes, that I am!"

The first guy says, "So am I!
And where about from Ireland might you be?"

The other guy answers,
"I'm from Dublin , I am."

The first guy responds,
"Sure and begora, and so am I! And what street did you live on in Dublin ?"

The other guy says,
"A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central part of town."

The first guy says,
"Faith & it's a small world, so did I! So did I!!
And to what school would you have been going?"

The other guy answers,
"Well now, I went to St. Mary's of course."

The first guy gets really excited and says,
"And so did I. Tell me, what year did you graduate?"

The other guy answers,
"Well, now, let's see, I graduated in 1964."

The first guy exclaims,
"The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us!
I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar tonight.
Can you believe it, I graduated from St. Mary's in 1964 my own self."

About this time, Vicky walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer.

Brian, the bartender, walks over to Vicky, shaking his head & mutters,
"It's going to be a long night tonight!!!!"

Vicky asks, "Why do you say that, Brian?"

"The Shamus twins are drunk again."

No. 88

Friday, March 10, 2006

An open letter to the citizens of Crestwood from the Fire Fighters, Local 2665

IAFF Local 2665 proudly endorses
Tom Ford and Darryl Wallach.

Crestwood Citizens-

The Firefighters of the International Association of Firefighters Local 2665, are proud to endorse Tom Ford for Alderman in Ward II and Darryl Wallach for Alderman in Ward I.

Over the past 12 months, the financial problems and political unrest in Crestwood have drawn a tremendous amount of attention from Local 2665. The potential job losses threatened by the former city administration forced our organization into last April’s Mayoral race, and the ensuing tension amongst various Board members and the ongoing financial concerns have us again keenly interested in Crestwood this April.

Contrary to many people’s understanding of the events over previous year, IAFF Local 2665 approached last April’s election with the intention of working with the former administration to solve the problems facing Crestwood. Regrettably, we were not met with the same degree of collaborative spirit. The jobs of six Crestwood Fire Fighters were threatened, and the former Mayor rejected offers to sit down and work out the issues. As you know, our support eventually went the way of Mayor Robinson, and our members and most of Crestwood's good citizens have been extremely impressed with his performance thus far.

I have heard and read several comments implying that our endorsement of Mr. Ford and Mr. Wallach this year, and that of Mr. Robinson last year, were the handiwork of a Mr. Murphy, and that they are in some way attached to a quid pro quo between our organization and the candidates. While such insinuations are commonplace in this political climate, I find it necessary to respond to both allegations.

First, I have never met, never spoken to, nor could I pick out of a room of two people the aforementioned Mr. Murphy. The endorsements of Roy, Tom, and Darryl were based solely on the facts laid out before us, and were in no way influenced by anyone outside of our organization. Quite to the contrary, Mr. Murphy's attempts to gather personal financial information, addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers of my members in the Crestwood Fire Department in his misguided effort to campaign against Proposition S has made him one of the most maligned individuals I have come across recently. We took great exception to our member's careers being threatened last year, and we are taking similar exception to Mr. Murphy's attempts to drag them into his battle against Proposition S this year. Suffice it to say, Mr. Murphy had absolutely nothing to do with these endorsements.

Second, there have been no promises made by any candidate in an effort to secure our endorsement. Period. In Crestwood, we are seeking to support candidates who believe that the primary function of civic government is to provide essential services such as public safety to its citizens. We are seeking to support candidates who are committed to returning Crestwood to a state of fiscal solvency, and who are inclined to work with, not against, the current administration. There are serious concerns relating to your Fire Department that we do hope to one day address in this community. Regrettably, Crestwood’s Fire trucks are understaffed and do not consistently meet the basic minimum staffing guidelines set forth by NFPA 1710. Further, Crestwood's Fire Fighters are underpaid, and routinely rank in the bottom quartile of all Fire Departments in the region. In spite of both of these glaring issues, there has been no attempt on our part to persuade any candidate to commit to addressing these major problems within the time frame. Our primary interests this April are to insure that Crestwood continues on a path towards financial security, and hopefully to restore a degree of civility to City Hall and the Board of Aldermen.

The reasons for our support of Tom Ford and Darryl Wallach are simple. Without sound financial management of the city's resources, the citizens of Crestwood will lose the most valuable services that they have, the services responsible for their safety. Crestwood needs desperately to pass Proposition S, and to elect a Board of Aldermen that will work with Mayor Robinson to pay off the City's debt and set Crestwood on a sound financial footing. Crestwood deserves an end to the hostility that has marked local politics in recent years, and Crestwood's citizens should expect their elected officials to work together to insure that your Fire Department is as good as it can possibly be.

Darryl Wallach and Tom Ford are the kind of representatives that the good people of Crestwood deserve. IAFF Local 2665 is proud to endorse individuals of such caliber, and I strongly encourage all voters to elect Ford and Wallach to the Board of Aldermen on April 4th, and to Vote Yes on Proposition S.


Kurt Becker
4th District Vice President
Professional Fire Fighters of Eastern Missouri
IAFF Local 2665
314.393.9760, Mobile


C/A Myers gives a great interview!

Please click on the header to be directed to Mr. Myers article in the Times! I think this gentleman has the right idea's for Crestwood, and his optimism is just what we need to move forward.

I have been reading some of the "Anonymous" posts, and have to tell you, I am impressed! Someone has a great sense of humor, and that's just what we need right now during this "silly season".

Just remember folks this is all business, not personal, so please let's not get ourselves into a tizzy, as we will all need to work side by side when the election is over if we are to remedy the cities problems.

In response to the blogger who was worried that I am shutting down the blog, nope, not going to happen. I must tell you that no matter who started this thing, I would still participate. This blog has given many of our citizens a chance to post their views, and it seems to be a wonderful vehicle for all of us to speak their minds. So with that in mind,

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two

No. 86

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The "political season in Crestwood"

Ladies and Gentlemen, This being the political season we will hear all sorts of things, from all sorts of people. I would hope that at least the truth will win out at the end of this.

I have given long and hard thought to this, and I know that those aligned with my opponent have passionate feelings about him, and I trust my supporters do as well. We must all remember, we are all in this for one reason, and that is the betterment of Crestwood!

I have said it before on this blog, and I will say it again here. We have two very different people, with two very different plans (I guess, we haven't heard his yet)to move Crestwood forward, and to return from the wrack and ruin of the previous administration's who have placed us in the mess we find ourselves in now.

I know that my worthy opponent is a very learned man, of good character, and with a fine family, and a very good career ahead of him. He has all the credentials, as well as a resume which, on the surface would point toward him as a great candidate. However, let's explore this a bit, if the pre-requisite for an Alderman is "formal education", then why is it that we are in deep trouble now, as most all on the board have at least a B.S. degree, and some have a Doctorate degree? The one thing that may be lacking on the board is "common sense", why do we spend funds that we do not have? Why do we let our real reason for being a city (police, fire, public works) go by the wayside, when in fact that's the only reason for Crestwood to exist?

Folks, this should not be an election where good people are chided for their feelings, but one that brings forth the greatness of the resources of our community, and, as such, moves us ahead!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward two


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Candidate Tom Ford lists what he stands for.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked what I stand for, so I decided to place that list on the blog for all to see. I hope we will see the same from my worthy opponent.

 Complete Fiscal Responsibility to the Crestwood Citizens!
 Accurate Accounting of where the funds are being spent, and why!
 End the “Borrow and Spend” Government of the past 3 administrations!
 Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments fully manned and ready to serve Crestwood!
A Ward II Representative who will not make you wait for answers to your questions and concerns.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Crestwood News, from the Times!

Please click on the headline to be directed to the stories!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Candidate Tom Ford is endorsed by the Professional Fire Fighters Of Eastern Missouri I.A.F.F., Local 2665!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very proud to inform you that I have received the endorsement of Local 2665, as well as the Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters, for the office of Alderman, Ward two, Crestwood!

I can assure you that of all the endorsement's that a candidate could receive, this, to me, is the most inspiring! Why, you ask? Well, I have been in law enforcement, and I know what it means to have the backing of your "peers".

The Fire Fighters, as all "first responders" know that they must be able to trust the person next to them with their safety,as well as their life, and they must be able to count on them to do the job when called upon. You might say that this is a "Band of Brothers (and Sisters)."

I am extremely gratified that they have seen fit to endorse me for Alderman, Ward two, and I promise all the citizens of Ward Two, that I will not betray that trust!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Proposition "S", who is for it, and who is sitting on the "fence"?

Ladies and Gentlemen, a while back I stated that I am for "prop. S", and I still am (with the right people watching the budget). I have now heard that almost all of the sitting Alderman, the Mayor, and the candidates are for it also!

Almost all you say?, why, who hasn't taken a position on it, you say? Well, I will tell you. It seems that my worthy opponent in Ward Two has declined the opportunity to make his decision, as he has not had the chance to meet with the voters in Ward Two, to see how they feel about it (paraphrased).

Now that's the correct position to take if your in marketing , where you call for a "focus group", and then have a committee decide which way you should move, but, I see it as a lack of leadership in a time when Crestwood needs just that!

If, as I do, you believe we need positive leadership in Ward Two, why not ask him via E-mail, or his home phone number why he is waiting for his answer to come from someone else? You have mine all over this Blog, and I think it's time for him to take a stand as well.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Anonymous reader gave us a great site for local taxes!

First please allow me to thank the blogger who posted this site. If you would please click on the header you will be directed to it.

This will give all of us the information as to where the property taxes stand in communities like Crestwood, and I think that when you look at it, you will agree with the blogger, and I, that we have a very good deal right here in Crestwood, even with "Prop. S" Passing.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Why do we still send over $900,000.00 of our tax money to other communities?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked many times here, and on the street, "what are you going to do to bring our funds back into the black"? A very good question, and one that will be discussed, and re-discussed for some time to come. As we all know, we have funds "borrowing" from each other to pay their debt's. Now all things considered, on the surface that seems to be a great idea (borrow this to pay that), but in reality it's a major problem, as the pay back never seems to happen.

Now we would have the funds to do that if it were not for two small problems, 1. Sales tax revenues have been declining since 1999 (about 4% per year), and 2. We have been sending over $900,000.00 per year to other "Communities" to help fund their operations. If you recall there was an article by the mayor of Fenton not long ago outlining this debacle, as his City is also among those who are sending away their tax monies to places who are doing better than we are! (click on the header for the story).

How, you ask did this idiotic idea sprout wings? Well it seems that the County under Mr. Buzz Westfall needed some help in making sure that all of it's Cities were "fairly treated", and no one community had more than it's "fair share" of tax dollars, just because they happened to have a shopping center, or higher end stores (sounds like the teachings of Lenin to me).

The legislature in Jefferson City agreed, as did our Mayor at the time, and, well here we are, short our tax monies that would go a long way to get us out of the hole were in!

In my humble opinion, I feel we should band with the other communities who are plagued with this un-fair "re-distribution of wealth", and get this repealed, so we can take care of ourselves!

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two


Friday, March 03, 2006

"To sign, or not to sign, that is the question", (to paraphrase William Shakespeare)

Well that should get the "Bard" spinning in his grave! It seems that we have all (including me), gotten into a tizzy over whether to sign your name to your post or not.

I have been giving it much thought lately, and for the life of me, I can't see what difference it makes! This "Blog" was formed to give all the citizens of Crestwood a chance to remark about current events in town, as well as recipe's, your kid's coming home ETC.

Since December of 2005 we have been in what's known loosely as the "political season" (you may have noticed that the mast head changed to reflect that on 12/20/05, as that was the date that I filed for Alderman, Ward Two). Although were in the race hot and heavy now, we must never loose sight of this forum's original intent! When I started this blog I felt that is was a way for all of us (with a computer) to put their two cents in, and I still feel that way.

As far as Tom Ford is concerned, you may sign your name if you feel strongly about your statement, or just go with anonymous if you have a point to make, but do not wish for your name to made public. Now I hope this puts this signature thing to rest for once and all, as we all have to work together to solve Crestwood's problems, and we must do it now!

I have offered this site to ALL of the Aldermen in Crestwood, both incumbent, and candidate as a forum to put forth their ideas for a better Crestwood, but we have only had one taker (Mr. Wallach). I once again ask them to place their remarks on the blog as we all can, and do benefit from different idea's.

I have been asked how "I" plan to do this and that on this forum, and I have responded to most if not all of the questions so far. While picking up some wind screen time today, I reflected on the old adage, "there is no "I" in team", and that's the answer to all of the "what will I do questions", it's what will the "team" (all of us working together, or at least giving suggestions) do to bring back Crestwood?

Ladies and gentlemen, I alone do not have all the answers, but collectively "we" as a team (all of Crestwood) do, and I would love to be part of that "team", representing Ward Two, and working to make it happen.

"My name is Tom Ford, and I want to be your Alderman from Ward Two"

Tom Ford
Ward Two
